Chapter 130

Hua Jiujiu was inexplicably happy, "Ajin, thank you." This friend of mine is really not in vain!

"It's late at night, go to sleep." Lou Sijin took the joy in Huajiu's eyes into his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah." Hua Jiujiu turned around and was about to go in, but suddenly thought of something, and turned around and asked, "Where do you sleep?"

"I've booked an inn." In fact, he had only just come to town, and he had been looking for her everywhere since he arrived.

"Oh, then go back quickly and be careful on the road." After finishing speaking, Hua Jiu went back to the house.

When closing the door, he said to Lou Sijin who was still standing in the yard, "Good night."

Good night?

Lou Sijin didn't understand what this meant.

However, it probably had a good meaning, so he replied, "Good night."

Hua Jiujiu closed the door contentedly.

It's just that when he walked to the bed, he remembered that he gave the quilt to the injured man, so that he didn't have to cover him now.

Helpless, I had to go out to find a new quilt.

In such a cold day, if you don't cover the quilt, you will freeze to death.

Although she could enter the space, it was obviously an eventful night, so she should not do such unthinkable things.

When Hua Jiujiu went out, he didn't see Lou Sijin, thinking he had already left.

"I don't know if Ah Jin made it to the inn safely, and if she will run into those men in black." She muttered to herself as she walked.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know at all, her worried words fell into the ears of Lou Sijin on the roof.

He didn't leave, and planned to stay here all the time to avoid any accidents.

Hua Jiujiu quickly found the quilt, closed the door and went to sleep.

Lou Sijin sat on the roof, and after a while, she heard the regular breathing of flowers and wine in the room.

This little girl has a big heart.

Encountered such a thing, not only dealt with it in an orderly manner, but also fell asleep with peace of mind.

However, this is also good, after all, not being able to fall asleep is a very troublesome thing.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden pain in his heart.

His poison has exploded!
Lou Sijin sat cross-legged on the roof with her expression unchanged, practicing her skills to resist the toxin.

Over the years, he was used to being tortured by Gu insects.

Now it's just an extra poison that flares up every hour.

This area is temporarily safe, because Lou Sijin led those men in black to other places.

And the person who was wrapped up as a corpse was also thrown into a corner that would not affect this place.

As for his subordinates, whether he can find them or not is none of his business.

If he didn't kill him, he was already benevolent enough.

I have to say that Huajiujiu is really kind.

At least he was wrapped in a quilt, otherwise, by the next morning, he might have been frozen.

It was really his group of rubbish subordinates who searched for him all night, but they couldn't find anyone.

Therefore, Yuchi Mocheng just stayed in the beggar's den for one night.

Thanks to the fact that the beggars haven't woken up yet, and they are unwilling to move in the cold weather, they didn't find this big partner who appeared suddenly, otherwise Yuchi Mocheng would end up not only being stripped of all his previous things , and is likely to be lost.

This group of people haven't met a white, tender, and good-looking guy for a long time, so they don't care whether this person is a man or a woman.

When Yuchi Mocheng woke up and learned of his situation, he was so angry that he almost burst into blood.

Of course, what annoyed him more was his group of useless subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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