The best boy on campus

Chapter 794 That Unwaking Dream!

On the downhill road leading to W City Expressway, you kept calm and asked the girl in front of you, "Is that how you left?"

The girl in front of her was crying with tears streaming down her face, she choked up: "I'm sorry..."

She still broke down in tears and said: "My husband, you promise me that I will not be by your side in the future, you have to take good care of yourself, don't always be too busy, remember to eat three meals a day, and welcome... I promise you, I will live forever. It's your wife, for the rest of my life! Please believe that when I finish my studies and I can marry, I will come back to you! At that time, I will cling to you, whether you want me or not!"

You have a lot of reluctance in your heart, but you can't change her decision in the end. In the Mercedes-Benz that was drifting away, she turned her head like crazy, and the car lying behind knocked on the glass and yelled at you What, it's a pity that you can't hear anything, but you can guess that she is crying and begging you to wait for her to come back...

At that time, you didn't know that there was a girl in this world who had ruined your child. When you were so busy all day, she was actually waiting for you secretly, waiting to make this ignorance what should be called good. The news is still bad news, but you haven’t noticed it, you’ve been busy all day long, you’ve broken a girl’s heart, you’ve made her hope and disappointed countless times...

It wasn't until the moment she boarded the plane sadly that you realized that you had already become a father. Unfortunately, when you wanted to be responsible for that young creature and the girl who loved you, it was already too late... …

When you recalled this point, your face was already full of tears, and you raised your head as if waking up from a dream, only to find that the crying girl in front of you had disappeared, so you began to hate that darkness, hysterical, and beyond measure!

You yelled something silently, beat your head frantically, and wailed heart-piercingly, but in the blink of an eye, you actually saw a moon in the sky!

The familiar voice came into your ears and directly shocked your soul!

"Hey, old man, why is your face so ugly today? Is there something wrong in your heart? Come with me, see if I can give you some advice?"

In front of you, in the courtyard of the familiar Liujiawan old house, an 11-year-old boy saw an old man sitting in the yard frowning, and ran over to comfort him like an adult-_

The old man gave the young man a cold look, and scolded: "You are so stupid, you know nothing!"

"Damn! Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs..." The young man muttered, then turned and walked away. ()() In fact, the moment he turned around, the old man behind him had already seen the flash of loneliness in his eyes, and the old man suddenly realized that his words had unintentionally hurt the youth's self-esteem...


"You son of a bitch! I sent you to school because I want you to study hard! Do you fucking know how to make trouble for me all day long!"

The scene changed. That time, the boy got into trouble again at Songkou Middle School and beat up many people. The old man found out, and the old man rushed out from the house with a mourning stick, trying to break the boy's legs!

The boy was so frightened that he ran and yelled: "Old man, old man was the one who provoked me first! Don't kick me out! It's your Liu family who can't be bullied!" The boy was so scared that he ran away without looking back. Out of the yard.

But the young man didn't notice at that time, after the old man finished listening to him, he froze in the yard, his hands were numb, and he stopped chasing him.Because at that moment, a feeling of desolation suddenly appeared in the old man's heart. The boy never had parents, so he was really lonely and afraid!As a grandfather, I don't care about him all day long. Apart from protecting himself, he has no one to rely on!After being bullied, he had no choice but to find it by himself, he didn't want to hide in the dark and cry alone, worthless...


The next third scene that changes in a trance will make you burst into tears even more!

"Boyang, you bastard, you and grandpa, what is your greatest wish in this life?" That night, the old man sat in the yard to enjoy the shade, while the young man lay on the stone platform and watched the stars. The two had an unprecedented heart-to-heart exchange .

"Me? I don't have any big wishes. In the future, I just want to earn a lot of money and find many beautiful women as wives!" The young man looked at the stars in the sky and said full of longing.

"Bah! Look at your prospects! What do you want so much money for?" The old man said disdainfully.

"Hey, I just want it, you don't care about me!" Liu Boyang laughed.

The old man snorted coldly and ignored him no more.

But suddenly, the young man turned his head around again, and said to the old man, "Grandpa, if I have money in the future, I will definitely spend more than half of it to honor you and give you a pension. I mean what I say!"

"Hmph, I'm short of your money?" The old man suddenly felt very relieved when he heard this, but he still said coldly.

The young man muttered unhappily: "You have it, it's yours. But I'll give it to you, that's my heart..."


I don’t know when, when you saw these pictures, you were so tired from crying, you couldn’t make a sound, you could only kneel on the ground and cry bitterly, but those pictures were like a slideshow, all around you in front of your eyes Random flashes, those familiar pictures, one scene after another, shocking your audio-visual, impacting your heart!

The people in the picture are so familiar, Ying, Rou, Qianxia, ​​Ye Qi, grandfather Liu Tianlong, uncle Liu Zhenlong, uncle Liu Zhenhai, second uncle Liu Zhenjiang, Yang Lin, He Bin, old cat, Gao Zhenfei, Guodong, Huzi , Tie Zheng, You Longjian...

Li Wanhao, Long Tianyang, Ren Xiaotian, Wan Ziliang, Ma Xiaoyu, Ma Keer, Diao Chan, Concubine, Sister Sha, Director Du, Yang Yunping, Ren Jianhua, Song Jiayao...

Old Man Red, Old Man Black, Li Gubai, Ma Junsheng, Xiong Xiazi, Liu Huimin...

Wait, wait, a lot, a lot...

But there are still three figures, you still can't see them clearly, you always feel that they are very familiar, but when you approach them, you feel very vague, you seem to have known each other, you can be sure that they are three girls , but who are they?

You thought about it for a long time, but you couldn't think of a reason, your head hurt from thinking, you squatted down again, and beat your head with both hands, but you suddenly heard someone calling your name in the boundless darkness: " Brother Yang, wake up, wake up..."

"Honey, wake up, please..."

"Brother! You can't leave me alone, wake up quickly!!"

Who is that?Who is calling you?You frantically hugged your head and ran over with your eyes cracked, but for some reason, a wind blew up around you, it was a very strong wind, like a tornado, carrying you around, your headache was extreme, you hugged Crazy roaring, all the darkness around you is distorting and melting into your head, that boundless shout, like an echo in an empty valley, keeps impacting your mind!

Your head hurts, you are screaming on your back, your body is about to explode...

The best boy on campus

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