Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 115 The Gradually Revealed Ambition

Chapter 115 The Gradually Revealed Ambition

"With this money, you can also build a network of relationships, an intelligence network, and use the intelligence network to collect his criminal evidence and let him fall from the top to the bottom. Isn't this the best revenge?"

Hua Jiujiu knew that her mother's identity would not be easy.

In order to prevent something from happening in advance.

She needs to build an intelligence network.

And this idea, she just had.

Obviously, I want to live in the village safely.

But why such a big change?
Is it just because you are worried about your mother's identity?
Hua Jiujiu thinks it's not.

Maybe it's because I have experienced too many times of being cold-eyed and dog-like looking down on people.

Or maybe, the last time I sat in a restaurant, I heard all kinds of bullying things.

It is more likely that when sitting in the restaurant this time, I heard all kinds of things that human life is worthless.

Anyway, this world is full of too many unfair things.

She can only work harder than in Huaxia!

She looked ahead indifferently, as if seeing the road she was about to walk.

Su Mo looked at Huajiu with a dazed expression.

Is the girl in front of me, who has not reached the level of hair, a peasant girl? !
Such a vicious thought!
However, he actually likes it so much!
What an experience it is to fall from the clouds to the bottom of the valley!
He couldn't wait to see it.

An evil smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

For some reason, he had no doubt that Hua Jiujiu was talking big.

With such ambition, how could it be impossible to achieve it?
Hua Jiujiu didn't get a response for a long time, looked back suspiciously, and saw Su Mo looking at her with admiration.

I feel like I'm going to gain a little fanboy.

"I, Su Mo, am willing to serve Miss as the master, and I will do whatever I want!" Su Mo suddenly knelt down in front of Huajiujiu, and kowtowed solemnly.


Well, not the little fanboy, but the little follower!

"Su Mo, I need a lot of time." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

If Su Mo was in a hurry to take revenge, she would have nothing to do.

She is also struggling!
Moreover, if he is really accepted, he only thinks of revenge, and it is easy to put her in a dangerous situation.

Because it is easy to give away.

"It's just right, let him climb higher!" When the time comes, pull them down together!

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, a child can be taught.

However, following yourself is more than just that.

"How old are you?" Hua Jiujiu asked as he took off the full backpack and took out the empty backpack underneath.

"Fourteen." Su Mo replied.

Hua Jiujiu glanced at the frail young man.

A year older than her, but about the same.

She used the back basket full of things as a cover, and took out a few bottles of fish sauce from the space.

Then put the fish sauce bottle by bottle into the empty pannier.

A total of about ten bottles were taken.

She put the backpack in front of Su Mo, "Last time, when I entered the town, I made dozens of taels of silver by virtue of my own skills."

Although cheated.

But it's still a profit!
Su Mo's eyes were full of astonishment, did he earn dozens of taels of silver once he entered the town? !

"I will give you a task. If you complete it, I will keep you by my side."

If you want to develop yourself, you must have some capable assistants by your side, and this young man can still be considered.

Su Mo was not very surprised, but just nodded. After all, no one wants to keep a useless person by his side.

 PS: Our heroine has this awareness, so she must become the richest man in the world!

  However, this awareness needs to be improved~
(End of this chapter)

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