Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 203 These hands only need to save someone!

Chapter 203 These hands only need to save someone!
The moment he left the alley, a noble figure appeared there, he glanced thoughtfully at the dazed person on the ground, then turned and left the place.

The people in Zhu's residence are really ungrateful.

He even wanted to kill his savior.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Yuchi Mocheng's mouth.

However, this has nothing to do with him, he still went to meet the woman called Huajiujiu for a while.

Why should I repay my life-saving grace, right?
When Lou Sijin saw Yuchi Mocheng's figure, her dark eyes became even darker.

It is him again!
However, fortunately, he didn't do anything unnecessary, otherwise, he would have to crush his mask to pieces.

Let him wear a mask every day to pretend to be aggressive!
Looking at this mask for myself, I am getting more and more unhappy!
Hua Jiujiu obviously also saw that person, and had some doubts in his heart, how could this person follow him?
Her identity as a man has never had any intersection with him.

Wait, the direction he came from just now is not the direction of the teahouse.

The person who won't stare at him in the teahouse is this man?
But why did he notice her?
"With your identity, have you ever interacted with him?" Lou Sijin asked.

"No." And, she swore she'd never done anything to draw attention to herself.

Except for the things done in Zhu's mansion.

However, this person is obviously not from the Zhu family.

Therefore, there must be something about him that caught his attention.

Lou Sijin lowered her head to look at the face of the person in front of her, with a little surprise in her eyes.

This human skin mask is simply too realistic.

It is completely comparable to the human skin mask made by Mr. Miao Ai.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"He has always had a deep obsession with human skin masks."

Therefore, it may be because he saw that Hua Jiujiu had a human skin mask on his face, but he was also a little curious because the human skin mask was too realistic.

After all, in this world, except Mr. Miao Ai's technology, which he has never seen through, the human skin masks of other people are all a joke in his eyes.


What kind of hobby is this?

Feel free to panic!
"It seems that my skills are not in place." Hua Jiujiu was a little frustrated.

"Your technique is excellent." At least even he was amazed.

"What's the matter, that person can see flaws from a distance, and you recognized me at a glance." Hua Jiujiu's face was decadent.

"I didn't recognize you because you were wearing a human skin mask." Lou Sijin's eyes flickered.

"Stop comforting me." Hua Jiujiu's face was full of heartache.

"Because of your eyes." Lou Sijin stared into her eyes.

Hua Jiujiu looked up and looked into a pair of deep eyes.

This man... did he engrave himself in his mind?
Recognize yourself through your eyes... how did you do it!
Hua Jiujiu looked at herself blushing when she saw herself stunned in those pupils.

"I haven't finished talking about the question just now!" Hua Jiujiu rubbed his nose embarrassingly.

"You know it's me, why leave me behind."

Lou Sijin moved her lips, but then changed her words, "Why did they kill you?"

He was afraid of hearing that Hua Jiujiu was afraid of him.

So, don't continue this topic.

When Hua Jiujiu heard this, he became angry.

"Who knows, there's something wrong with it!"

Hua Jiujiu recounted what happened to him in the past two days, and the more he talked, the angrier he became.

The more Lou Sijin heard it, the more gloomy her face became.

It's just a small Zhu Mansion!

How dare he touch his woman!

"Ajin, do you think she is mentally ill?" Hua Jiujiu said through gritted teeth.

I almost died just now!

This word is full of murderous intent.

It seems that everything can be ended by this one word.

Hua Jiujiu shuddered suddenly.

He turned to look at the man beside him.

It's this feeling again!

Suffocation from hell!

Hua Jiujiu grabbed Lou Sijin's arm, "Ajin, I want to take revenge with my own hands!"

If he hadn't said anything, he might have heard the news that Zhu's family had been wiped out tomorrow.

Although she didn't know what Lou Sijin's identity was, she felt that Lou Sijin could do and do such a thing!
However, she didn't want Lou Sijin to get too much blood on her hands for her sake, including the blood of some innocent people.

Lou Sijin's rationality was pulled back at that moment, and he looked away annoyed, for fear that his terrifying eyes would scare the people in front of him.

"A Jin, how do you think I will take revenge?" Hua Jiujiu seemed to have not seen or noticed.

Hearing this, Lou Sijin couldn't help looking at her again.

There is a complicated look in it.

"I must make them pay a price worse than death!" Hua Jiujiu tried hard to make his eyes look fierce.

However, she was not a vicious person by nature.

So that it looks a little cute.

Like... a rabbit with red eyes.

Lou Sijin couldn't help but reached out and gently touched the top of her head.

"Don't touch it, I'm getting angry now." Hua Jiujiu slapped Lou Sijin's big hand away.

With a serious face.

Lou Sijin's eyes were stained with a smile.

This little woman.

It's really cute!
"Since Mrs. Zhu is so afraid of some secret being exposed, then I will let her experience the feeling of having a secret exposed!" Hua Jiujiu curled up her lips, revealing a cold smile.

Lou Sijin looked at her deeply.

In this way, it feels a little fierce.

However, it is still so cute.

"I'll help you." Lou Sijin was not willing to let Huajiu work hard.

"No, no, it's interesting to do this kind of thing by yourself." Hua Jiujiu waved his hand.

Lou Sijin confirmed it.

Seeing that she really wanted to take revenge with her own hands instead of being afraid of him, she raised her lips.

"Okay." As long as she thinks, she will be satisfied.

"Ajin, you haven't answered my question just now." After going around, Huajiujiu went back again.

Lou Sijin knew that this little woman might not let it go.

"I don't want blood to stain your flawless hands." Lou Sijin still said.

At that moment, Hua Jiujiu understood the deep meaning of these words.

His hands are full of filth.

Therefore, I don't want her hands to be touched.

"Ajin, my hands, although they are used to save people, can also be used to kill people."

As long as someone wants to kill her, or someone she cares about!
She is not the Holy Mother, it is impossible to let those who want to kill her and those she cares about make herself miserable, so she will definitely learn to kill!

"Ajiu, with your hands, you only need to save people."

Killing, let him do it!
This is the only thing he can do!

 ps: Babies, here are six thousand words, thank you for your support, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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