Chapter 251

However, my stomach is really full, and I don't know if I can eat this afternoon tea.

Seeing this, Hua Jiujiu went to get them some digestible hawthorn juice to drink.

She found this hawthorn on the mountain before, and then transplanted one in the space.

Now the space bears a lot of fruit.

Eat anytime, anywhere.

"Sweet and sour, it's really delicious." An Qingyan said with a satisfied face.

"Why do you find everything delicious?" Dongfang Lan said contemptuously.

Does her family know that she is such a foodie?
She must not know, because she puts on a posture every time to prevent anyone from seeing her true nature.

Apart from being unable to pretend in front of his childhood sweetheart, he probably only took off the disguise in front of Hua Jiujiu.

"I don't talk to shameless people." An Qingyan didn't even look at Dongfang Lan.

"Can the face be eaten?" Dongfang Lan didn't care at all.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time he was rejected by An Qingyan.

An Qingyan had never seen such a shameless person, so if she really wanted to marry such a man, wouldn't she be pissed off?
Anyway, this dear, must be resolved!

Dongfang Lan crossed her legs and drank hawthorn juice leisurely.

Nangong Yu on the side, after drinking the hawthorn juice, felt much more comfortable. He looked at Huajiujiu and said, "I wonder when Miss Hua will be free?"

This time the tone was a lot more polite, and if you listened carefully, there was a hint of flattery.

Obviously, Huajiujiu has already proved its worth with its strength.

"In two days." Hua Jiujiu wasn't sure when he would be free either.

"That's it, I'll wait for Miss Hua's arrival." Nangong Yu didn't dare to urge him. If he annoyed him, he might not be able to arrange it before this year.

For Nangong Yu's performance, Huajiujiu expressed his satisfaction, so he decided to spare some time in the next few days to give a recipe.

Dongfang Lan looked at the two people who had reached an agreement, feeling a little sour, "Nangong Yu, you're hiding it from me."

If Zhenxiu Restaurant really has a recipe for Huajiujiu, then what's the matter with its own restaurant!
"The contract was signed in your restaurant." So, from the beginning to the end, he didn't hide it from Dongfang Lan, it's just that he didn't take it to heart.

Generally speaking, he himself looked down on Huajiujiu, otherwise he wouldn't have followed this time, right?
Dongfang Lan was even more frustrated, how did he know that this little girl really has skills!

"Huajiujiu, sell me a few recipes too." Dongfang Lan said while licking her face.

"Can I reward you with two big mouths?" Hua Jiujiu said quietly.

Does she look like a loser?
Nangong Yu just felt that, as expected of Huajiujiu, he really wouldn't trade at a loss.

Dongfang Lan said that this little girl was really cruel, "At any rate, I saved you too." I must repay her kindness no matter what.

"It's true." Hua Jiujiu rubbed his chin and affirmed.

Dongfang Lan looked at her with burning eyes.

In the end, Hua Jiujiu asked calmly, "Did you enjoy this meal at noon? Satisfied?"

"Happy, satisfied." Dongfang Lan nodded repeatedly.

"Since I'm happy and satisfied, my thank you for saving my life is well prepared." Hua Jiujiu looked at Dongfang Lan with a smile on his face.

"." has been tricked.

Nangong Yu suppressed a burst of laughter.

An Qingyan was not polite, she just laughed out loud, causing Dongfang Lan to stare at her.

"I can't play together happily anymore." Dongfang Lan said.

"I don't want to play with you either." Hua Jiujiu spread his hands.

"You woman who crossed rivers and demolished bridges." Dongfang Lan was furious.

Hua Jiujiu rolled her eyes, why did she cross the river and tear down the bridge, didn't she treat her to a big meal?
"Nangong Yu, let's have a discussion..." Before Dongfang Lan could finish speaking, Nangong Yu interrupted her.

"It's not negotiable." Just kidding, how could he sell the recipe to his opponent.

Dongfang Lan's face fell instantly, "Nangong Yu, I don't want you to bully people like this."

"Why did I bully you?" Nangong Yu was speechless.

"You know that your recipe is on, and my restaurant will become empty, but you still haven't sold me any recipes." Dongfang Lan complained.

Before, the dishes of the two of them were evenly matched, so they were not worried about being dragged away by each other.

But, it's different now, their decoration is not too bad, but the food is far worse.

If you are an individual, you will choose a restaurant that is delicious and beautiful.

"He got it by his own ability. What reason do you have to ask him to sell it to you?" An Qingyan couldn't stand it any longer. She had never seen such a shameless person before.

Nangong Yu nodded in agreement.

Dongfang Lan shook his head vigorously, "I don't care, I don't care, my restaurant can't close down anyway."


Are you sure this is the owner of such a big restaurant?

Those who didn't know thought that the restaurant was not opened by his ability.

Hua Jiujiu said jokingly: "If your restaurant is willing to change its owner, I promise it won't close down."

Nangong Yu immediately looked at Hua Jiujiu with questioning eyes.

Didn't she say that she doesn't plan to open a restaurant by herself, and even cooperates with herself. Is it possible that she still wants to cooperate with Dongfang Yu again?

How can there be such a good thing in this world, after finishing his work, continue to take other people's work?

But don't let him get caught, otherwise you will definitely make her regret it!
"Change the boss, so what can I do?" Dongfang Lanbai glanced at Huajiujiu.

He was just joking just now, who said that his restaurant will be bleak, isn't that time yet?

I still have a chance to save myself!

Therefore, before Zhenxiu Restaurant launches new dishes, I must find a solution!
It is impossible for a person who can open such a big restaurant to be really so useless.

Hua Jiujiu shrugged his shoulders, saying that there was nothing he could do.

Otherwise, she really has an idea, but since she looks like she won't want it even if she is beaten to death, then forget it.

Wait for your career to be stable in the future, and then open it if you have nothing to do.

All afternoon, the group was teasing croquettes and chattering.

After all, there is nothing fun in the countryside.

Finally, their stomachs were empty, and everyone looked forward to the kitchen.

Huajiujiu didn't whet their appetite, so they brought out the things, and they all rushed forward like wolves and tigers.

After taking the first bite of this thing, everyone praised it: "It's delicious!"

Huajiujiu is also enjoyed with squinted eyes.

It's true that she hasn't made this stuff for a long time, but luckily it's not unfamiliar, and the taste is still the same.

Perhaps, it will be even more delicious. After all, the ingredients here are relatively pure and natural, and I also added Lingquan in it, so it will definitely be more fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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