Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 140 I'm not, I'm not

Chapter 140 I'm not, I'm not

Not long after, the ox cart arrived at the gate of the village.

Hua Jiujiu also just woke up, "A Jin, are you here?"

"Yes." Lou Sijin replied blankly.

Hua Jiujiu felt that the man in front of him was too indifferent, and looked at him with some doubts.

When did you provoke him?
Lou Sijin didn't speak, took off the clothes on Hua Jiujiu, and took the lead into the village, leaving only Hua Jiujiu with a confused face.

If this clothes were worn on Hua Jiujiu's body, he might not be able to tell clearly.

"Okay, why are you suddenly angry?" Hua Jiujiu muttered.

"Little lady, your husband is probably annoyed that you drool all over him." At this moment, the coachman smiled ambiguously.

Hua Jiujiu didn't react for a while.

When he reacted, his fair face flushed red, and he stammered, "Ah, no, I'm not, I don't."

She is not Lou Sijin's wife, nor is she drooling!
The coachman laughed loudly, "Little lady is so lucky, to meet such a good husband, you should cherish it!"

After speaking, he drove away without giving Hua Jiujiu a chance to explain or ask questions.

Hua Jiujiu stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the direction the coachman was leaving, feeling a little messy in the wind.

Good luck?
Good husband?
take care of it?

What's the matter!
Could it be that she and Lou Sijin are so married?
It was so misleading!

Ahem, it shouldn't be!
They obviously have such a big age difference, and they seem to want big brothers and little sisters more!

No, next time you meet this coachman, you must explain it carefully, and Lou Sijin will be angry.

Hua Jiujiu put the basket on his back and headed towards his home.

At this time, everyone in the village was just about to go to work in the field when they saw Hua Jiujiu carrying a basket of things on his back.

Thinking that the things she brought out yesterday were not sold, she also shook her head and sighed.

Hua Jiujiu didn't explain, just greeted them and left.

When I walked to Grandma Liu's house, I saw that she was sewing clothes at the door, so I took out a pastry bought in the town and gave it to her.

"Girl, I don't need it." Grandma Liu quickly refused.

These pastries are not cheap.

"Grandma, I bought this specially for you, I will be sad if you don't eat it." Hua Jiujiu pushed over.

After hearing this, Grandma Liu didn't say anything more, she just went into the house and took out a piece of clothing.

"Girl, try to see if it fits." These are the clothes she sewed these days.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the clothes in surprise, "Grandma, you can't."

Grandma Liu has been living alone and has no source of income, so how can she spend money.

"Silly girl, grandma saw that this fabric is just right for you, so she made one for you and your sister, and your sister's was almost finished." Grandma Liu said lovingly.

"Grandma, why did you make so many for us, you should make more clothes for yourself."

"I'm so old, where did I wear such bright clothes?"

Hua Jiujiu knew that this was not a reason, and immediately looked at Grandma Liu moved.

In her place, I feel the love from grandma.

"Thank you grandma." Hua Jiujiu's eyes were a little moist.

"Silly girl, go home quickly, your mother and younger sister are waiting anxiously." Grandma Liu said as she rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair.

"Yeah, grandma, come to our house tonight, and I'll cook for you." Hua Jiujiu nodded vigorously.

"Okay, okay." Grandma Liu nodded with a smile.

Only then did Hua Jiujiu take his things home.

Grandma Liu looked at Hua Jiujiu's back, her eyes were full of love.

It's just that no one sees the complexity hidden deeper.

But hopefully, all is well.

 PS: Hey, if you are clicked on this, your relationship will develop faster~
(End of this chapter)

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