Chapter 103 Fish Sauce

Hua Jiujiu couldn't tell whether Lou Sijin liked it or not, but said: "Because time is short, so I only made one piece."

If Lou Sijin accepts it, it means he still likes it.

Lou Sijin looked at Hua Jiujiu's hands, if her clothes were made by these hands, would she like it more?

"I don't know how to do needlework, otherwise it's not just this one." Hua Jiujiu explained helplessly.

Lou Sijin suddenly realized.

I didn't expect that there was this little woman who couldn't do it.

Hua Jiujiu seemed to see his teasing, her face was slightly red, and her voice was a little coquettish, "Don't laugh, although I don't know how to do needlework, I know a lot of other things." That was plausible.

The corners of Lou Sijin's mouth curled up slightly, "Well, it's amazing." There was a hint of pampering in his tone.

Hua Jiujiu only thought that he was still laughing at himself, so he didn't hear the meaning of pampering.

"It's not that I don't know it at all. Just wait, I will definitely make you a dress."

This made Lou Sijin a little surprised.

Putting on the clothes made by this little woman, I think it's pretty good.

Lou Sijin didn't stay long, and went back not long after trying on the clothes.

After he left, Hua Jiujiu took out the cloth bought for Lou Sijin, and after figuring it out for a long time, she didn't know where to start.

Um, can she take back what she just said?
That won't work, how embarrassing it is.

Forget it, wait for my mother to wake up, and then ask for advice.

However, after Bai Zhi woke up, Huajiujiu was not here, but was busy in the kitchen.

The whole house is full of fragrance.

"Sister, what are you doing? It smells so good!" Hua Shishi looked curiously into the pot.

"This is fish meat paste, which can be used for noodles and bibimbap. It not only serves with rice, but also saves time."

When she entered the space just now, she saw that the space was full of fish again, so she took out the fish and made it into sauce.

Speaking of which, there are still several jars of fish meat sauce piled up in the space.

She has to find a way to sell it.

Otherwise, relying on their family alone, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate them.

"Sister, let's eat this fish sauce tonight!" Hua Youyou pouted her mouth.

"Okay." Just don't get tired of eating by then.

Huajiujiu made a lot of fish sauce. When mixing noodles at night, everyone put a lot in their bowls.

The appearance of the color, fragrance and taste makes people just want to drool.

Hua Jiujiu packed a few cans of fish meat sauce, took the noodles that had been mixed and went out.

Hua Shishi and the others naturally knew what she was doing, and they were no strangers to it.

Only Bai Zhi looked at her leaving back thoughtfully.

Some things should also be put on the agenda.

When Hua Jiujiu went to the thatched cottage, he didn't see Lou Sijin, so he put the things on the table and left.

She didn't go back right away, but sent the fish sauce to Grandma Liu, Fang Xiaoxiao's home.

When I went to Fang Xiaoxiao's house, I didn't see Fang Xiaoxiao and her mother, and I don't know if her mother succeeded in stopping it. You can go to the town tomorrow to find out the situation.

Later, when I went to Grandma Liu's house, Grandma Liu took her to chat for a while, and finally gave her a small basket of eggs.

Huajiujiu originally wanted to refuse, but couldn't bear Grandma Liu's toughness, so she had to accept the eggs.

However, before leaving, she secretly said in her heart that she must come to accompany Grandma Liu more in the future.

It's easy to feel lonely when you're old.

If it wasn't for the fear that she would be hungry, Grandma Liu would drag her to chatter for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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