Chapter 219
Early the next morning, Hua Jiujiu took these clothes to the town.

It was a carriage, driven by Lou Sijin.

Some time ago, when he came back in a carriage, it caused a lot of commotion in the village.

In the end, Hua Jiujiu pushed the carriage onto Lou Sijin's head, saying that he had hunted a big man and made a lot of money, so he bought this carriage for the convenience of selling his prey back and forth.

The people in the village all showed envious and jealous expressions at that time. It was obvious that this person was not from their village, and he was the worst person in the village. In the end, he was even better than them, and he could even afford a carriage.

How far can it be from building a green brick house?
I heard that Orion is still single, should they consider marrying their daughter?

Let's forget it, and put on a face all day long, as if someone owes him money.

Such a man must not hurt his wife.

Hua Jiujiu didn't take these people seriously. The only thing she felt sorry for was that she couldn't listen to gossip in a bullock cart.

The people in the village can ba ba, and they can know the latest big and small things in the village after listening for a while.

When talking about things in the village, Hua Jiujiu thought of one thing.

Since she gave Mrs. Xu an injection last time, Mrs. Xu stood up like a normal person the next day.

It can scare the people of Laohua's family enough.

Then, just as Hua Jiujiu expected, the Hua family jumped up again, and there was no day of peace.

These, when Hua Jiujiu went to find Fang Xiaoxiao, she only knew about it from her mother, otherwise I really didn't pay much attention.

However, she just listened and didn't answer. After all, she did it on purpose, didn't she?
When Lou Sijin was about to leave with Huajiu in the carriage, an anxious voice suddenly came.

"Quick, quick, send it to the town!"

I saw a few people running towards carrying a man covered in blood.

"Brother Lou, can you take him to the town in a carriage, he is about to fail."

Hua Jiujiu couldn't sit still when he smelled blood, and jumped out of the carriage. When he saw the man covered in blood, he said solemnly, "Put him on the ground!"

If this is sent to the town, the day lily will be cold!
"We can't waste time. The doctor said that if you don't send it to the town, you will die." The man who carried the man said anxiously.

The doctor in the village didn't have the ability to save him at all, so he suggested that they send him to the town as soon as possible, and there might be a chance of survival.

"I can save him." Hua Jiujiu said calmly.

However, no one at the scene believed her, even if there were some gossips during this period, they were just treated as jokes and passed away.

However, now that Zhang Orion was bitten by wild beasts like this, how can she be cured by someone with some medical skills?

"Xiao Li, she can save Lao Zhang!" Lou Sijin stepped forward to steady the man.

"But, Brother Lou..." Li Orion believed in Lou Sijin, but he couldn't believe a little girl.

They were hunting during this period of time, and Lou Sijin took too much care of them.

Without Lou Sijin, I'm afraid they would have died in the mouth of wild beasts a long time ago.

So they believed in Lou Sijin.

"Trust me!" Lou Sijin said affirmatively.

I don't know if it's Lou Sijin's voice that makes people feel safe or what's going on, but Li Orion didn't stop him anymore, but just looked at Zhang Orion with anxious and guilty expression.

It's all his fault that Lou Sijin was so jealous that Lou Sijin caught a big guy and bought a carriage.

So I instigated Lao Zhang, who usually hunts together, to do a big one together.

In the end, not only did he fail to make it big, but he also made Lao Zhang like this. If there is something wrong with this, how can he live in his heart!

Hua Jiujiu took out a bandage and gold sore medicine from the basket, and skillfully bandaged the man.

Lou Sijin looked at her back basket and was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that there were only three pieces of clothes in the pannier, so how did the healing things come from?

"No, this wound is too big, I have to stitch him up." When Hua Jiujiu bandaged the big opening on his thigh, he couldn't do it at all.

"What do I need to do?" Lou Sijin asked, looking away.

"Give me a hand." Hua Jiujiu took out some needles and threads from the back basket.

Lou Sijin glanced at the basket, her eyes moved slightly, but soon returned to normal.

"The screen will be a bit bloody later, turn away anyone who can't stand it, and don't disturb me." Hua Jiujiu said with a cold face.

There was nothing she could do. The situation was urgent and she had to be treated on the spot.

Others looked bewildered.

Then, the next second, everyone turned pale.

They actually saw Hua Jiujiu stitching two pieces of meat together!
What is she doing, sewing?

Can she really cure diseases? Don't put people to death!
"Shut up!" Hua Jiujiu said coldly.

Everyone was silent.

There was fear and awe in the eyes looking at Hua Jiujiu.

Even Lou Sijin took a deep look at her.

How many surprises does Hai have for this little woman that he doesn't know?

After Hua Jiujiu took care of all the wounds, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's done."

Fortunately, the bleeding was stopped in time, otherwise the amount of bleeding would definitely kill him.

" it all right?" Li Orion looked in disbelief.

If you sew and mend people, can people still be good?

However, he did appear to be asleep.

"Well, change the medicine for him later, and he will be fine." Hua Jiujiu said while packing his things.

"So he can't hunt anymore?" Li Orion asked worriedly.

If hunting is not possible, then what about the mouths of the old Zhang family, they are all waiting for old Zhang to hunt and earn money to survive.

Thinking of this, Li Orion blamed himself even more.

"Why not, you can continue hunting after your injury is healed." Hua Jiujiu looked at him suspiciously.

Li Orion's face was full of shock, he was injured so badly, can he still recover?

Are you sure this is not a joke?

There were also people who were injured while hunting before. Although they were cured in the end, they were also disabled for life.

Zhang Orion's injury was no worse than that of the previous one, and he even said that he could be cured!
It was just astounding.

"Oh, he lost a lot of blood, and he needs to make up for it during this time." Most of Zhang Orion's injuries were flesh wounds, which is why Hua Jiujiu's operation was so smooth and fast.

"Make it up, make it up, it must be made up." Li Orion is now full of guilt, and he must have taken care of this matter.

"By the way, how much is it?" Li Orion asked what came to mind.

"He can be regarded as the first person I rescued in the village, so I won't charge you any money. From now on, as long as people in our village come to see a doctor, they will give me [-] Wen."

Huajiu did not ask for a high price, and said a price that everyone can accept.

She knew that after today, many people would come to her for medical treatment.

People around felt that the twenty Wen was really not much, and sometimes it cost thirty or forty Wen in the town to see it once.

(End of this chapter)

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