Chapter 195 Inquiry
The window was not closed tightly, and was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind.

A gust of cold wind came in.

They, who were all wet, were given a refreshing blow.

It's winter!

It's not the space where the seasons are like spring!
Hua Jiujiu couldn't help shivering, Lou Sijin also became sober because of this blow.

His long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally turned into a butterfly like a cocoon.

Those dark eyes looked straight ahead, facing the soaked Huajiujiu.

"Aqiu!" Hua Jiujiu sneezed uncontrollably.

Lou Sijin suddenly recovered from the daze.

He looked at the drenched flower wine, and then looked down at his situation, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

But he didn't ask first, but walked out of the tub, completely ignoring the appearance of his upper body being exposed.

He walked to the window first and closed the window to block the cold wind that kept pouring in.

Then he walked to the bed, picked up the thick quilt, and draped it over Hua Jiujiu's body.

This action is done in one go.

Before Hua Jiujiu could figure out how to explain it to him, it was all done.

This could he be so caring?

After keeping the flowers and wine warm, Lou Sijin picked up the coat at the side and put it on her body.

It's just that he extremely dislikes his current body.

Dirty and smelly!
However, he could only bear with it for now, he looked at the pitch-black bathtub, then at Huajiu, "This is... what's going on?"

"When you fell asleep just now, you suddenly broke out in sweat, so I wanted to take the opportunity to soak you in a medicinal bath, but who knew you were too heavy, so I accidentally fell into it and ended up in this state. "

Hua Jiujiu spread his hands helplessly.

Lou Sijin looked at the tub with a strange expression.

What medicine, so smelly, so dirty?

"Ahem, it's not convenient to boil water at night, so I can only take a cold bath." Hua Jiujiu tried to divert Lou Sijin's attention.

A cold bath in winter...


Lou Sijin took a deep look at Huajiujiu.

I always feel that things are not really simple.

After all, there was no splashing water around here, and there was no smell of medicine in the air.

Lou Sijin's eyes made Hua Jiujiu flustered.

She had no choice but to continue changing the subject, "Ajin, I didn't know that you were born so good-looking."

Lou Sijin's body froze slightly.

He subconsciously touched his face.

The human skin mask is gone.

This little woman actually knew that she was wearing a human skin mask!

Just, how did she take it off?
"I took a bath for you, but the human skin mask fell off." As she said that, she went to fish it in the water, and sure enough, she pulled out the human skin mask.

Lou Sijin took the human skin mask handed over by Hua Jiujiu, and a trace of inquiry flickered deep in her eyes.

This human skin mask was made by Mr. Miao Ai.

Naturally, it cannot be removed with water.

However, the little woman said that she was soaked in water...

Is it the water problem, or did the little woman use other methods?

Hua Jiujiu felt Lou Sijin's more and more probing eyes, and couldn't help but feel stuffy.

She diverted her attention for a while to eliminate Lou Sijin's suspicion of herself, but it turned out that she became more and more suspicious.

This man is really not that easy to fool!

Hua Jiujiu knows how it takes countless lies to cover one lie.

(End of this chapter)

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