Chapter 213 The Dissatisfied Person
Yuchi Mocheng stared at the woman in front of him who was seriously applying medicine for him, "You made this golden sore medicine yourself?"

"That's right, I'm not bragging to you, this golden sore medicine is my famous work." Hua Jiujiu raised her chin proudly.


"A Hua and Ah Hei in our village were often injured in fights. The village chief's grandfather was so distressed that he came to me to buy medicine for golden sores. Every time he used my medicine for golden sores, he would soon be alive and kicking again."

Hua Jiujiu took a scrap from Jinhua Pavilion and bound it up for him.

Yuchi Mocheng listened to her words, and asked out of nowhere, "Who are Ah Hua and Ah Hei?"

"Ah Hua is our village chief's most beautiful little pig, and Ah Hei is our village chief's most..."

Before Hua finished speaking, Yuchi Mocheng shook off the bandaging hand.

"Hey, I haven't finished bandaging yet." Hua Jiujiu exclaimed.

But I was thinking in my heart, hum, let you scare me, you are disgusting to death!
Yuchi Mocheng looked at Huajiujiu with a gloomy face, seeing her innocent and ignorant look, did he not hit her.

It's just that he tore off the half-bandaged thing on his hand, and then flew away.

Hua Jiujiu looked at his leaving back, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Probably won't trouble her again.

However, there is no basis for this sentence.

I'm afraid that when he comes back to his senses, he will still be threatened.

Hua Jiujiu sighed faintly, then packed up his things and went to find Lou Sijin.

As a result, just two steps away, he was stopped by another person.

"Miss Hua, I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to another meal?" Nangong Yu said to Hua Jiujiu in a gentlemanly manner.

Hua Jiujiu suspected that this man had been watching her itinerary for the past few days, that's why he stopped her so punctually.

"Sorry, I'm not free." Hua Jiujiu was in a bad mood at the moment, and he didn't bother to deal with the fox.

"It's already noon, and Miss Hua should have her meal too." How could Nangong Yu be willing to let Huajiu go like this.

He has been squatting on this little girl for several days.

"I'm not hungry, can't I?" Hua Jiujiu rolled his eyes.

As a result, he was embarrassed in the next second, and there was a grunting sound from his stomach.


Hua Jiujiu said angrily, "Can't I have a stomachache?" He was about to cross over.

Nangong Yu was a little confused.

Have you provoked this little girl? He clearly wants to treat her to dinner, but why does she feel so angry?

However, seeing her so angry, she didn't make fun of herself, and saved the chance to get those recipes.

"Miss Hua, if you need any help, just ask." It can only be an olive branch.

Hua Jiujiu suppressed her emotions, looked back at Nangong Yu, and then left.

To be honest, this man will be an excellent partner. He can open restaurants all over the country, and he will be able to avoid all risks, so as to achieve the goal that Huajiujiu wants.

However, the premise is that you must be shrewd enough and be regarded as a true partner by him, otherwise it will be easy to capsize in the gutter.

Hua Jiujiu thought that she would not be overwhelmed by him.

However, he didn't think he was regarded as a real partner by him.

This man will only get rid of everything that is not good for him.

Once you lose your use value.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes flickered.

Thinking of these, she didn't want to pay attention to this man.

It's not that she can't build a restaurant, after all, Lou Sijin also helped her train some useful people.

However, this progress may be a bit slow, and the process will be a bit difficult.

However, it is the most reassuring.

As for how to deal with the troubles encountered in the process, Hua Jiujiu can only work hard to improve the status of Mr. Qianzui so that people dare not touch this restaurant!
However, opening a restaurant is not that simple, and she still needs to discuss it with others.

Lou Sijin should know it.

With that in mind, I couldn't wait to find him.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw some cruel pictures.

Lou Sijin was asking someone to punish a certain person, but that person didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth and carried it.

"Here, there is no reason, as long as you fail to meet the requirements, you will be punished!" Lou Sijin said coldly.

No one spoke, and the courtyard was as quiet as it could be.

However, it can be seen that their eyes are stained with fear.

This place is not a place for jokes, nor is it a stable life as they thought!

"But he did it to help another person." Someone couldn't help complaining, she always felt that there should be some warmth here, and she couldn't be so indifferent.

"Help? It's just hurting him!" Lou Sijin sneered.

Everyone is puzzled.

How could this be harming him!
"If you are lazy today, you will lose confidence when facing the enemy tomorrow." Lou Sijin coldly glanced at the people present, "Why, do you want to be someone else's soul under the sword?"

Everyone shook their heads violently.

They managed to live a life of food and clothing, how could they throw their lives away.

When Hua Jiujiu heard this, he instantly understood Lou Sijin's thoughts.

He wanted to reduce casualties.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate a person.

"What about her?" At this time, someone noticed Hua Jiujiu and pointed at her.

They didn't have active training, so what about the person who fished for three days and posted nets for two days?

Lou Sijin looked back at Huajiu.

Before he could speak, Hua Jiujiu spoke first, "I can compete with you to see who can win."

The man lowered his head in fear.

Why did he get so hot-headed that he called his master!
Even if the master doesn't train, there is nothing wrong with it!
"I'm one year younger than you, and I'm still a girl, so could it be that you're afraid of me?" Hua Jiujiu walked over.

Although she has only been exercising for a few days, she bathes in Lingquan every day, and her physical fitness cannot be better.

So even if she is a woman, she is not comparable to these people.

"How is it possible!" the man said with his head raised.

He has been training very seriously, it is impossible to be inferior to a little girl!
"In that case, let's compare." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

The man subconsciously looked at Lou Sijin.

Lou Sijin nodded expressionlessly, "Let's use this training obstacle as the venue for the competition. Whoever passes through faster will win."

This obstacle was set up by Lou Sijin. Of course, Hua Jiujiu also suggested to improve it.

It is a program that can train a person in all aspects.

Therefore, it is very fair to use this project as a competition.

The man saw that it turned out to be something he trained on a daily basis, so he immediately calmed down.

They are training every day, but this woman only comes to train occasionally, so this competition, I am destined to win!

Since he was going to win, he must have a bet, otherwise he would be in vain today.

Before he could say anything, Hua Jiujiu spoke first: "Since it's a competition, there must be bets on it."

(End of this chapter)

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