Chapter 217 Lou Sijin's Help
Lou Sijin had long thought of a speech, "Last time I hunted, I saved a nobleman, and that nobleman gave it to me."

If so, it can be explained clearly.

"Then you are really lucky." At least this nobleman is not like the one he saved, he is a little perverted.

"I think so too." Lou Sijin responded.

"Don't worry, I will pay you back when I borrow it." Hua Jiujiu promised.

Lou Sijin didn't take it to heart, but just responded casually.

And Huajiujiu took the money and went to negotiate with others.

Since it is such an unscrupulous family, then I must suppress the price!
Of course, if she could, she wanted them to get nothing!

In the end, the shop and the house were bought by Huajiujiu at a high price.

But the people in the Weifu can't be distressed.

The matchmaker at the side was also stunned, never expecting Hua Jiujiu to be so good at it.

What's more, they even ate the people in Weifu to death.

Obviously they can sell it to other people, but it may take a little longer.

It turned out to be so impatient.

But, no matter what, I got the reward, and I was still very happy.

"Miss, if you have any business in the future, you have to keep looking for me." The matchmaker's face almost burst into a smile.

"It really is." Hua Jiujiu said after thinking about it.

The prostitute's eyes lit up.

"I need a carriage, and a horse needs a good horse. As for the carriage... the interior is more luxurious, and the exterior is more ordinary."

Now that the price has been lowered so much, I don't mind buying another carriage for myself.

"Cheng Chengcheng, I will find you a carriage that meets your requirements." The prostitute smiled happily.

"Well, I'll see you later."

"Okay." Then I must have chosen the carriage.

The prostitute couldn't wait to go back to the tooth shop to pick out the carriage.

Hua Jiujiu handed the remaining bank notes to Lou Sijin, "I'll return these to you first."

"No, you don't plan to open a shop recently, there are still a lot of places that need money, let's keep it for now." Lou Sijin definitely won't accept it.

Huajiujiu thinks about it too.

However, I can't borrow other people's banknotes for such a long time.

Finally, she thought of a way.

"Ajin, why don't you become a shareholder of my shop?"


"You use this money to invest in stocks, and then you will share some of the money you earn every year."

This is the best way Huajiujiu can think of.

"it is good."

Lou Sijin didn't care if he didn't share the money, but, in this way, his connection with Huajiujiu would increase, isn't that good?
"Let me think about how much I want to give you." Hua Jiujiu stroked his chin and began to think.

"Ten percent is enough." Lou Sijin said.

"No, too little." Hua Jiujiu shook his head repeatedly.

Lou Sijin not only gave her money, but also helped her train so many people, how could [-]% be enough?
"Fifty percent!" Hua Jiujiu said.

Lou Sijin was slightly taken aback.

There are so many.

"Ajiu, this shop is all your busy work. I just paid for it." Lou Sijin intentionally asked her to take back some of it.

After all, I am really not short of money.

Although, this is the money given by the little woman.

"You're not just offering money." Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin seriously.

This man has been helping himself from the very beginning, and he is more concerned about his affairs than himself.

So, what reason do I have for not giving him these?
Lou Sijin pursed her lips slightly.

This little woman!
That's all, anyway, my money will belong to this little woman, right?

Thinking of this, he hooked his lips and agreed happily.

Hua Jiujiu originally thought that he would have to persuade him for a long time, but he did not expect to agree so quickly.

"Then I'll make a contract when I go back tonight."

"Hmm." It doesn't matter if the contract is not.

"Then you can continue to work, I still have to go to the store to see how it needs to be decorated." Hua Jiujiu will only be busier next time.

Therefore, I am afraid that there is not much time for this training.

Sure enough, you still have to use the space.

Lou Sijin actually felt sorry for Huajiujiu being so tired, but he couldn't stop her from tossing around.

Because, this little woman is not someone who is willing to hide behind a man.

In this way, he can only let her do it freely, and he is behind everything!

After separating from Lou Sijin, Hua Jiujiu went to the shop to check carefully, planning to go back to draw a design at night.

After finally observing the shop, my mouth felt a little thirsty, so I went to a small teahouse next door.

As soon as he sat down, he heard the discussion next door.

"I heard that our Lord God of War is coming back."

"Hey, didn't you say that he took off his armor and returned to the fields?"

"How can it be, a man with ambitions everywhere, such a good young man, how could he drop his armor and return to the fields."

"It's good to come back, so that no one at the border will dare to stare at us anymore."

For them, the Lord God of War is their patron saint.

Hua Jiujiu sipped his tea indifferently, propping his chin and thinking, who would Lou Sijin be in the past?

Thinking of his decisiveness when he killed people that day, he looked a bit like a killer, or a general!
Inexplicably, he thought of him with the Lord of War God.

However, she was quickly denied it.

How could such a proud man condescend to be in this small place?
Hua Jiujiu shook his head helplessly, and continued to eat snacks and drink tea.

When hearing the news from Zhu Mansion, those eyes darkened.

Zhu Fu, she can't move for the time being, but it doesn't mean she will forget what Zhu Fu has done to her!
After her intelligence network is established, she will be the first to attack the Zhu family!

The news I heard afterwards were all trivial matters, and Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to listen anymore.

However, she was also a little curious, what happened to the maids of the Zhu Mansion?

What does it have to do with Mrs. Zhu wanting to kill herself?

These are definitely not heard here, so Hua Jiujiu got up, paid the money and left.

Having dealt with his affairs almost, Hua Jiujiu went to find Lou Sijin.

It is still a boring training, but it can be seen that everyone is getting more and more motivated.

Sure enough, Lou Sijin is very good at training people.

It is conceivable that he will receive a group of outstanding talents at that time.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin with brighter and more joyful eyes.

"Ajiu, I'll take them to another place tomorrow." Lou Sijin seemed to have noticed it, and said back.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu subconsciously felt that someone had discovered her.

"It's not remote enough here, and the training is limited." In one day, his people should also withdraw from the base.

"Okay, I'll follow your arrangement." Hua Jiujiu trusted Lou Sijin very much.

(End of this chapter)

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