The best boy on campus

Chapter 758 Killing Machines!

The fight inside is in full swing, it is indeed Yang Lin who is fighting the mountain bear, everything is as Liu Boyang guessed, when the mountain bear jumped out of the car, Yang Lin saw it at a glance with his sharp eyesight, jumped down with him, and chased him all the way to here. ()

Shanxiong didn't expect Yang Lin to be so difficult to deal with, he could still stand up after resisting his punches, and the punches became more and more fierce!When the two fought against each other, at first the mountain bear had the upper hand, but now it has gradually lost its strength, and was crushed to death by Yang Lin. Yang Lin is the most experienced in dealing with this kind of reckless man, so let him dissipate all his strength first , how to clean up in the future, is it up to your mood?

From now until now, Yang Lin had n chances to kill the mountain bear, but he didn't want to do that. If he could capture it alive, he would of course capture it alive. This is his chance to find out who is behind the scenes.

The mountain bear struggled more and more, it was unimaginable that with his brute strength, he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, panting heavily, and roared like a tank, crashing into Yang Lin, Yang Lin kicked on the wall, with the help of The force of the rebound kicked back, Shanxiong embraced him with both hands, trying to break his leg, but Yang Linxuan had already whipped his ear hard with the other kick, Shanxiong let out a scream, and could only cover his bleeding The ears staggered back, the ears buzzed, and the brain shook!

To deal with brute force and stupid bears, their ears, nose and eyes are always their key points. No matter how hard they train their muscles and bones, it is impossible to train all the five sense organs into muscles. Waiting for bad luck!

The mountain bear was devastated one after another, it couldn't smirk anymore, its face was full of ferocity, it had already roared angrily for countless times, and hit everything with its head on Yang Lin's chest, he wanted to do his best, Yang Lin sneered , just wanted to use cleverness to defuse his aggressiveness, but I didn't expect Shanxiong to learn to behave this time, and actually made a fake move, taking advantage of Yang Lin's inattention, and suddenly turned around and fled backwards—don't really think that Shanxiong What a fool, he still knows how to run if he can't beat him!

Yang Lin's face darkened, and before he could catch up, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside Hei Gulong's alley, and a familiar figure rushed up and kicked Shan Xiong's neck. He grabbed the opponent's ankle, but the opponent kicked up in the air with the other foot, and performed a 360-degree somersault gracefully. The toe directly kicked Zhongshan Xiong's chin, causing him to fall back like a giant elephant. Liu Boyang is not over yet. After landing, he didn't stop, kicked his back foot and stabbed up sharply, elbowed Zhongshan Xiong's belly, stepped on his body and kicked his face door, and the mountain bear crashed into the wall. After shaking his head and waking up, he touched his nose and got blood!

"Brother Yang, don't kill him yet! There are some things we need to ask clearly!" Yang Lin stopped in time and wanted to rush up and kill Liu Boyang directly, and persuaded in a deep voice. ()

The hostility in Liu Boyang's eyes dissipated a little, and Yang Lin's was justified, not to mention that if he was killed like this, it would be too cheap for him!

"Big Stupid Bear, I'll give you a chance. If someone sends you here, you'll die comfortably!" Yang Lin said lightly.He still didn't know that Long Tianyang and Li Wanhao had been seriously injured in the big explosion just now, otherwise they wouldn't be as calm as they are now.

"Hmph! Dreaming!" Shanxiong snorted with a sneer, stood up against the wall, and yanked off his coat, revealing his full body, shaking his arms, and came up, swallowing blood.

"You don't cry when you see the coffin!" Yang Lin narrowed his eyes and said.

The huge figure rushed over again, Liu Boyang and Yang Lin dodged left and right, the two brothers hadn't fought side by side for many years, if one person, this big stupid bear, couldn't deal with it, but if he dared to come up with two people, then he was just looking for death, there was no suspense Yes, the mountain bear was kicked out again, Yang Lin was really furious this time, he had already wasted a lot of time on this guy, he couldn't delay, he would only know the pain if he was tortured, so he rushed up Grabbing Shan Xiong's ear, Liu Boyang suddenly yelled: "Move quickly, my second child!!"

Yang Lin was stunned for a moment, and quickly let go, only to see that the mountain bear opened its mouth, rolled its tongue, and a metal particle embedded under his tongue suddenly glowed with a silvery white luster, as long as he aimed at it and sprayed it, the pearl-sized The unknown particles will fly directly to Yang Lin's body!

But the moment he spit out, Liu Boyang's swift figure arrived, slashed on the mountain bear's neck with a hand knife, pressed his head and knocked it to the ground, with a muffled "Boom!", the mountain bear's mouth It exploded suddenly, and a ball of dazzling yellow light flashed in the darkness, and then the mountain bear lay down on the ground and stopped moving.

I don't know what kind of bomb it was. Although it didn't blow up the mountain bear's entire head, but its mouth was completely useless.

Although they successfully prevented the mountain bear from spitting out miniature bombs, Liu Boyang and Yang Lin were not at ease. Who on earth sent this guy to be so vicious, using bombs as the last move!

With lingering fear in his heart, Yang Lin said, "Brother Yang, fortunately you have sharp eyesight and quick hands, otherwise..."

Before he finished talking, Yang Lin suddenly opened his eyes wide. Like Liu Boyang, he kicked the guy who stood up against the wall, and the lower half of his face was blown to pieces. Not to mention how disgusting, but this guy can still stand up. Get up, like a zombie who does not go to hell, clench your fists and walk towards the two step by step!

The smell of blood was getting stronger, this was the first time Liu Boyang and Yang Lin felt terrified when they joined forces, this guy in front of him was no longer a human being, he was a killing machine that dragged people to hell when they were dying!

As he approached step by step, Liu Boyang and Yang Lin retreated cautiously. No one knew what this guy would do, but just as a new round of bloody battle was about to start, Cui Guodong from outside the alley suddenly rushed in, and at this moment he was moving. The slow mountain bear is a living target in his eyes!

Cui Guodong shot lightning, jumped up and slammed a steel bar into the mountain bear's neck, stabbing the mountain bear down, blood ran wild!

Yang Lin and Liu Boyang were shocked, and then recovered from the tension just now. At the critical moment, the sixth child is still very powerful!

"Damn it! I'd like to see who this guy is, to have caused me so much misery!" Cui Guodong cursed bitterly, turned Shan Xiong's shoulders, and took advantage of the thin moonlight to take his fancy. Face!

The frightened Cui Guodong uttered a scream of "ah", stumbled back, and looked at Yang Lin and Liu Boyang in shock!

Liu Boyang and Yang Lin also had wry smiles on their faces, expressing that they were puzzled, but this big guy's obsession with killing people is really too strong, and he will bring others with him when he dies.

"It seems that the people who are going to deal with us this time are not ordinary people, they would rather die together!" Liu Boyang said in a deep voice.

"Brother Yang, why are you here? Where are Lao Li and Tianyang?" Yang Lin asked.

Liu Boyang looked sad: "It's a long story, the two of them have already..."

"Could something have happened in the explosion just now?" Yang Lin just remembered something, and felt a little scared for a moment.

Liu Boyang didn't comment, "Don't ask now! Hurry up and go to the honeymoon paradise! If I'm not wrong, the old cat and tiger are in big trouble now!"

The best boy on campus

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