The best boy on campus

Chapter 93 The Boss!

"Little bastard, I... your ancestor!" The big earrings were lying on the ground, not having much strength to stand up, and cursed Daobao under his throat-Book_)

Just like what Cui Guodong said, he is really unlucky today, "Qi Lehai" is notorious on weekdays, and few people come within a few hundred meters. If he can't come out, he doesn't even have anyone to call for help.

As for the website opposite "Qi Lehai", many people had already heard the screams of the big earrings. Although there were no gangsters, there were quite a few people who were friends with the big earrings, and suddenly heard his screaming. It was so loud, and the guy who copied everything was ready to rush out, but when they saw Cui Guodong's indifferent and playful face outside, and saw his effortless movement of knocking over the big earrings, one by one suddenly hesitated and stood up. Don't dare to act rashly at the gate of the net

"Who of you want to be like him, come out" Cui Guodong stepped on the neck of the big earring on the ground, shaking his neck and said to the people in the net

Seeing his provocative eyes, the group of people in the net were indifferent and arrogant, just like the Nine Nether Demons who choose and devour people in hell, without the slightest emotion, they all took a step back involuntarily.

"Didn't grow it? Then get out of here and cover it up, and pretend that you didn't see anything, or else I'll fish you out and let the blood out, get out," Cui Guodong shouted.

The people inside shivered suddenly, the owner of the website was still watching things, knowing that he couldn't offend the evil star outside the door, he rushed over to say hello: "Hey, don't look at it, don't look at it, what's so interesting? Everyone go online"

When the other people heard what he said, they all responded one after another, and found themselves a step down, "That's right, Hua Snake and the others are in charge of 'Qi Lehai''s affairs, so don't worry about us, let's go in."

"Boss, turn on another machine, everyone will come to play cs"

"Boss, bring a bottle of drink later..."

A group of people chattered, they didn't dare to step into this muddy water any more, and walked back into the net one after another.

The big earring on the ground saw with his own eyes the group of people disregarding him, and felt sad and angry. Those bastards were too unjust, but at the same time, he felt great fear. Now that Hua Snake is not here, his last rescue The straw is gone, the evil star in front of him, he will really give himself three knives and six holes

"I'm not good at hearing. What did you scold me just now? Can you say it again?" Cui Guodong looked at the big earrings on the ground with a smile and asked

"I scolded you what's wrong, you bastard, if you have the guts, kill me, or I will kill you one day sooner or later." Despair is despair, but the courage and courage of the people who come out to play tricks are indeed not comparable to the punks in the school Yes, face is worth more than life

Although the big earrings felt a great threat at this moment, they still had no intention of giving in, and continued to curse:

"Okay, I like your death-seeking vigor, let's come in and play." Cui Guodong smiled lightly, grabbed the big earring's neck with one hand, dragged him up abruptly, and walked in after a few steps. In "Qi Lehai", with a flick of his hand, the big earring staggered and fell on the innermost stage of the dance floor. It bounced back with a heavy bang, and fell on the ground with gold stars in his eyes.

Cui Guodong jumped into the stage, grabbed a bottle of red wine, and smashed it hard on the table, smashing the bottle in half. He came over with the remaining sharp glass fork and hooked it with his foot. The hand with the oversized earrings smiled and said, "Hey, watch it."

The big earring raised his head in a daze, suddenly the glass fork in Cui Guodong's hand stabbed down fiercely, the sharp glass was directly inserted into the back of the big earring's hand, pierced through immediately, and firmly nailed to the ground Suddenly, the whole first floor of "Qi Lehai" resounded with the piercing scream of the big earrings...

At the same time, in a long corridor on the second floor of Qi Lehai, although it is daytime outside, it is still extremely dark here, because there is very little sunlight that can penetrate through it. Lin suddenly took the lead and stopped, and slapped the short man with his hair on the wall, patted his face and said, "You didn't lie to me? Where is your lady boss?"

The short man was so frightened that he couldn't even speak fluently, and tremblingly said: "It's, the innermost room is where he and Boss Wang are..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Boyang, who was walking in front, turned his head away, and continued to walk straight forward with a large group of people.

Leaving Yang Lin still smiling, he patted the short man's face and said, "Just please lead the way, don't be so scared, you can leave now, as for what you saw and heard just now, you know what to do." of"

"Yes, I know little brother... Big brother, don't worry, I didn't see anything, and I won't say anything," the short man said in a hurry

"Well, hehe, I like smart people." Yang Lin smiled, ignored him, turned around and followed Liu Boyang

Leaving the short man covered in cold sweat, what exactly did my sister Ping and Brother Snake do to offend such a group of evil stars?

In the innermost room in the corridor, Liu Boyang hadn't even approached with his people when he heard the sound of a sexy woman calling, the sound of the bed, and then a man's panting and comfortable calling:

"Pingping, you are getting more and more beautiful, much better than that dead yellow-faced woman in my family, haha, what a great job I did."

A mellow but coquettish female voice responded: "Boss Wang, you are rich and powerful, rich and powerful, and there are many women. Don't you want as many women as me? Well, take it easy... oh damn!" Take it let me say something"

"Hmph, how can those women compare to you now? Except for you, I can't even get Lisanthias on other women. I can't live without you in this life. Haha, what do you want to say?"

"Oh, Boss Wang, you really know how to make women happy. I have something to ask you. I just booked a house in Xihewan, and the money is not enough for now. I gave you all the advantages of others. Can you... ..."

This is a naked money and sex transaction, which is not uncommon in today's society, but before the woman finished speaking, the door that was locked very close to them was suddenly kicked open, and then a group of vicious and unscrupulous people Walking in, the leader, with a face as cold as ice, looked at them faintly

"Ah..." Yang Fuping screamed in fright, hurriedly pushed away Wang Kaixuan who was pressing on her, pulled the towel and quilt over her, and looked at the number with angry and terrified eyes. People, with all their hearts full of greetings, how did they bypass the little brothers they ordered to guard the door and come in?

"Who are you?" Yang Fuping asked sharply

Note to readers:

Collection, smashing bricks, voting...

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