Chapter 221 Inexplicable fear?
However, Lou Sijin said: "You can agree if you want, or you don't want to." No matter what, he has his support.

Hua Jiujiu propped her chin in frustration. She knew that this man had some skills, but this was not the answer she wanted.

Lou Sijin saw her thoughts and said, "Isn't your main focus the medical center?"

After receiving such a point from Lou Sijin, Huajiujiu felt enlightened.

However, she soon said with some entanglement: "But, I also desperately need a sound intelligence network."

"The information network that medical centers can get is no worse than restaurants." Lou Sijin reminded.

"But it's not as comprehensive as a restaurant, and it's so fast." How could Hua Jiujiu not know.

No matter what industry you are in, you can get information, it's just the difference between how much and how fast.

"You think you can't suppress Nangong Yu?" Wouldn't it be better to let his intelligence network be used by him?
"How is it possible!" Hua Jiujiu could not admit defeat, "However, I don't have so much time to fight with this old fox." After all, she still has a lot of things to do.

Old fox, this description is apt.

"Then you let your value overwhelm him." This kind of person is a little owed, and only by constantly suppressing him will he not make trouble.

Hua Jiujiu raised her eyes, "I have to think about it." Obviously she has already made up her mind.

Rather than running a huge restaurant by yourself, it is better to entrust it to someone with experience and ability.

After all, his main business is not here.

What's more, restaurants are not the only good places for her. After her industry stabilizes, she can develop other industries, and there will not be so few people who can use her.

"By the way, you haven't gone to train those people for the past two days, will it be okay?" Hua Jiujiu also didn't go there for a few days to train, and asked a little worried.

"I let other people teach it." It is impossible for him to teach every skill, even if he is involved in all of them, but some skills still need to be taught by more professional people.

"So none of them are left behind, only me." Hua Jiujiu said heartbroken.

"Don't you still have me?" Lou Sijin smiled.

In this way, I have more time to spend with her.

Hua Jiujiu felt hot on his face, so he had to change the subject, "I'm going to a new shop later."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lou Sijin's movement. He put his fingers on his lips to silence the sound.

Hua Jiujiu understood immediately, it seemed that someone next door was eavesdropping, and immediately changed the subject.

"Ajin, let's go buy new year's goods later. Although it's not the time yet, we can prepare some in advance." Hua Jiujiu said happily.

"it is good."

"I still need to buy some jewelry. There are too few jewelry on my mother's head."

"it is good."

"It's just that no matter how my mother dresses up, no one will look at her, but it's okay, women should let themselves be pleased." Hua Jiujiu quickly looked away.


After the two of them talked for a while, the person next door couldn't stay anymore.

There was a knock on the door outside the box.

Hua Jiujiu and Lou Sijin looked at each other, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

Sure enough, as they expected, the person who came in was Nangong Yu. He was still dressed in white clothes, just like a handsome young man, but who would know that under the white, there was a black heart hidden.

"Miss Hua, we met again, we are really destined." Nangong Yu said with a smile.

No matter how you look at that smile, it looks like a cunning fox.

Hua Jiujiu chuckled, "Is it fate or conspiracy?"

Being exposed in this way, Nangong Yu's smile froze slightly, but it was only for a moment.

He continued to raise that iconic smile and said, "Whether it's fate or conspiracy, we've met each other, right?"

"It is said that the process is not important, but the result is the most important." As a businessman, is this basically the case?

"Miss Hua is really smart." Nangong Yu praised.

However, what he got were two cold eyes.

One is, I want you to praise?
One is, what qualifications do you have to boast?

He can understand Hua Jiujiu's gaze.

He should understand Lou Sijin's gaze.

However, when I saw Lou Sijin's appearance, I just felt stunned, how dare such a person still want to drink wine?
Don't feel ashamed?

It looks like he's almost thirty, but he still has a crush on a little girl who hasn't reached the age yet?
To say that an old cow eats tender grass is to praise him!

Moreover, this little girl seems to be quite willing. Are you sure her eyes are not blurred by shit?

Nangong Yu felt that his three views were shattered, shattered into dregs.

Lou Sijin seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and there was a trace of murderous and evil in his eyes.

But Nangong Yu's heart almost jumped out of shock.

What's with that look?

Why do you look like someone so much? !

Nangong Yu looked again uncertainly, but what he saw was just an ordinary Orion.

He couldn't help muttering in his heart, he really saw a ghost, how could he associate this sloppy man with that man, he couldn't hit eight strokes at all!
It may be that I have been looking for him recently, so I have hallucinations.

Nangong Yu kept comforting herself, but for some reason, she just felt flustered.

"." It really beeped the dog!
Sure enough, the shadow left by that man is like a shadow, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime!
Nangong Yu worked hard to gather his mind and walked up to Hua Jiujiu. Originally, he wanted to sit opposite her, that is, next to Lou Sijin, but finally chose to sit next to Hua Jiujiu.

However, after sitting down, I still feel a little bit on pins and needles.

Nangong Yu moved his butt silently, and did not stop until there were five people sitting in the middle of Huajiujiu.

"." He absolutely refused to admit that he was afraid of this man!

Hua Jiujiu looked at Nangong Yu suspiciously, why did he feel that this man's aura was much lower?
Then wouldn't I be able to control the sovereignty today?

Nangong Yu didn't chat with Hua Jiujiu first, but looked at Lou Sijin with a half-hearted smile.

"Hehe, I don't know how to call this person?"

"This is a hunter from my village. Why, Mr. Nangong is also interested?" Hua Jiujiu answered for Lou Sijin.

Nangong Yu shook his head again and again, "I'm only interested in Miss Hua, so I'm also interested in Miss Hua's friends."

It turned out to be Orion, no wonder there was some evil spirit on him.

It's not incomprehensible that I would panic.

Bah, how can I understand that it's not that my hands are not stained with blood, and the blood is also stained with human blood. They are only stained with the blood of animals, and I am afraid that they will give me a ball!

Nangong Yu was very upset.

Then, after I finished my sentence, two cool eyes fell on me.

It made him feel really chilled.


 ps: Babies, I will update a chapter later, [-] words~
(End of this chapter)

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