The best boy on campus

Chapter 812 Highway Attack!

Master Bo looked back at Brother Lang and Lao Jiang, and the two quickly tried to explain with bitter expressions on their faces: "Master Bo, we..."

Master Bo smiled faintly, waved his hand and said, "Okay, goodbye, I'm not surprised that Ah Lang was tricked by Hall Master Yang, but you, Jiang Kui, were also trapped in the valley by Hall Master Yang. I didn't expect it. (,)"

What a shrewd person Master Bo is, there are some things that don't need to be asked at all, and you can figure out what's going on after thinking about it a little bit, and you can't help but look at Liu Boyang with admiration, he can even put together his own brains.

Liu Boyang smiled slightly: "Master Bo, please don't treat me like this. You made me look like a scheming villain. I did talk to Brother Lang and Old Jiang some time ago, but treat them well these few days. It's just out of my own will. You come all the way, and I will always do my best to be a landlord, so don't blame them two!"

This intercession on behalf of Brother Lang and Lao Jiang seems flawless on the surface, but it has another meaning in Master Bo's ears: What's wrong, your subordinates have taken advantage of me, and you want to play tricks ah?Won't you be so shameless?Do you still have the nerve to ask for 25?

This time Brother Lang finally knew how deep Liu Boyang's conspiracy was, and the goodwill he had built up these days was wiped out. He stared at Liu Boyang coldly.

Seeing that Master Bo hadn't responded positively, Liu Boyang smiled again: "Master Bo, you should help my brother first. My brother has just started in this city g, and there are many places to spend money. And we are doing long-term transactions. As long as I made a lot of profits in the early stage, and I may want more goods in the future, so you are making money no matter what, why don't you take a long-term view?"

Master Bo really couldn't hold back Liu Boyang, so he could only smile and said at the moment: "Hehe, since Section Master Yang is already like this, it will be useless for me to have more, well, let me be my friend, Section Master Yang, as a friend. Two hundred is two hundred. () But since we are doing business, I will put some words first. Our Bamboo Union Gang sincerely came to cooperate with you at Zhanhuntang this time. The transaction must be long-term. Our rule is to pay in cash , cash on delivery, I hope Hall Master Yang will not let me down."

"Definitely!" Liu Boyang laughed.

"What's more, I let Hall Master Yang take advantage of the huge advantage this time. I hope you don't spread this matter, otherwise the future business of our Bamboo Union Gang will be difficult to do." Master Bo said.

"No problem!" Liu Boyang nodded.He knew what Master Bo meant, this matter was a secret transaction, and no other third parties could know about it, because the transaction price was so low, it would be troublesome if others were jealous and clamored for the same treatment.

After the two finished talking about the deal, they talked in the box about the current underworld situation in the province, as well as their views on the upcoming underworld conference.Master Bo is a smart man. Although he is also very interested in the civil strife of the Dragon Gang, he will never mention it in front of Liu Boyang, because this is basically slapping the face of the underworld in G City. Avoid this sensitive topic.

After eating together, Master Bo came to G City early in the morning after a long journey. He definitely needed to rest. Liu Boyang personally booked a high-end room for him, let him have a good rest, and then left with Yang Lin and others We entered the "Emperor Sky" Hotel.

When several people drove back, it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon. Gao Zhenfei drove Liu Boyang in the Land Rover, Cui Guodong sat in the back, and the Passatri behind the Land Rover was driven by the old cat and Yang Lin was the co-pilot. Just stopped near the traffic lights at an intersection, Liu Boyang was talking to Gao Zhenfei, but he turned his eyes and suddenly found a car slowly following from the opposite side of the Land Rover. Liu Boyang has such a good memory, he suddenly felt that this car looked familiar, Seeing the people in the silver-white car on the opposite side slowly roll down the car glass, Liu Boyang hurriedly yelled: "Dafei Guodong, you all get down quickly!!"

After he lay down on the other side in lightning, Gao Zhenfei reacted so alertly and followed him to the other side. At this moment, a delicate face wearing a big black mirror appeared in the passenger seat of the silver-white car opposite. Bai Baiyu held a desert eagle equipped with a muffler in her hand, and fired three shots in a row with "bang bang bang", directly blasting the glass of the car next to Gao Zhenfei, and a sharp bullet pierced through the other The glass of the Land Rover on the side was shattered, and the shattered glass shards directly exploded Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei. Fortunately, the two of them dodged in time, otherwise they would not only be in danger of being shot in the head, but even the sharp glass shards would be enough to kill them. They drink from a jug!

"***** is that daring Wang An!!" Cui Guodong was furious, he kicked the door of the car and took out eight rolls of knives, and was about to kill him, but the silver car saw that the three shots missed the target, so it was delayed. It was also in vain, the delicate and pretty face gritted his silver teeth, and he fired two shots unwillingly, but because the person next to him had already started the car, the two shots missed even more, and all of them hit the wagon of the Land Rover.

With the instant start of the silver-white car, the window of the car was slowly closed, and the white face with the large black mirror was slowly covered.

Cui Guodong's eyes were red and roaring, he carried the roll bank and chased for tens of meters, but after all, he couldn't outrun the silver car that started like a rocket, and when his teeth were itching with hatred, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Quick, Guodong!" Step aside!!"

Cui Guodong heard that it was the old cat's voice, and hurriedly withdrew, only to see the old cat chasing after him in the Passat like a sharp arrow!

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, Yang Lin and Lao Mao behind were shocked when they saw someone shooting Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei. Go after the car that caused the accident!

Cui Guodong watched Yang Lin and Lao Mao chase after him, stomped his feet anxiously, ran back into the Land Rover with a knife in his hand, opened the door and said to the inside: "Brother Yang, Brother Dafei, are you all right? !"

At this time, both of them had already dusted off the glass on their bodies, Liu Boyang's arm was scratched a few times, and Gao Zhenfei's face was left with a mark, all of which were very minor injuries, not serious at all.

"Brother Yang, who is that person, have you seen him before?" Gao Zhenfei clearly remembered that Liu Boyang sniffed out the danger at the first moment just now, and dragged him to the ground together.

"I don't know!" Liu Boyang said with a gloomy face, "I just remembered that when we were driving on the road this morning, that car used to follow us, and I saw it next to us in a blink of an eye just now. Something is wrong in there!"

Cui Guodong asked: "Brother Yang, can you guess who sent them? We don't seem to have provoked any new enemies so far. Are they from country J?"

Liu Boyang said lightly: "I don't know, probably not. If they were from country J, they would never have just fired a few shots before giving up. Even if they all died together, they would have to complete the mission! It's useless now, wait until Yang Lin and the old cat take the two People will catch up!"

The best boy on campus

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