Chapter 215 Undercurrents surging
Everyone consciously went to training, and no one felt that Huajiujiu was too leisurely.

Because they don't have that qualification.

Unless one day I can surpass her.

Lou Sijin walked up to Hua Jiujiu, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly grabbed Hua Jiujiu's hand and asked nervously, "Where did you get hurt?"

Hua Jiujiu froze for a moment.

Looking at his hand, he saw the blood stained on the sleeve, and said with a smile, "I'm not injured, it's not my blood."

Lou Sijin frowned slightly, "Whose property is this?" Did something happen?
Hua Jiujiu is hesitating whether to tell him or not.

Lou Sijin seemed to have noticed it in advance, and whispered: "Don't lie to me."

Hua Jiujiu recounted what happened just now with some helplessness.

Lou Sijin's face immediately sank.

It is him again!
What is he trying to do? !

"He's already eyeing you." Lou Sijin said affirmatively.

Hua Jiujiu felt helpless, she didn't know why he was following her!
It just saved him.

This is still a life-saving grace, why do people still want to repay their kindness with revenge?

"Ajin, do you think she will find this place?" Hua Jiujiu looked melancholy at the people training in the yard.

Although this place is quite remote, if it is really targeted by someone with a heart, it will definitely be exposed.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." It's just another place.

He is more worried about Huajiu now.

It's not a good thing to be targeted by that man.

"A Jin, do you know who he is?" Hua Jiujiu thought of the last time Lou Sijin seemed to know him very well.

"En." Lou Sijin responded.

"Who is he?" Hua Jiujiu was also a little apprehensive.

I always feel that the identity will not be so simple.

"There are two notorious forces in the Jianghu that no one dares to talk about. One is called the Dark Prison Tower and the other is called the Shasha Tower. He is Leng Youming, the owner of the Shasha Tower." Lou Sijin said in a low voice.


How does this name feel so...

Well, don't be too blatant!
It seems that they are afraid that people will not know that they are doing bad things.

"Although it is a power in the Jianghu, but behind it, there are many connections with princes and nobles."

So, once you get involved, there will be some complications.

Thinking of his possible identity, Lou Sijin's expression turned gloomy.

Hua Jiujiu's complexion is not very good-looking, why did he provoke such a number one person!
"Ajiu, don't have anything to do with him." Lou Sijin said worriedly.

Hua Jiujiu said that he didn't think he would be involved, but he came to him by himself!

Lou Sijin looked at the person in front of her, her dark eyes became extremely deep.

I am afraid that I will...

"Forget it, let's see the trick, he can't really take action on the savior."

When the word "savior" was mentioned, Hua Jiujiu's face froze. She seemed to deny that she was his savior from the beginning.

Cough cough, that person can completely wipe her neck on the grounds that he has played tricks on him!
As the leader of an evil force, what can't be done?
"Ajiu, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Lou Sijin saw her worry and said.

"No, you can't luck." Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin warningly.

Not only was she unable to use martial arts, but she was also afraid that Lou Sijin would not be able to defeat him. After all, he was the leader of the evil forces, so his martial arts must be very powerful.

No matter how awesome Lou Sijin was in the past, it was just a little bit awesome, how could he compare to a leader of an evil force!

Lou Sijin didn't know that she was underestimated by Hua Jiujiu, and she kept thinking about how she should protect Hua Jiujiu.

"Don't worry, I don't know how to practice martial arts." Lou Sijin said in a deep voice.

"Oh, what's this all about?" Hua Jiujiu sighed faintly, then looked at Lou Sijin, "Ajin, teach me martial arts."

"it is good."

Although he wanted to say that he could protect her well.

However, he had to worry about the time when he was not by her side.

"Then shall we learn lightness kung fu first?" Hua Jiujiu looked expectant.

"Physical fitness first." This is the foundation.

"Still exercising?" Hua Jiujiu's face suddenly fell.

She is tired of practicing!

"When you reach one-fifth of my speed, I will teach you lightness kung fu." Lou Sijin rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair and said softly.

"Huh? One-fifth?" Hua Jiujiu suspected that he had heard wrong.

Lou Sijin didn't reply, just looked at Huajiujiu.

Huajiujiu was immediately frustrated.

Forget it, she'd better have a full meal before going to exercise, and strive to meet Lou Sijin's requirements as soon as possible!
Looking at Hua Jiujiu's back, Lou Sijin's eyes kept flickering.

Some things, although he vowed never to touch them again.

However, for her, I am willing to set foot in such a place again!

That night, Yuchi Mocheng received a report from his subordinates.

"Master, that person has moved!"

Yuchi Mocheng raised his eyes immediately, and there was an evil aura in those long and narrow eyes.

"It can be regarded as... coming back!"

His slender fingers kept tapping on the table.

From the rhythm of the knocking, it can be seen that its owner is very excited.

"Master, what are you going to do next?" the man in black couldn't help asking.

"No need." You should always give people a chance to breathe, right?
"Yes." The man in black stepped back immediately.

After stepping back, he touched his neck, it seems that today's head is still saved.

However, there is still tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, every day in the future!

The man in black was extremely heartbroken.

Why is it so difficult to be a subordinate?

At the same time, Lou Sijin was standing in the deep woods with his back facing a man in black.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see that there is anyone there.


The man in black was very excited.

Lou Sijin didn't respond, and the man in black couldn't help asking: "My lord, where have you been all this time?"

"Where is this king going, do I still need to report to you?" Lou Sijin's cold voice could freeze people's hearts.

The man in black trembled, and said cautiously: "My lord, this subordinate doesn't mean that, but Aunt Jing is very worried."


The man in black was blown away by an invisible force. After he spat out a mouthful of blood, he quickly got up and knelt down again.

"Did you disclose the news about this king to her?" These words were murderous.

The man in black only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and before he was about to suffocate, he quickly said, "No."

In the next second, she felt that her breathing became easier, and she knelt on the ground tremblingly.

"Empty the stronghold in Fangyuan Town." Lou Sijin said indifferently.

"But..." Before he finished speaking, his breath tightened again, "Yes!"

How dare she say anything!

However, that place is so good, they managed to occupy it!

(End of this chapter)

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