The best boy on campus

Chapter 829 No agreement!

Shinan "Ye Bu Drunk" wine, one of the venues under the jurisdiction of Xu Xin, the former head of the "Splitting Star Hall" of the Dragon Gang. Next, I called Hu Die here to discuss the "merger" of the two parties. ()**

In fact, it was called a merger, but it was actually a threat. Hu Die guessed it right. Xu Xin wanted to take the two halls of Butterfly for himself without bloodshed, and promised to give Hu Die a hall master after he unified the Dragon Gang.

Hu Die had seen clearly this guy's ugly face a long time ago, and her heart was filled with a sneer, could she believe what he said?joke!After he came to power, it would be considered light to kick you away, but he turned his back on you and killed you, where are you going to deal with it?

But Hu Die didn't dare to confront Xu Xin face to face this afternoon. One reason was that behind him stood nine masters from the Red Flower Society, especially the graceful ninja, who was full of oppression and breathlessness. The coercion came, so that Hu Die didn't dare to look at him. Second, Xu Xin is indeed very powerful now. This old fox already has the strength of three halls, and there is support from the Pheasant Gang and the Red Flower Club behind him. Hu Die I can't afford to offend him, I really dare not go against him face to face!

So the two talked for nearly two hours, Hu Die was practicing Tai Chi all the time, trying to find a way to perfunctory, and neither shook his head nor shook his head about the inclusion.

At the end of the chat, the cunning Xu Xin saw Hu Die's absent-mindedness. As time went by, her face even turned a little pale, which was caused by nervousness, and she often couldn't help but glance out the window, accidentally revealing The panic in her heart was suppressed.

"This woman has a problem." Cang Majing secretly said to Xu Xin.

In fact, Xu Xin had already seen it, but he didn't believe that a woman like Hu Die, who made her fortune by a man, dared to deal with him, so he slammed the table and said, "Hu Die! I'm talking to you, why are you looking around? I just now Did you understand the words?"

Hu Die was startled, she turned her head pale, and said, "I understand. ()"

——How could she not panic? "Emperor Yang Qing" promised her that as soon as Ma Junsheng was rescued, he would come to help her clean up Xu Xin, but as time progressed, she couldn't help being afraid when it really came to such a juncture, don't look behind Xu Xin There are only nine people, but any one of these nine people is a first-class master. If "Emperor Yang Qing" can't cover him later, and he has a falling out with Xu Xin, he will be good Do you eat the fruit? !

"Just understand! Hu Die, I've talked to you so much this afternoon, and you know what I mean. It's just a sentence. Hand over your two disciples. You bring Jia Mingshan and Zhong Dafa together. Surrender to me! As long as I unify the Dragon Gang, I will definitely divide each of you into a leader! Now is your only chance. I have come to negotiate with you. Only this person is enough to show my sincerity. But if If you don't agree, then don't blame me for not remembering the past!" Xu Xin sneered.

"Even if I submit to you, Bai Yue will still oppose you. Do you think you will unify the Dragon Gang smoothly?" Hu Die continued to practice Tai Chi.

"You don't need to worry about that! I haven't dealt with that bitch yet. I'll kill her as soon as I recruit you. The two churches just want to challenge me. You stupid bitch! If I crush her, I'll crush her to death." It's as simple as an ant!" Xu Xin said rudely: "You don't have to worry about others, and don't give me unnecessary talk, I will ask you now, surrender or not? Surrender or not? Head, We will be a family from now on, you are the veteran of my 'Xinlong Gang', just like Fan Long and the others, you are the leader of my subordinates! But if you shake your head, then you can make up your own mind. There is no chance of going to war, so don't even think about going back today!" Xu Xin finally showed his ugly face and blatantly threatened.

"You!" Hu Die was furious. She had never seen someone so arrogant in negotiating with someone.As soon as her angry voice fell, more than 20 people stood up in the surrounding seats and stared at Xu Xin coldly.

Xu Xin turned his head and took a slight look at the group of people, smiled contemptuously, leaned back, took out a large cigar, and said disdainfully: "Scare me? Hehe, when I was in the Dragon Gang, you all I don’t know where it is! Nothing else, Hu Die, if you have the guts, let them move one and show me, I guarantee that your death will be uglier than anyone else’s!”

Hu Die gritted her silver teeth and looked at Xu Xin. The more complacent the old fox was, the angrier she became, especially Xu Xin's leisurely manner, treating her and everyone she brought with her as air, which was really better than face to face. Hitting Hu Die in the face is still uncomfortable!

"Xu Xin, don't be so arrogant!" Hu Die shouted coldly.

"Hehe, I'm no longer arrogant today. What's the matter? A bitch who was played by Ma Junsheng again and again, you are so awesome. If I didn't disdain to wear broken shoes, I would have killed you a long time ago! Call me? You don't See which green onion you are!" Xu Xin provocatively sniffed thick smoke from his nostrils.

"Xu Xin, you..." Hu Die trembled with anger.

"What me? Don't believe it, don't believe it, let them move, believe it or not, these ninjas behind me, if you pull one out at random, they can't find you? I don't know your last name if you have capital. Today I want to include you because I think highly of you and to give you a chance! Don’t be so fucking ignorant, I’m happy to give you a hall master seat, but I’m not happy to take your hall and let my disciples play you to death and go down the sewer Throw it away, isn't that what you're doing?" Xu Xin sneered.

Hu Die stood up with a "swish", which is tolerable or unbearable. This old fox took the lead in splitting the Dragon Gang and became a traitor. After leaving G City, but now he still dares to be so blatantly rampant, does he really think that he has a good face after being around until today? !

But when Hu Die was impulsively about to make a decision, Fan Long, who was sitting beside him, interrupted suddenly: "Got Hu Die, those who know the current affairs are heroes, we are all from the Dragon Gang, if we really are going to collapse, everyone's face It’s not good-looking, besides, with your power, what are you using to fight us? Killing you is like playing with us. When Master Xu gives you a chance, you should surrender early and bring your people to us, so it will save money If you go to war, your benefits will be indispensable in the future, why bother? Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Hu Die gritted her teeth and took a look at Fan Long. This guy is ashamed to be a dog himself. All the men in the world have become so skinless, shameless and spineless?

"Xu Xin! Let me tell you the truth, I have endured you for a long time. Don't think that I am afraid of you because you have people from J country to support you! There is no way for me to submit to you! You are a traitor. When Ma Junsheng was in power It depends on my face to live, now I am struggling, why let me take refuge in you? Being a lackey is very shameless? I will leave here in front of you now, and you will kill me if you dare! I beat you long ago Greetings, if I can't go back today, Zhong Dafa and Jin Yiming will start a war with you, you want to be the gang leader smoothly, there is no way!" Hu Die has been around Ma Junsheng for so many years, of course he has learned a kind of domineering, When it was really tolerable or unbearable, she really dared to say no, Xu Xin really violated her bottom line today, this alluring goblin put down her words coldly, and wrapped herself tightly in black mink velvet Coat turned around and left without even looking at Xu Xin.

Xu Xin got angry, kicked off the table to stand up, and threw the cigar on the ground: "I'm fucking against you, shameless bitch, let me see if you can walk out of this door!"

The best boy on campus

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