The best boy on campus

Chapter 79 Eyes on!

"Good product? What kind of product?" Liu Boyang asked

"I haven't found out the specifics yet. I heard from Da Fei's younger brother that it should be a batch of guns, or white powder. Anyway, there are a lot of them, and they are worth hundreds of thousands. Otherwise, the elephants would not die. Loose mouth" Yang Lindao

Liu Boyang nodded, and asked again: "Where is the Siberian tiger now?"

"I don't know for the time being, I heard that just last night, the Siberian Tiger led people to copy the 'Taiping Restaurant', and had a head-on fight with the elephant. Later, the elephant fell down, and more than 50 people under him were all cut down. In the end, the elephant itself was also taken away. I haven’t found out exactly where it went.”

"Find it out as soon as possible. It is estimated that the Siberian tiger has taken the elephant to a secret place. Firstly, it is to avoid the limelight on the other side, and it is also to find a place where there is no one to torture the elephant, so that it can be said. Come on," Liu Boyang speculated after taking a puff of cigarette

"Brother Yang, if you put it this way, wouldn't it just be a good deal for us? If the Siberian tiger finds a place where no one is around, wouldn't it save us from luring him out? At that time, our brothers will do it cleanly, as long as we don't Let go of one person, and make sure that this list is safe. After washing them, wipe the 'floor' clean, leaving no clues, and avoiding the investigation of the police. It really kills two birds with one stone," Cui Guodong said with a bright eye

"Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity, is the Siberian Tiger? He is proud of himself now. He thinks that the agency has the best chance of winning, but he doesn't expect that we are still watching him behind him. He is digging his own grave. Make a call to Fei and ask him to send his younger brother to find out where the Siberian tiger is hiding within two days, then we will send him a praying mantis, catch cicadas and orioles, and kill him in one fell swoop," Liu Boyang said lightly.

"No problem, Brother Yang, don't worry, I'll go to Gazi and Huzi to talk about this in person at noon, the sooner the better," Yang Lin nodded.

"Haha, are our brothers finally able to make a big ticket again? My old cat can't wait a long time ago, Siberian tiger? Damn, this name is quite domineering. I want to see if the bones of that bastard are as hard as a tiger." The old cat smiled viciously

"That's right, fifth brother is right, how do you say that old saying? Oh, right: I'm not a hero, I have unparalleled eyesight, I'm a villain, and I'm infinitely arrogant. Isn't that what we are talking about? The Siberian tiger was killed by us." If you catch it, it means that his good days are over, haha," Cui Guodong also laughed.

"However, this time, we can't be careless. The other party is also the leader of the street, and the methods are probably hot enough. The brats below are also indispensable. We can't steal chickens and lose money, and make a joke for others. Tiandu has given me enough energy, this battle is only allowed to succeed, not to fail," Liu Boyang said lightly

"Hehe, brother Yang, you just take care of yourself"

The four came back from smoking in the toilet just in time for the third class. At the corner of the corridor, Fang Yuyan, a beautiful teacher, also happened to walk up the stairs, and stopped the four when they were about to enter the door: "Hey , you four, don’t go in yet, I have something to tell you.”

This is the second time for the old cat Yang Lin and Cui Guodong to see Fang Yuyan. Before coming to the classroom in the morning, they reported to her office. Seeing her, I still feel extremely amazed. It is rumored that there are so many beauties in this s.

"By the way, Brother Yang, such a handsome and beautiful teacher, don't tell me you have no ideas in your mind?" Cui Guodong smiled quietly at Liu Boyang

"Everything has to pay attention to the process. Do you think I'm the same as you? You can't be too hasty in chasing women. Like you, what's the point of getting started quickly and letting go quickly?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Hey...Brother Yang said so, so he fell in love with this woman? Tsk tsk, since that's the case, I won't compete with Brother Yang. Originally, I wanted to taste what it's like to be a beautiful teacher. Quack Brother Yang, let's go after her." It's different, I just want to play, unlike you, I can't bear to let go when I catch up with you, I won't give up the whole forest for a single tree." Cui Guodong spread his hands

"You boy, I really have no common language with you in this regard." Liu Boyang scolded with a smile

"What are you muttering about?" Fang Yuyan walked up to several people, glared at them, and said

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