Chapter 156

Hua Jiujiu doesn't have time to chat with An Qing.

She gave her the veil embroidered by her own mother, and the veil embroidered by her sister.

An Qingge did not fail to accept it, and asked when their treasure of the town store would be completed.

Hua Jiujiu said to wait and see, anyway, they are not in a hurry to open so early, after all, they have too many things to prepare.

An Qingge thinks about it too, the decoration of her shop has to be changed, and the staff has to be retrained.

Not to mention publicity.

Hua Jiujiu asked her to deal with it quickly, anyway, she had no time to help her recently, which caused An Qingge to complain again and again.

Taking the things from the stall, Hua Jiujiu went to where it was yesterday.

Unexpectedly, there are more people today in places that are sparsely populated on weekdays.

Of course, it's a woman.

When these women saw Huajiujiu, they all surrounded her, as if they were about to swallow her.

"Little boss, you are here."

"Yes, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

"It can be regarded as making me wait."

"Little boss, give me five more head flowers from yesterday. I wore them back yesterday, but my sisters almost snatched them away. Hurry up and tell them to buy them again."

"Mine has been snatched away, so I can only come back and squat."

"My husband never praises others, but he actually praised me last night."


Everyone chattered.

Anyway, everyone appreciates that flower.

Hua Jiujiu set up a stall with a smile, and then let a group of chaotic women line up.

Wait for the line to finish.

The transaction went smoothly.

Most of the people who came today were repeat customers, and this repeat customer bought a lot at one time.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Huajiu to sell out.

It seems that today can save a lot of time.

It just so happened that she still had a lot of things to deal with.

Just as the last flower was sold and the stall was about to be closed, a few hooligans came over aggressively.

Hua Jiujiu had a bad premonition in his heart, and hastened his efforts to clean up the stall.

When she was about to leave with those things, those men stood in front of her.

A man like a thin monkey said arrogantly: "Stinky girl, pay the money."

"Why should I pay?" Hua Jiujiu glanced at the stall not far away, seeing that they were all looking at these people with fearful faces, and probably had some guesses in their hearts.

"You have been doing business on our site for two days, and now you come to ask us why we paid the money." The eyes of another fat man were full of envy and hatred.

Why is my mother-in-law not as good at selling hair flowers as she is!
Huajiujiu looked clear.

Sure enough, no matter where, there will always be street fighters, and the protection money will never be late.

"How much?" Since it was a rule, she didn't want to be special, so she asked calmly.

"Ten... thirty pennies for two days!" The fat man suddenly changed his words when he saw the look in his boss's eyes.

In the past two days, he heard that the little girl's business was very good, so she sold everything in a short time and made a lot of money.

So, don't they have more points?

Otherwise, I would be too sorry for myself.

Nodding everyone agrees, that's all there should be.

The stalls not far away gasped.

He even charged thirty Wen at once.

They can't make so much money in a day!
Although the little girl's head flowers are easy to sell, they are also people's hard-earned money, and they will be cheated for no reason.

This is clearly bullying the little girl.

But, so what if they know.

I'm already precarious, so how could I still meddle in my own business.

 PS: Babies, Xiaoyu is late, and the other two are here~
  Hey, what do you guys think is going to be the next plot~
(End of this chapter)

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