Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 109 Delicacy Building and Delicacy Building

Chapter 109 Delicacy Building and Delicacy Building

Huo Yi was so startled that he almost fainted.

"This is too expensive, I can't accept it." Huo Yi quickly pushed it back.

This can be sold as thousand-year-old ginseng, how dare I accept it?
"Doctor Huo, this human skin mask is also priceless." Hua Jiujiu insisted on pushing it to Huo Yi,

"Also, you can still treat this ginseng as the treasure of your store, so you won't be afraid of being suppressed by some people all the time. Of course, the premise is that you can protect it."

Don't become a reminder.

Doctor Huo's face was complicated, he must be able to protect himself.

But who is this girl's master who can produce such a good ginseng.

"Doctor Huo, you must keep it secret for me." Hua Jiujiu said cautiously.

She didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to keep the secret." Huo Yi nodded heavily.

Hua Jiujiu had other things to do, so she bid farewell to Huo Yi.

Huo Yi sent Huajiu out in person, looking at her back with admiration on his face.

A 13-year-old girl can handle so many things so calmly, especially with her calm appearance of ginseng.
The person behind the little girl is not simple!

When Huajiujiu came out, it was almost noon. After looking at the very lively restaurant not far away, he walked over.

Cuisine building.

One of the largest restaurants in the town, I heard that behind it is a big family in the capital.

And another big restaurant in the town, named Zhenxiu Restaurant, can be said to be as narcissistic as this restaurant, and the owner behind it is also a big family in the capital.

In the end, Huajiujiu chose this nearby food restaurant, and will go to another restaurant next time.

She wanted to see how delicious the dishes in this restaurant were.

When she walked in, there was a waiter who immediately came out to entertain her, but when she saw her too ordinary clothes, her enthusiasm immediately disappeared.

But no one was chased away.

Hua Jiujiu can guarantee that as long as there is a little patch on her body, this little girl will open her mouth to drive people away.

"Miss, is she looking for someone, or is she having dinner?" Xiaoer asked.

"Dinner." Hua Jiujiu responded lightly.

"Is it a box, or dine-in?" Xiao Er continued to ask.

Hua Jiujiu came to inquire about news, so naturally she wouldn't go to the private room, "Dine-in." She didn't wait for Xiao Er to lead the way, and walked to the most central place by herself.

Only in this middle position can one hear news from all directions.

Xiaoer followed, poured a cup of tea for Huajiu, and asked, "What would you like to order, Miss?" Don't just sit here and drink tea.

Although the tea in their restaurant is free, it is also unaffordable for the poor. Someone came to drink tea before, but he was disgusted.

"What's your signature dish?" There are not so many varieties of ancient dishes, so even Xiao Er who has never read a book can still remember them.

"The hall is full of gold and jade, the phoenix welcomes the spring, the wealth is abundant, and the auspicious rolls." The waiter crackled and talked about several dishes.

The most expensive one, Xiao Er didn't say anything.

Looking at others, they also look like they can't afford it, so there is no need to waste more words.

Huajiujiu just wanted to say, don't be too artistic.

Eating is eating, so what are you doing so fancy?
Fortunately, she had worked in a big hotel before, otherwise she really didn't know what the names of these dishes meant.

Of course, even some rich people may not understand it.

However, I couldn't bear the money, so I just waved my hand and served all the signature dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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