Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 132 I will help you and I will accompany you

Chapter 132 I will help you and I will accompany you

Just when she was about to buy a few more flowers, countless women rushed out from behind, all scrambling to say:

"Little girl, help me choose one too."

"Little girl, help me pick three."

"I, I want ten!"

"Hey, what's the matter with you, I came first, I choose first!"


The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

Among these people, there are many well-dressed people.

Hua Jiujiu didn't want the stall he had worked so hard to get crushed, so he immediately said, "Everyone, please line up in an orderly manner, so that everyone can have it, otherwise no one will be able to buy it."

When everyone heard that they couldn't buy it, they quickly lined up.

Huajiujiu was served one by one.

However, I have to say that no matter where she is, there is always a love for beauty!
So, are you afraid that your skin care products and cosmetics will not sell?

Hua Jiujiu was in a good mood and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

When Lou Sijin came over, he saw this scene of a bright smile, that smile was like a warm sun, shining on his cold heart, melting the ice bit by bit.

Seeing that Hua Jiujiu was at ease, he didn't go up to help, but just watched from a distance to prevent any accidents.

There are not too many people now, so Hua Jiujiu is still busy, but, as time passed, she became a little dizzy from being busy.

Just when someone was urging her to hurry up, a big hand stretched out and handed over the hair flowers that the guest needed.

Hua Jiujiu doesn't need to look at people to know who they are.

Lou Sijin is the only one who can have such beautiful hands.

"I'll help you." Lou Sijin's voice sounded.

"I brought you breakfast, you go and eat it." Hua Jiujiu immediately thought of the breakfast he had brought.

So, they are still destined, right?

Lou Sijin's dark eyes were suddenly filled with unknown emotions.

this little woman.
He walked over, took out breakfast from the basket, stood aside, looked at the flowers and wine, and ate quietly.

I don't know why, but he feels that today's breakfast is extraordinarily delicious, obviously he has eaten the food made by this little woman countless times, why is it so special today?
Not long after, Lou Sijin finished eating, and went to help Huajiu together.

With Lou Sijin's help, Huajiujiu immediately felt a lot easier. Now she only needs to help people choose flowers and praise them.

The two of them worked all morning to sell all the head flowers.

However, this is also an extremely astonishing speed.

Regardless of whether it is the street of the rich or the street of the poor, there are only a dozen stalls selling first flowers in a morning, but flower wine and wine sell hundreds of them at once.

Moreover, at the end of the sale, the supply was still in short supply. Huajiujiu could only tell them that they would come back to set up a stall at this time tomorrow.

After a day of fermentation, Huajiu believes that it will sell faster tomorrow. The reason why it is so fast today is also because of the gossip ability among women.

Hua Jiujiu closed the stall full of joy, "Ajin, I'll treat you to dinner later, you see where to wait for me first."

It was still early, and she happened to take care of the other two things, then went to dinner with Lou Sijin, went shopping together after dinner, and then they could go home together.

"I'll accompany you." Lou Sijin said lightly.

"That's good." Anyway, it's not something shameful, and it's not bad to have someone to accompany you.

(End of this chapter)

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