Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 128 Wrap it up and throw it away

Chapter 128 Wrap it up and throw it away

Even so, Hua Jiujiu had no intention of saving him.

Because this man came here sober, if you save him, don't cause unnecessary trouble to others, then her peaceful life will be disrupted, so that's fine, and you may even lose her life. You and your family are in danger.

She hasn't reached the point of Notre Dame.

What's more, these remaining poisons and wounds will not kill this man, so why would she do such a thankless thing?

It's just that it's not an option to keep this man here.

Hua Jiujiu stroked her chin, lost in thought.

After a while, his eyes fell on the bed in the room.

"It's really your luck to meet such a kind person like me!" Hua Jiujiu said as he walked over.

After coming to the bed, he hugged the thick quilt and spread it beside the man.

Then drag the man on the quilt and wrap him in like making zongzi.

Look at the head exposed outside the quilt.

Worried that those who chased him would see him, he went to find another broken straw mat and wrapped it up again.

Well, it's warmer and safer this way.

It's just, I don't know why, it always feels weird to look at it like this.

Broken straw mat.
It seems that she saw a similar picture this morning?

Hua Jiujiu dragged the man out of the room very hard, and when he dragged him to the yard, he was so tired that he almost fell down.

This man is probably too heavy, but it's really difficult for her with thin arms and legs.

Thinking about dragging herself outside, Hua Jiujiu felt very tired.

After resting for a while, when Hua Jiujiu was about to continue dragging, he suddenly noticed something and immediately lay down, only to see a few black figures passing by.

It was the men in black who were after this man.

It seemed that she was wrapped like a corpse, but they didn't find it.

It seems that I have to speed up my pace and throw this man out as soon as possible, otherwise I and An Qingyan will be in danger.

After confirming that the man in black was far away, Hua Jiujiu came out, and when he was about to drag him away, suddenly, a black figure landed in the courtyard, and Hua Jiujiu ran away in shock.

However, the man soon came to Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu was so frightened that he covered his eyes with one hand, his voice trembling, "Don't kill me, I don't see anything, I don't know anything."

There were a few silver needles tightly held between her fingers, thinking that if that person approached her, she would pierce them with one needle.

The man approached step by step.

Hua Jiujiu's heart was getting higher and higher, and he didn't notice at all that there was no murderous intent around this person.

Just when the man was half a meter away from Huajiujiu, he stopped.

Hua Jiujiu felt like her heart was about to jump out.

Then, the brows were wrinkled together.

Not enough, so I can't reach it at all, and it's easy to be dodged!
And I only have one chance!

How to do?
What exactly?
"Ajiu." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded.

Hua Jiujiu put down his hands in amazement, and looked at the person in front of him. Suddenly, his whole heart fell.

The momentary relaxation made her body go limp, and she was about to kneel down before she fell into a familiar embrace.

"How do you feel?" Lou Sijin's eyes were full of worry.

"I'm fine." I was so nervous just now that I didn't slow down for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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