The best boy on campus

Chapter 792 "Death"!

As soon as these words fell, everyone in the room was half relieved. Yang Tinglei, Xiao Lan, and Yang Minghai heard that Yang Lin had hope of surviving, and hurriedly asked: "How is it, my son's life will not be in danger anymore?"

Head Nurse Liu said: "It should be. Now that the blood source is available, the rest of the recovery process is just a matter of time. This kid's body is really good enough. He can hold on for so long. His own The desire to survive must be very strong!"

Finally got confirmation, Xiao Lan's body went limp and he slumped on the ground, excited and happy, tears welled up again, Yang Minghai knelt down to support her, but he also had an excited smile on his face...

"My grandson's life will not be in danger for the time being. What about Boyang? How is he? You all look at him quickly, he is not allowed to have any accidents!"

Yang Tinglei's words woke everyone up again. Although the blood source brought by Gao Zhenfei had been infused into Liu Boyang's body, Liu Boyang's pale face did not change much. There was a soft sound, the wavy line was gentle, with almost no ups and downs, and there was a tendency to slowly evolve into a straight line...

"Brother Yang!!" Cui Guodong and the others yelled frantically. Even if He Jiuxiao came out to hold the line this time, they couldn't stop their intense panic and tension!

The imperial concubine Ma Ke'er was already sobbing, and Diao Chan finally fainted from crying. Ma Ke'er only held Liu Boyang with her jade hand, and her lips were bleeding from biting...

At the same time, in two different classrooms of S Middle School in City W, Sun Rou and Song Qianxia suddenly began to panic for no reason. For some reason, an ominous premonition welled up deep in her heart, and this strong premonition came from Far away in city g...

Sun Rou's face turned pale all of a sudden, she covered her chest fiercely with one hand, and even retched, the whole class was in class, when they heard the voice and saw her like this, a group of students hurried up and asked her : "Rou, are you alright?"

"Sun Rou, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" The teacher on the podium also put down the pointer and asked concerned-_

Sun Rou didn't know why, but without knowing anything, her eyes turned red. She covered her heart and stood up, "I'm sorry, teacher, I'll go out for a while. ()" Then the teachers and students in the class were surprised I ran out of the classroom with my gaze...

"Teacher, I'm going to the bathroom!" In the quiet classroom of Class [-], Song Qianxia suddenly raised her hand and said.

"Qianxia, ​​what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" the teacher asked.

But Song Qianxia didn't respond, she had already turned around and ran out of the classroom...

"Wang Ting, Zheng Shufen, hurry up and take a look..."

Ning Yeqi is sitting alone in the library in Ny City, country A, in a luxurious noble high school. These days, she finally convinced herself to calm down. Since she can't stay with Liu Boyang forever, why not stay here Work hard and improve yourself during the days when you are separated from different places. After the four-year agreement is over, you will return to G City to find your sweetheart. At that time, you will be able to appear in front of him with a positive and full image.

But all of a sudden, as if she had a heart-to-heart connection, an unspeakable panic surged up in her heart. Ning Yeqi couldn't help but put it down, and the face that she missed day and night flashed inexplicably in her mind. Her heart hurt so badly, she got up Slowly walked to the window, looked at the empty blue sky, and murmured: "What's wrong? Why is my heart beating so fast..."

In a large luxurious suite at the Imperial Hotel, twin sisters Mu Li and Mu Yu are sitting on the big soft velvet bed, chatting and laughing with Ma Xiaoyu who is wearing pajamas. Already stronger than these two sisters, in front of them, Ma Xiaoyu is the younger sister, and they are the big sisters.

Right now, the two sisters are telling Ma Xiaoyu a clichéd fairy tale.As usual, Ma Xiaoyu was hugging her two tender legs, sitting on the bed and listening obediently, but suddenly, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart, which was a kind of inexpressible panic and anxiety, which made her heart She, who had been dusty for a long time, felt unable to control herself. Suddenly, countless memory fragments flashed in her mind. Those past, those once, each face, each story, were trivial and messy, but they could arouse her heart. Some kind of resonance that I have personally experienced!

Ma Xiaoyu's eyes, which had been dim for a long time, suddenly lit up. She opened her mouth to think about something, but before she could say anything, a drop of crystal tears flowed out. Seeing her bewildered expression, the Mu Li and sisters were both shocked. Terrified, he hurried up to support her, "Sister Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

At the same time, in Shibei Hospital——

"Brother Yang!!" Cui Guodong and his group yelled hysterically, crying and struggling desperately, but everyone tried to dissuade them, and flattened Liu Boyang's bed at the top of their lungs!Because they watched helplessly, the ripples on Liu Boyang's electrocardiogram gradually turned into a straight line! !

"Don't!! Brother Yang, Brother Yang, wake up! You must wake up! Brother Yang, don't scare me!!" Lao Mao and others shook Liu Boyang's body frantically.

But Liu Boyang could no longer hear anything, his head tilted slightly, and his body became colder and colder...

"Brother Yang!!"

The old cat seemed to explode. With red eyes, it rushed up and grabbed Jin Congliang's collar with both hands, and shouted violently: "Cure it! You fucking forced it to be cured quickly!! Didn't you see Brother Yang? Hurry up and save him!!"

"Cough! Let go, let go! I will do my best!" Jin Congliang said with a bitter face, his whole body was lifted up by the old cat, his toes were lifted off the ground, and he shook desperately, and quickly shouted to the subordinates around him : "Hurry up, use an electric shocker, use an electric shocker to stimulate his heartbeat!!"

In fact, Jin Congliang didn’t need it at all. At the moment when Liu Boyang’s heart was not beating, two surgeons rushed over with electric shock devices. They involuntarily lifted Liu Boyang’s hospital clothes and pressed on his chest...

"Please make way, don't squeeze here, we will try our best, if you hinder us, we won't be able to use our hands!"

Gao Zhenfei hurriedly dragged all the brothers away, while the noble concubine and Ma Ke'er also cried and moved aside. Every time they saw Liu Boyang being shocked, their hearts heaved and their tears flowed wantonly like broken beads... …

Cui Guodong and the others also had their faces wet from crying a long time ago, what kind of man bleeds and doesn't shed tears, go fuck!They have all experienced the pain of losing Brother Yang, and that feeling is uncomfortable, but now this is the second time!

Everyone was praying crazily in their hearts, Brother Yang, you must wake up...

The three elders of Cui Bajuan looked at each other, and they all saw the complicated and worried expressions on each other's faces. If Liu Boyang really died, let alone their own hearts, Dragon King Liu Tianlong, they will not go there... …

"No, the signs of life are getting weaker and weaker, Dean, what should I do?"

"Get out of the way, let me try!!" Jin Congliang walked over boldly and said.

Soon a group of doctors surrounded the exhausted Liu Boyang and tried their best to rescue him. Gao Zhenfei's brothers and girls were all pushed out by the old man. Their feelings are understandable, but at this time , when it wasn't for them to make trouble, the doctors tried their best to save Liu Boyang, and they must not be disturbed by anything...

The moment the door was slowly closed, apart from the sound of rescue, the ward had fallen into relative silence. On Liu Boyang's tired face, there was a little confusion, a little reluctance, a little nostalgia, a little... regret...

But he could no longer hear the hysterical cries of the brothers outside...

ps: I know that everyone doesn't like my ps, this is probably the last time, and I won't talk too much unless it is absolutely necessary.I saw everyone’s messages, some urged me to update, and some scolded me for talking too much nonsense. Thanks to those brothers who have always supported me. It is your encouragement that made Qingdi find the motivation to codeword.Then there are my brothers who talk a lot of nonsense, first of all, I sincerely thank you for following me, please remember my promise, I know that no one’s money falls from the sky these days, so I don’t want everyone to waste this subscription money.After today's three chapters, future updates will speed up the pace and will no longer be muddled.

I really don't have time to improve these few days. I'm really taking the exam. I hope everyone understands.I will gradually improve and bring you more exciting plots.

The best boy on campus

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