Chapter 253 Intense Competition
The next day, Hua Jiujiu got up very early, and after preparing breakfast, the family members got up.

Only An Qingyan hasn't gotten up yet.

Hua Jiujiu thought of An Qingyan's time to sleep in, so she hurried in and called her, otherwise this girl would have to sleep until the sky was dark.

It's easy to get her up, all you need is food.

No, the person who couldn't get up just now jumped up immediately.

After dinner, the group went back to town.

An Qingyan was absent for a day yesterday, and she didn't dare to be absent again today, so she hurried back to take care of the business.

Originally, she planned to ask Hua Jiujiu to take care of her, but she said she had something to do, so she gave up.

Hua Jiujiu looked at An Qingyan's fiery back, feeling a little guilty, "I'm very uneasy about taking this money." Before the opening, she did have an idea and helped, but she definitely would. not much.

Not to mention now, it is really completely a hands-off shopkeeper.

In this way, everyone can still get so much share, she feels a little guilty about accepting it.

"Without you, this shop would have been closed." Lou Sijin told the truth.

Even if An Qingyan will continue to open, she will be suppressed by Jinhui Pavilion, unless she can guarantee that the business will not be as good as it is now, and Jinhui Pavilion will have no way to start.

"That's not true, Yanyan still has some ideas." Without her, An Qingyan could do well, but it would take a little more time.

Lou Sijin took a deep look at Huajiujiu.

She overestimated An Qingyan and underestimated herself.

The membership system she launched is enough to bring about huge changes in this industry.

I heard that there are already people in the capital following suit.

"Let's not talk about her, let's go to the destination." The day of the competition must not be late.

Lou Sijin took Huajiu to the destination, during which time she did a lot of cover-ups to prevent her whereabouts from being detected.

This training place is in a relatively secluded underground area outside the town, and the facilities inside are very complete. It is an exclusive place for training hidden guards, and it can't be more professional than professional.

When Hua Jiujiu saw this place, he guessed that it was an important training place for Lou Sijin.

Fearing that he would leave such an important place to her because of herself, she asked several times, and finally accepted it after confirming that it would not affect him too much.

What if he doesn't accept it, his people have already retreated, and if they move back, they will definitely attract attention, and that is the real danger.

Going underground, the people inside are still training hard.

Looking at the group of people who were so different from before, Hua Jiujiu showed a surprised expression.

Everyone here is infected with a murderous aura. Although it is not very strong, it is enough to shock people. Huajiujiu is really satisfied.

However, Lou Sijin was not satisfied.

Because these people have not been truly stained by blood.

Such subordinates will only drag down the master.

Therefore, Lou Sijin planned to train a group of real secret guards for Huajiujiu in the future.

Even the dead.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know this, so he walked to an open space with Lou Sijin and asked these people to gather here.

It didn't take long for them to assemble.

The rows of tall and straight figures made Hua Jiujiu feel excited.

"I think everyone is already ready." Hua Jiujiu's words caused these people to make deafening voices.

"Get ready!" They must stay!

"Very good." Hua Jiujiu hooked her lips.

His eyes swept around.

He paused for a moment on Su Mo and the person he challenged that day, then looked away.

The aura of these two people is the most noticeable.

It seems that I am going to have a hard fight today.

The method of competition is very simple, that is, a group of people compete together, no matter what method is used, as long as whoever reaches the finish line first will win.

It doesn't sound like any challenge.

In fact, this road is not so easy to run, and every hurdle is more difficult than the last one.

This not only requires excellent physical fitness, but also various skills, such as archery, and even guarding against people around you. If you are not careful, you will be attacked. It can be said that the moral, intellectual and physical development is comprehensive.

Fortunately, Lou Sijin has taught Huajiujiu all the skills used along the way. Although they are not the best, they are still able to deal with them. The rest can only be relied on their own intelligence.

The competition started soon, and at the very moment when it started, the danger was always there. Hua Jiujiu was almost caught by someone else, but fortunately she was very vigilant and avoided other people's tricks in time.

This also made her more cautious, trying not to let herself confront others.

Just kidding, she hasn't learned much boxing kung fu, even if she knows some taekwondo, she will definitely not be the opponent of these men who practice every day.

Moreover, these people have developed internal strength, which must be very strong, even if they soak in spiritual spring water every day, they can't compare.

In addition, in this competition, Huajiujiu is still at a disadvantage, that is, everyone has internal strength and can use light work, but he has no internal strength and does not know light work, so he can only run all the way.

Flying is always faster than running.

However, before the start of the competition, Hua Jiujiu did not say that he had no internal strength, nor would he do light work, nor did he ask Lou Sijin to impose restrictions on the competition. After all, in the face of real danger, the opponent will not let you go just because you have no internal strength. A horse will only take advantage of your illness to kill you!

As for how Hua Jiujiu would win these people, she already had an idea.

There is always a time when the internal strength is exhausted, and during the weak period of their recovery, it is their own opportunity.

Hua Jiujiu wasn't worried about how far they would throw him. In a month's time, his internal strength wouldn't increase much, and this competition didn't just end in one lap.

She just needs to ensure that her speed will not drop, so that she will not lose.

During the competition, many people were somewhat surprised when they found out that Hua Jiujiu had no internal strength and light skills.

However, they were delighted very quickly, they must be able to defeat this weak master today!
Half a circle passed, and everything was moving in the direction they expected, and the master was thrown away by them by a long distance.

After a lap, there seemed to be something wrong, but it was okay, they would definitely be able to catch up.

After one and a half laps, they were thrown a long distance, and some doubted that they were dead.

After two laps, they felt a sense of amazement and powerlessness.

At the last lap, there were only three people left at the front.

The three of them are equal, and at any time one person surpasses that person, and that person surpasses this person at any time. It can be said that they are evenly matched.

When Lou Sijin saw it, he knew what the result would be, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he walked to the finish line and greeted his little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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