The best boy on campus

Chapter 777 Shibei Hospital?

He Bin finally made his words clear, Guo Xiaotian's expression changed suddenly, and he said nervously: "He Bin, what do you want to do? I warn you not to act recklessly. If you touch me today, will Death not let you go!"

"Hehe, Guo Xiaotian, I think you may have forgotten your current situation. () I killed you without anyone noticing, and burned your body to ashes with a fire. Guess who would know? It's all your fault for a while Confused, if you have nothing to do, you have to go to G City to trouble my elder brother, even Dugu Miao Guang doesn't know your whereabouts, this is called a god-sent opportunity, and you chose the date of death for yourself!"

After He Bin finished his sentence, there was a sudden "click" sound, and He Bin's disciples suddenly raised their guns and aimed at Guo Xiaotian!

Seeing this scene, Ning Mengnan was dumbfounded and hid in the car in fear, not even daring to call out!

"He Bin!! Don't forget! I went to Liu Boyang this time to express my anger for you! Don't be ignorant of a good heart! Your woman thinks about him all day long, so don't you feel angry?! You... ..."

He didn't finish talking, but was suddenly interrupted coldly by He Bin: "Guo, you are so powerful, you broke my two taboos with one sentence! How about my woman, you dare to talk about it all day, I really feel like a test My patience is fun, isn't it? Also, the matter between me and Liu Boyang doesn't need to be meddled by others. It should be resolved by myself. Whoever messes up, I will kill him! You blind Wang An , Go to hell! In the next life, polish my eyes and be a man!"

"He... Bin, Brother Bin! Don't! You spare my life!! I beg you..." Guo Xiaotian was startled, and before he knelt down to beg for mercy, the men before and after had already pulled the triggers, and there were more than a dozen beeps. With the sound of "噗噗", Guo Xiaotian was instantly shot into a sieve!Since most of these guns are equipped with mufflers, they didn't make too much noise. Guo Xiaotian, full of resentment and hatred, bursting with blood, first knelt on the ground, stared at He Bin, and then fell down on his head. ...

"It's called praying mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind!" He Bin looked at Guo Xiaotian's unrepentant expression, and said with a sinister smile: "You can't even beat me, what capital do you have to fight my elder brother..."

"Ah!!" Seeing Guo Xiaotian's death, Ning Mengnan in the car finally couldn't help holding her hair and let out a scream. She is a woman after all. The fact that the man was shot to death instantly was enough to scare her!

He Bin's group of younger brothers glanced at Ning Mengnan who was causing harm to the country and the people in the car, sneered one by one, rubbed their hands and walked to He Bin's side with malicious intentions: "Brother Bin, this woman is not bad, brothers guarded all night , it's all freezing, can you go in and play with her, keep warm?"

He Bin smiled and knocked them on the head: "Play with your head! If you want to go back and play, you can't touch this woman. I'm still useful. ()"

He Bin came out of the Lincoln car with a smile and opened the door. Ning Mengnan hurriedly hid to the other side in fright, but He Bin laughed and said: "Beauty, don't be afraid, this is a personal grudge between me and Guo Xiaotian , none of your business. I won't hurt you, how about I personally take you home later?"

Ning Mengnan's eyes widened in surprise, she couldn't figure out what this guy was doing, so she could only turn her head pale.

"Hehe, then please get out of the car now, you are sitting in the coffin of Hall Master Guo, this is disrespectful to him!"

Ning Mengnan swallowed with difficulty, in front of her eyes was the handsome He Bin who was almost monstrous, even though his words were relaxed, gentle and gentle, but no matter how she looked at him, she felt that he was a devil who ate people and didn't spit out bones!

After Ning Mengnan got out of the car, she stood tremblingly at the side, He Bin surrounded her with a smile, while the group of men carried Guo Xiaotian's body into the Lincoln car, poured gasoline on the outside of the car, and set it on fire. In an instant, the fire blazed up!

With the ear-piercing metal explosion, in less than 10 minutes, this Lincoln extended car worth more than 200 million yuan, and the young and promising Guo Xiao Tianzhu were burned to ashes by the fire!

"Let's go!" Seeing that the fire was getting more and more intense, He Bin greeted his subordinates with a smile.

Before finally leaving, He Bin looked into the distance with deep eyes. On the expressway leading to City G, he muttered to himself: "Yang Lin...are you really dead?"


In the afternoon of the next day, Shibei Hospital in City G.

"Brother Yang! Brother Yang! Are you finally awake?"

When Liu Boyang opened his eyes in a daze, he felt a blur of white flowers in his field of vision, and then a heavy and oppressive feeling came from the depths of his brain, which made him want to vomit, and every muscle in his body was sore, even I don't even have the strength to move my fingers

Liu Boyang got used to it for a long time, shook his head hard, and finally regained consciousness, and asked, "Where am I?"

His field of vision gradually became clear, and he saw familiar faces one by one: Cui Guodong, Lao Mao, Ma Keer, Diaochan, Concubine, Xi Shi, Zhaojun, and Wan Ziliang and Long Tianyang who were bandaged like mummies.

"Brother Yang, don't move around, doctor, your body is very weak now, with multiple tissue contusions and bone fractures, just lie here and don't move anything, just follow us if you need anything!" Seeing that Liu Boyang wanted to get up, they hurried up and held him down.

Liu Boyang himself knew that he couldn't use much strength. He wanted to sit up, but Cui Guodong pressed him and then he lay back down again, as if this body was not his own at all, and he was out of control.

"Why am I here?"

"Brother Yang, on our way back last night, you passed out. We were too worried, so we sent you to this hospital first..." Cui Guodong explained.

"Hospital..." Liu Boyang murmured and repeated, and suddenly remembered something, and struggled to sit up again: "Where is Yang Lin? How is he now? And Tianyang and Lao Li? How are they doing?"

As soon as Liu Boyang mentioned this, the room immediately fell silent. Looking at the expressions of everyone, Liu Boyang felt a sudden chill in his heart, and an ominous premonition surged up instantly!

What Cui Guodong was thinking, but he didn't know whether Liu Boyang's current situation should be right or not, so he could only look helplessly at the old cat. Liu Boyang became angry and said loudly: "Guodong! I'm asking you, what do you think he is doing?! Hurry up!" , What happened to Yang Lin and Long Tian raising Li Wanhao? I want to be honest, don't fool me!"

Cui Guodong asked with a bitter face: "Brother Yang, doctor, you are now..."

Liu Boyang was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, pulled out the needle and wanted to get out of bed and go out to see for himself, until this moment he realized that his body was also covered with bandages, and he had a bottle in his hand, not to mention how embarrassing he was.

The brothers and girls were startled again, and hurried up to support him again. Marco blamed him with red eyes: "Why are you like this? The doctor didn't let you move around! You have to put your own Do you give up only when your body is broken? How can you work so hard, and their lives are not in danger for the time being, why are you so anxious?"

Diao Chan, who had never disobeyed Liu Boyang, also pouted and said, "That's right! Even if you want to see them, you have to wait for yourself to recover before going! What can you do if you go there now?"

Liu Boyang took a look at the girls, and saw that their eyes were all red. They must have suffered here all night without much rest.

However, when Liu Boyang heard that Ma Keer, Yang Lin, and the others were not in danger, he breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly lay back with the support of Cui Guodong and the old cat, and asked, "What's going on, old cat?" you!"

The best boy on campus

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