Chapter 199 Going to Town Together
Hua Jiujiu packed up his things for sale and was about to go out when Lou Sijin came with some prey.

"Ajin, are you going to town too?"

Obviously she had forgotten that she asked Lou Sijin to help her.

This prey is just a cover.

Lou Sijin didn't explain, but just gave a soft "hmm".

Then his gaze rested on Hua Jiujiu's face.

Sure enough, yesterday was not his illusion, this little woman just became extraordinarily beautiful.

Seeing that Lou Sijin was going to town with Hua Jiujiu, Bai Zhi was relieved a lot.

"Ah Jin, I'm afraid this girl will go crazy after going to the town, so please take care of her."

I have been there several times, how could I still not know how to measure.

This is clearly worrying.

"Well, I will." Lou Sijin replied.

Hua Jiujiu was a little helpless, but didn't say anything. He just took out a square scarf from the back basket and wrapped his little head around it, making it less conspicuous.

In such a cold day, it is not that no one has a square scarf wrapped around his head.

So it won't look awkward.

Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin walked to Teal Ya Village, and continued to go to town in a bullock cart.

This time, someone was still curious about her medical skills.

Some even made an appointment with Hua Jiujiu to see a doctor.

Hua Jiujiu didn't shirk, he talked about his free time and rules, and the rest was up to these people.

Because she doesn't charge much for the consultation, there are still people who are willing to give it a try.

After arriving in the town, Lou Sijin accompanied Huajiu to the stall first.

On the way, Lou Sijin couldn't help asking: "Do you want to be a doctor?"


Lou Sijin didn't answer.

"What do you think?" Hua Jiujiu couldn't help asking.

"As long as you like it." Lou Sijin could tell that Hua Jiujiu was very happy when he was treating patients.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing?" Hua Jiujiu looked into Lou Sijin's eyes, trying to see if he was lying.

"Why are you ashamed?" Lou Sijin asked back.

"After all, there is no female doctor."

"It's just that no one does it, so what about female doctors, the medical skills are not necessarily inferior to men." This is a rare and relatively long sentence by Lou Sijin.

Hua Jiujiu showed a happy smile.

"That's right, I still want to open a medical clinic in the future, and even open a medical clinic all over the country!" Huajiu has great ambitions.

"Okay, I'll help you." Lou Sijin naturally supported him unconditionally.

Hua Jiujiu didn't answer, they had already arrived at their destination, and they skillfully set up the stall.

There are still a lot of people, and it still sells out quickly.

When Huajiujiu was closing the stall, it was thinking that sales would slow down in the next two days.

Counterfeit products should also come out.

However, there will not be too much impact, anyway, I will occasionally bring out a new model.

What's more, she has regular customers.

After selling the head flowers, Hua Jiujiu accompanied Lou Sijin to sell game.

His wild game is sold to restaurants, but it is not a very famous restaurant.

"Oh, you're here. Why haven't I seen you recently, but I'm looking for game. Hey, is this your wife? Is it possible that I haven't seen you recently because I'm going to marry a wife?"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant and Lou Sijin seemed to be getting along pretty well, and couldn't help but tease when they saw Huajiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu blushed.

Does she look like a little daughter-in-law?

Uh, wrapped in a square scarf, it seems to be a bit like it.

Hua Jiujiu was too embarrassed to speak, and Lou Sijin was too lazy to open his mouth.

The right is the default.

(End of this chapter)

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