Chapter 193
Hua Jiujiu checked Lou Sijin's pulse, nodded first, then frowned, "Did you get lucky?"

"I just tried it." Lou Sijin replied truthfully.

"Did I say that before your poison is cured, you can't perform martial arts?" Hua Jiujiu looked at him coolly.

This is really a disobedient patient.

"No more." Lou Sijin, like a child who has done something wrong, lowered her head, humbly being taught.

"That's right." Hua Jiujiu nodded in satisfaction.

Doctors like obedient patients.

"Okay, don't talk, I'll take out the needle for you." Hua Jiujiu saw that it was almost time, and said.

Lou Sijin lay obediently on the bed.

Hua Jiujiu carefully took out the silver needle.

There was nothing unusual about taking it out, so Hua Jiujiu heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he had succeeded.

Until the last silver needle was put away, Lou Sijin did not experience any abnormality.

Hua Jiujiu looked at him happily, "Great, it worked!" Then she can detoxify him according to this solution.

Lou Sijin also sat up from the bed, and when she was about to say something to her, suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then there was darkness in front of his eyes, and he fell down straight.

Hua Jiujiu's body was sprayed with blood, and was immediately covered with bright red snowflakes. She didn't have time to care about it, so she nervously held Lou Sijin, "Ajin, what's wrong with you?"

Lou Sijin didn't respond to her, and lay motionless on the bed.

Hua Jiujiu grabbed his wrist in shock.

This grip made her face turn pale with fright.

There is no pulse beating!

Hua Jiujiu's pupils shrank.

She climbed onto the bed, knelt down in front of Lou Sijin, pressed his chest with both hands, and rescued him.

It seemed that he was a little angry when he was pulled back.

But it's not enough!

"Ajin, you'll be fine, absolutely fine!" Hua Jiujiu shouted in a panic.

Where is the mistake?
she does not know.

She has no idea!
However, she only knew that she couldn't let this man die, she had to save him!
She took out the spiritual spring from the space in a panic, and poured it down for Lou Sijin no matter what happened.

However, the current Lou Sijin couldn't drink the Lingquan at all.

Huajiu still hesitated, took a sip of the Lingquan, put her lips on his lips, and fed the Lingquan into his mouth.

Not enough, this is not enough!

Lou Sijin's body temperature did not rise, and it seemed that she was about to die.

Hua Jiujiu suddenly thought of something, she grabbed Lou Sijin and brought him into her space.

In the bamboo house in the space, there is a spiritual spring from which she took most of the tub.

Originally, it was for emergencies, but now it seems that it is for Lou Sijin's emergency.

Hua Jiujiu quickly helped Lou Sijin up, and carried him into the bathtub.

However, her own strength is really too small, and Lou Sijin is so tall and powerful, so she can't move him no matter what.

After finally pulling him away, he also fell into the tub with him.

Lingquan spilled all over the ground.

Huajiujiu was also choked up several times.

She wiped the water off her face, and nervously looked at Lou Sijin beside her, fearing that his head would be submerged in the water.

Fortunately, he is relatively tall, and the tub won't flood him, nor choke him.

Hua Jiujiu didn't go out, but asked Lou Sijin to drink the spiritual spring water while feeding him the spiritual spring water, regardless of how ambiguous their current posture was.

(End of this chapter)

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