The best boy on campus

Chapter 820 Reopening the Fragrance Hall!

"You are back!" As soon as Liu Boyang and the others entered the door, Ma Keer hurried over, "How is it? Is there any news about my father?"

Looking at her red eye circles, Liu Boyang knew that she had been worried for another day. (,)*.*!. *

"Sakura" Liu Boyang nodded, "Ker, don't worry, I will rescue him tomorrow."

"Really?" Marco said happily, "You won't lie to me? Where is my father now?"

"In Xu Xin's villa, he imprisoned your father and Lei Bao in a dark room."

"Xu Xin is a beast that is not as good as a beast! My father is so kind to him, and he did such a thing. You must punish him for me!" Ma Keer said angrily.

"Don't worry, I can't run away from him." Liu Boyang took the slippers handed over by the imperial concubine and changed them on, "You don't have to worry about these things, I know it well."

"But since you already know where my father is, why don't you rescue him now?" Marco asked anxiously.But she regretted it as soon as she said it, which seemed inappropriate, because she saw Lao Mao and other brothers all looked at her.

But Liu Boyang pinched her face as if nothing had happened and said: "I tell you don't worry, your father's life will not be in danger for the time being, and now there are a group of j nationals looking at him, if we rush over there, we may not get it right If it is cheap, I will find a way to rescue him tomorrow if I have a chance."

When Ma Keer heard Liu Boyang's behavior, he finally felt relieved, "Well, I hope you can succeed..."

"Actually, it would be nice if we could lock up your father for a few more days, so that he can be sober. What kind of heartless things have he raised around him all these years? There are actually [-] of them in the Thirteen Halls of the Dragon Gang who have ulterior motives, even you, Bai Yue. Auntie is not sincere. () He, the leader of the Dragon Gang, has finally succeeded." Liu Boyang pouted.

"What, you Aunt Bai Yue..." Ma Ke'er opened her mouth in disbelief.

Liu Boyang didn't go down, just patted her on the shoulder lightly, "What do you think? You are still too simple, there is a saying that is right, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. Then you'll see the true face of your Aunt Bai Yue, just don't be too disappointed when the time comes."

This was a warning to Ma Ke'er in advance, lest the news of Bai Yue's rebellion in time would irritate her.After Liu Boyang finished, he went back to the center of the hall, leaving Ma Keer alone in a daze...

Liu Boyang sat on the sofa a little tired, and Ma Xiaoyu next to him was staring at him in a daze, Liu Boyang lightly shook her crystal-like beautiful feet with his hands: "Nizi, why are you staring at me? Remember who I am?"

Someone shook her cold feet, and Ma Xiaoyu puffed up her cheeks, jumped off the sofa like a frightened girl, ran upstairs, and went back to her room.

Looking at her back, Liu Boyang smiled wryly and was speechless, feeling faintly sad, when will this girl get better...

Concubine Diao Chan and Ma Ke'er saw this, and hurried to take care of Ma Xiaoyu, and the Mu Yu sisters also ran upstairs, Yang Lin came over with a cigarette in his mouth, sat down beside Liu Boyang and said, "Brother Yang, I've thought about it, Everyone thinks that Hu Die is dreaming! What is she thinking? We are not stupid, if we have the opportunity to swallow the Dragon Gang by ourselves, why should we help her?"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said, "Who isn't? Civil strife in the Dragon Gang, what a great opportunity this is. With our current strength, it is not difficult to take the opportunity to seize Shinan. Xu Xin has the Pheasant Gang and Honghuahui as the backstage So what, do you really think that the people of country j can agree with him? If we really want to destroy him, no one can stop him! I am worried about Mr. Hong now, what Hu Die said just now is right, we are now the largest gang in city g If you want to annex Shinan again, how can you not care about other people's attitudes, but Hongmen will not agree, if we rule three quarters of the entire G city at once, how do you make old man Hong feel?"

"It makes sense, these things are mixed together, it's not easy to handle..." Yang Lin smoked.

Liu Boyang pressed his forehead with his hands, leaned back on the sofa and said, "It doesn't matter, let's take a step and watch, and rescue Ma Junsheng tomorrow."

In fact, there are two things in Liu Boyang's mind that are more worried now. One is the attitude of Hongmen who took the opportunity to take down Shinan, and the other is how much risk he will have to take to deal with those two if he really goes to rescue Ma Junsheng tomorrow. Senior ninja?I really don't have actual combat experience with the Red Flower Society, so I have to ensure zero casualties.

When all the brothers were sitting on the sofa smoking and resting, Liu Boyang turned on the phone and found that there were already six missed calls and several text messages on it. What happened during this time.

Most of these calls were made by his disciples. It turned out that during the period between Liu Boyang's conversation with Hu Die and his return home, troubles broke out in several places in Shibei and Shixi. Some people were drinking and making trouble, but It wasn't aimed at Zhanhuntang, they were all foreign gangs, they didn't know each other, and they wanted to fight with the strength of alcohol, but they were settled by the Zhanhun cousins ​​who dispatched in time.

Although it was a trivial matter, it still made Liu Boyang feel very upset. He was so busy all day from beginning to end, and had to decide all the important matters in the gang. He was really too busy.

Yang Lin could see Liu Boyang's exhaustion, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Brother Yang, let's go rescue Ma Junsheng tomorrow afternoon. Why don't we gather everyone to open the incense hall in the morning? Now the gang is getting bigger and bigger, and troubles will definitely increase in the future." More, let you ask how to do it yourself, you must divide the labor and divide it into detail, and distribute these things to the brothers, so that everyone can make full use of them. This will not only reduce your burden, but also make you feel better. better overall planning.”

"You and I thought about going together, and I have long wanted to reopen Xiangtang. Now that there are so many new members joining the gang, only two bosses have been added. If there is no new division of labor, it will become more and more chaotic in the future. In this way, tomorrow morning, everyone will be called together to have a meeting at "See you or leave". Before we go to bed later, we will make a rough list to solve the new division of labor and family members of the gang." Liu Boyang rubbed Temple Road.


After a night of nothing, Liu Boyang called Hu Die early the next morning, telling her that he promised to rescue Ma Junsheng in the afternoon, and asked her to find a way to hold Xu Xin, Kimura Masao or one of Cangmai, and buy time for herself. .Hu Die agreed with all her mouth. She worried about this all night, and the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Next, Liu Boyang notified all the high-level members of the gang to quickly meet up at "See You or Be Square" because he had something to announce.

"Brothers, I have called everyone over so early. I have two important matters, which are related to the future of our gang."

"The first thing is, I now know the whereabouts of Ma Junsheng. We will rescue him in the afternoon. However, there is a great danger in this. I hope you will be fully prepared." Liu Boyang said solemnly.

Only Ren Xiaotian, Wan Ziliang, Pei San, Guo Yongsheng and the others didn't know about it, they looked at each other and said, "Brother Yang, what's the danger?"

The best boy on campus

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