Chapter 105 Blocked

Hua Jiujiu looked at the defeated buddy, sneered, walked away.

However, the guy just raised his head and saw Huajiujiu leaving with a basket on his back, immediately threw away the broom and rushed over.

"Miss, please wait."

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to answer, and walked faster.

It's ironic that he was a beggar before, but now he claims to be a young lady.

"Puff" sound.

The man knelt down in front of Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu frowned.

"I don't know you, I have to hurry, please let me go." Hua Jiujiu's tone was very bad.

"No, no, miss, I was wrong. I was blind before, please forgive me." The man begged bitterly.


At this time, there was a voice of cursing at the door of De Ren Tang: "I told you to sweep the floor, why are you being lazy!"

"Brother Lin, it's that lady, the lady who sells medicinal materials." The clerk pointed to Huajiujiu and said.

The man called Lin Ge's eyes lit up suddenly, and he strode up to Hua Jiujiu.

"Miss, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I wonder if I can show my face and go in for a cup of tea?" Brother Lin said flatteringly.

"No." Hua Jiujiu refused without hesitation.

Brother Lin's face froze suddenly, but he recovered quickly, "Miss, last time it was the sweeper who mistook someone, but it certainly doesn't mean it's the same in our shop. Can you give us a shop? Here's a chance, let's sit down and talk about a deal?"

His eyes aimed at the basket behind Huajiu.

Huajiujiu immediately understood that Renyitang's pills were launched, and the effect was very good.

I have to say, this speed is really fast, obviously only a few days have passed.

On the second day after Renyitang was launched, Deyitang imitated it, but the pills made were not as good as Renyitang's.

Even if they pay a lot of money to get a prescription and make exactly the same pills, the effect is still much worse, and some people just take it once, causing other problems.

After investigation later, I found out that it was because of the medicinal materials. If you follow this line, you will know what's going on. That's why the people in the German Medical Hall hate this blind sweeper so much.

"Sorry, I've already negotiated a deal with Renyitang, and I won't consider changing partners for the time being." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

"Miss, we can offer twice the price of Renyitang." How could Brother Lin let go of Huajiu so easily? The recent business of Renyitang really made them very jealous.

And the shopkeeper also issued an order. If the situation cannot be saved, they will all be miserable, so no matter what, they must take down Huajiujiu.

"Sorry, I still haven't considered it." Hua Jiujiu's expression remained calm.

Too little?

Lin Ge was a little puzzled, and said again: "Three times."

Still no response.

"Four times. Five times!"

There is still no response!
He gritted his teeth.

"Six times!"

This is the highest price he can give, if it goes any further, it will cost nothing.

However, no matter how high he spoke, Hua Jiujiu's face remained calm, which made him very puzzled.

This woman looks quite short of money, why is such a high price so unimpressive, what's going on?

"I'm in a hurry, please let me go." Hua Jiujiu was still polite.

She didn't want to provoke these people and cause unnecessary trouble for herself, so she didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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