The best boy on campus

Chapter 788 Please draw my blood!

"You...?" Head nurse Liu was shocked!

"I'm his grandfather, my blood type must be the same as his, smoke me!" Yang Tinglei couldn't help but part ways. ()

"But old man, you are so old, you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are told to smoke, do it! How can I just watch my grandson die!" Yang Tinglei said coldly.

But at this moment, in the dark, it seemed that a drop of cold water suddenly woke up on Liu Boyang's forehead. Liu Boyang's mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered something, and he suddenly stood up and interjected: "Wait! , are you type Aα blood?"

"Yes!" Like everyone else, Head Nurse Liu turned to look at him suspiciously.

A surge of excitement suddenly surged in Liu Boyang's heart, the kind of excitement that was so crazy!But he was still a little unsure, so he turned his head and asked the imperial concubine and Diao Chan: "Do you still remember what my blood type was written on my medical record? How can I vaguely remember that I have this blood?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned like a bolt from the blue!

Yang Tinglei tried his best to calm himself down, and asked Liu Boyang, "Boyang, are you joking?" His voice was trembling, obviously he was very excited!What could be more shocking than seeing hope suddenly in a moment of despair?

"Grandpa Yang, I'm not joking. I really remember that this kind of blood was written in my medical record! But I only took a cursory look at that time, so I'm not 100% sure now!"

After Liu Boyang finished, he said to Diao Chan and the imperial concubine, "Am I right? Haven't you read my medical records?"

Being stared at by so many people, Diao Chan was very anxious, she beat her head hard, and said angrily: "I can't remember, but I do remember, it seems to be..." This can't be blamed on Diao Chan, who Too much attention will be paid to a column of blood types...

"Huzi, go back to the ward to get my medical records, you must hurry! If my blood type is really the same as Yang Lin's, the second child will be saved!" Liu Boyang shouted ecstatically. () He thinks this is an opportunity, a chance given by God to him to save Yang Lin and return Yang Lin's vitality! !

Huzi hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and ran towards Liu Boyang's ward.

Liu Boyang rolled up his hands and said to the head nurse: "Nurse head, if my brother and I have the same blood type, you can draw my blood. As long as you can save my brother, you can do it, I don't have it!"

Head Nurse Liu bit her lip and thought for a while, her eyes were full of disbelief, is there really such a coincidence in the world?The person lying in it is a rare type Aα blood, he is in urgent need of blood, and his father is also an extremely rare species that cannot be transfused, but the boy in front of him, Bloody, is exactly like him? !Is this the so-called providence in the dark?In one day, I actually encountered so many rare and coincidences?

After thinking about it, she still felt that it was absurd, and said, "I can understand your feelings, but this kind of thing can't be sloppy, and it's definitely not a joke..."

Cui Guodong also grabbed Liu Boyang and said: "Brother Yang, what are you kidding, this can't be messed up!"

Liu Boyang pushed Cui Guodong's hand away, and said to Head Nurse Liu: "Nurse head, I'm not sloppy, and I'm not joking with you! If I remember correctly, I do have type Aα blood! Where is the test room? It's the one you just brought. The one where the famous Uncle Hai went in, right? If you don’t believe me, I’ll take the test with you right now, and tell the truth!”

"But..." Head nurse Liu glanced at Liu Boyang up and down, but she didn't say anything: But don't forget, you are also a sick person now!Even if you are really type Aα blood, how can you transfuse your blood to others?

"Hurry up! Head nurse, I'm running out of time, it's important to save my brother, take me there quickly!" Liu Boyang urged.

After all, Head Nurse Liu couldn't hesitate anymore, and gritted her teeth: "Okay!" Then she took Liu Boyang to the test room quickly, Cui Guodong's old cat He Bin and his brothers, Diao Chan and Concubine a group of girls, and even the three old men , They all raised their hearts to their throats again, and all ran after him, waiting outside the door for the result of Liu Boyang's test.

Before the test results came out, Hu Zifei was heard running upstairs, holding Liu Boyang's medical record in his hand, and shouting: "Brother Yang! Brother Yang! It's a miracle! You are really Type Aα blood!!"

Now it's finally confirmed, everyone can't accept this reality if they want to!

There is such a coincidence that Liu Boyang's blood type is the same as Yang Lin's! !

In the test room, Head Nurse Liu's test results came out quickly, and Liu Boyang's blood completely met the standards!He is not allergic to any reactants, that is, he is fully eligible for a blood transfusion...

However, a new question was before everyone's eyes: with Liu Boyang's current physical condition, can he give blood transfusions to others?

"Brother Yang, how about... Let's think of another way. You can't go for a blood transfusion like this! Your life will be in danger! You don't know how weak you are?!" Cui Guodong These brothers were so worried that they all came up anxiously to persuade Liu Boyang.

"It's okay, I know my body, nothing will happen!" Liu Boyang said decisively: "No matter what, save Yang Lin first, as long as I can insist on getting the blood from other hospitals, that's fine!"

At this moment, Liu Boyang was not worried about the consequences of his rash blood transfusion at all, but was really excited because he finally found a way to save Yang Lin!

"Brother Yang!" Cui Guodong and the others were about to cry!

"Farewell, head nurse, I'm sorry to trouble you, quickly organize a blood transfusion and draw my blood!" Liu Boyang insisted on showing his arms, and said to head nurse Liu.

As far as the head nurse herself was concerned, she didn't recommend Liu Boyang's blood transfusion either. It was too dangerous. A person whose physical condition was extremely weak wanted to give out precious blood to save others. Isn't that a joke with his life?

Head Nurse Liu has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years, and she has never seen someone who is as desperate as Liu Boyang and stabs at both sides of her brother. She frowned tightly and said, "Are you sure you want a blood transfusion? I can tell you clearly, now The situation is urgent, if we fail to grasp the scale, your life will be over!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed again. Even Yang Minghai and Xiao Lan looked at Liu Boyang with complicated eyes. They really wanted to save their son, but they couldn't let Liu Boyang put himself in danger...

Diao Chan's noble concubine Ma Ke'er stomped her feet anxiously, cursing Liu Boyang in her heart as an impulsive, desperate bastard!He actually wanted a blood transfusion, isn't that a desperate act? !Has he ever thought about other people's feelings, has he thought about his own feelings! !

"It's okay! Head nurse, don't worry, I tell you to do it! I don't die that easily, and my brother gave me my life. If I try my best to save him, I won't die." Any complaints! Can I trouble you to do it now?" Liu Boyang urged calmly.

At such an urgent moment, every second of delay in time means that Yang Lin's danger level will increase by one point, and Liu Boyang does not want to waste such unnecessary time.

ps: Exam on the 10th, also on the 12th, and take the train home on the 13th. The time is really urgent and tight. I really tried my best to spare time to write the third update. I hope everyone will continue to support it.A lot of votes and bricks to leave a message...

The best boy on campus

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