Chapter 186 Fang Xiaoxiao is sick

Hua Jiujiu went back to finish cooking and was about to deliver the food to Lou Sijin when Lin Jiao hurried to the door.

"Hua girl, go and see Xiaoxiao."

"what happened?"

Only then did Hua Jiujiu remember that he said yesterday that he wanted to go to her to inquire about the situation of the Zhu Mansion, but he forgot because he was practicing calligraphy.

"Xiaoxiao was fine when she came back yesterday, but after sleeping, she suddenly contracted a severe cold. The doctor came to see her. She took medicine and got an injection, but she didn't feel better at all, and it got worse. The doctor said In this way, it can only be sent to the big medical clinic in the town."

Bai Zhi at the side was a little confused, so she went to the town to find a doctor, why did she come to find her daughter?
"And then?" Hua Jiujiu asked.

"I was going to send Xiaoxiao to the town, but Xiaoxiao refused to go, I want you to persuade her." Lin Jiao was a little impatient.

If this continues, my daughter may not be able to hold on.

At this moment, she very much regretted sending Fang Xiaoxiao to be a maid, and it was also because after returning from the town, her smiling girl became silent a lot.

"Okay, let me see."

Hua Jiujiu handed the packaged meals to Hua Youyou and asked her to deliver them to Lou Sijin, while he followed Lin Jiao to her house.

Before entering Fang Xiaoxiao's room, she heard her terrified voice, "Go away! Don't come over!"

This is burnt out!
Hua Jiujiu strode in, and saw Fang Xiaoxiao lying on the bed in a daze, obviously burnt to death.

Lin Jiao ran over anxiously, what should I do?

Hua Jiujiu grabbed Fang Xiaoxiao's hand and took her pulse.

Lin Jiao looked at Hua Jiujiu suspiciously. This is... a pulse?
When will this girl feel her pulse again?

Then, she saw Hua Jiujiu took out an acupuncture bag, and she seemed to want the other party to stick it in with a smile, and said in a surprised voice: "Hua girl, what are you doing?"

"Aunt Lin, I'm giving Xiaoxiao an injection. Xiaoxiao contracted a cold and was frightened, which is why she has a persistent high fever." Hua Jiujiu explained.

"But...but can you give needles?" Lin Jiao had a look of disbelief.

Although Hua Jiujiu has a priest doctor father, but he has only learned medical skills not long ago, and he has never heard that Hua Jiujiu can already treat diseases.

"Aunt Lin, don't worry, my skills are still good, my master has boasted about it." Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to promise.

Lin Jiao dared to let her have the needle after hearing her guarantee.

However, watching her needle after needle, I still felt a little trembling.

I'm afraid that if I make a mistake, it will cause serious consequences.

Hua Jiujiu finished the injection soon, and Fang Xiaoxiao's condition stabilized a lot. Although she was still in a coma, at least she didn't keep shaking.

Just kidding, this is a silver needle that has been soaked in Lingquan, if not completely cured, at least it will be much better.

Lin Jiao looked at Hua Jiujiu in disbelief, she didn't expect her medical skills to be so powerful.

"Aunt Lin, Xiaoxiao's condition has stabilized a lot. I'll go back and prepare some medicine for her. If you decoct her medicine and feed her to drink, nothing will happen tomorrow."

"That's great, Hua girl, thank you so much." Lin Jiao looked at Hua Jiujiu gratefully.

"It's okay, Xiaoxiao is my friend, I should help her." I don't know what she went through in Zhu's mansion to be so frightened.

When Hua Jiujiu was about to go back, Lin Jiao asked her to wait for her.

He went to the back room to get a basket of eggs, took out some copper coins, handed it to Hua Jiujiu and said, "I don't know how much it will cost, but you can take it."

(End of this chapter)

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