Chapter 262 Mr. Miao Ai
"I'm going to die, I didn't see that I was sleeping for a beauty sleep, and I was so scared by you, all my hard work these days was in vain!"

After seeing who was coming, Yu Miao got up angrily, pointed at Lou Sijin and cursed.

"Hey, you're not dead yet? Why are you willing to show your face?" Yu Yu suddenly thought of something and asked curiously.

He looked as if he wanted to dissect him to see why he was still alive.

Lou Sijin carefully put the flower wine on the bed.

"Hey, hey, that's my bed, you put a dirty little girl on my bed to do... do..." I couldn't say the rest, because he was frightened by Lou Sijin's eyes .

This is too cruel!

Yu Miao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, even though he was covered in bloody clothes, he looked extremely insolent.

At this moment, he was really scared.

"Save her!" Lou Sijin's voice was as cold as ice.

Yu Miao didn't react for a while.

Lou Sijin rushed to him impatiently, lifted him up, and threw him beside the bed.


Yu Miao's buttocks almost fell apart.

He curled his lips, but had no choice but to enter the state of saving lives.

In fact, he was very wronged.

Thinking about Mr. Miao Ai, the number one genius doctor in the world, when will he be forced to treat people's diseases.

Whether he wants to be cured or not is up to him.


Looking at the girl on the bed, Yu Miao couldn't help clicking her tongue twice.

Where did the poor girl come from, she was shot through by an arrow again, and fell into internal injuries again.

He didn't die on the spot, which is already very good.

"I need to pull out the arrow, but I can't guarantee that her arm will..."

Before he finished speaking, Lou Sijin's murderous eyes fixed him.

He shook his body and said dissatisfiedly: "It's useless for you to stare at me. This arrow just cut off her main artery. Pulling it out will definitely not stop the bleeding. I can guarantee that she will not lose too much blood and die. It's not bad, okay."

"You must keep her arm!" Lou Sijin's words were beyond doubt.

"You are a strong man!" Yu Miao'ai forced herself to push back.

Lou Sijin's eyes flashed the signal that if he can't be saved, he will be buried with him.

Yu Miao was so angry.

Which stinking girl is this who popped out of the corner, and let this damned man want to kill herself because of her!
Lou Sijin's face became more and more icy, as long as he spoke nonsense again, he would understand him in one go.

"You can't protect her by yourself, so you have the nerve to make things difficult for others here!" Yu Miao couldn't help but continue to beep.

When Lou Sijin heard this, her heart trembled, and she immediately lowered her pair of long and curly eyelashes.

Those eyelashes are like a pair of wounded black butterflies, perched there, ready to die at any time.

This kind of despair and dead silence made Yu Miao couldn't help curling her lips.

Isn't she just a stinky girl, why do you care about this!

If you like smelly girls so much, wouldn't it be good if you find more for him?
"Unless the bleeding can be stopped in time." Yu Miao'ai couldn't help but said.

Alas, who made him so kind-hearted?
"However, there is no medicine that can stop the bleeding immediately, even I haven't researched it..."

Before he finished speaking, Lou Sijin brought over two bottles of golden sore medicine.

"Save her." He said.

The voice is even hoarse, which makes people feel sad.

"I said, I need a medicine that can stop the bleeding immediately, and I can't research this kind of medicine, let alone someone else." Yu Miao'ai said while opening the lid of the golden sore medicine, and smelled the medicine inside.

For a moment, he looked at Lou Sijin in disbelief.

"This medicine..."

Before he finished speaking, Lou Sijin cut his palm with a knife.

With such strength, I wish I could cut off my palm.

"You have a brain..."

Before he could finish speaking again, Lou Sijin poured the golden sore medicine into his palm.

The blood stopped immediately.

Yu Miao was dumbfounded.

Is he blind?
Or did this man not scratch his palm?
"Save people!" Lou Sijin said in a deep voice.

Yu Miao'ai had so many things she wanted to ask, but in the end she held back, gritted her teeth and said, "Come and help me!"

"This is a skill I just researched recently." Yu Miao'an still had some doubts in her heart.

"I'll pull out the arrow later, and I'll suture her." Yu Miao'ai hasn't experimented on humans yet, so it's still pretty vague.

Lou Sijin's eyes flickered when he heard that he was going to have suture surgery.

"I have to get the needle and thread, but I don't know what's going on with the needle and thread, it's easy to infect the sutured wound every time." Yu Miao'an muttered.

Now I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Who made Lou Sijin insist on keeping this little girl's arm.

Lou Sijin seemed to have thought of something suddenly, walked to Hua Jiujiu's side, and began to lay hands on her.

"What are you doing, no matter how anxious you are, you can't..." Before Yu Miao'ai finished speaking, Lou Sijin stared at her and closed her mouth.

What did he do wrong.

Why do you have to be intimidated by this man all the time!

Lou Sijin touched for a long time, but did not find the first aid kit that Hua Jiujiu carried with him.

He clearly remembered that Hua Jiujiu said that he always carried the first aid kit with him.

By chance, he moved close to Hua Jiujiu's ear and asked softly, "Ah Jiu, where is your first aid kit?"

Naturally, there was no response.

At this moment, Huajiujiu was in a coma and could no longer be in a coma.

"There must be something wrong with you." Yu Miao couldn't help but spit out.

Lou Sijin ignored him, but continued to grope for Hua Jiujiu.

Trying to find that first aid kit.

In the end, he actually found it!

However, when I touched that place just now, there was no first aid kit at all...

Lou Sijin opened the small first aid kit with a blank expression, and took out bandages, medicine, needles, gut, tweezers, etc. from inside.

Yu Miao'ai was dumbfounded again, her tongue was a little knotted when she spoke, "This... what is this?"

"This thread won't be infected, and it's easy to absorb." Hua Jiujiu said last time that it's better to use catgut as the thread to suture the wound.

Therefore, she later developed this kind of thread.

Lou Sijin looked at a small bottle of water inside, and took it out.

Fell down on what was going to be used for sewing.

He remembered that Hua Jiujiu would do this before stitching up wounds, and he was lucky enough to see her stitching up.

He asked why, Huajiujiu said it was disinfecting, so as to reduce the infection rate.

He didn't understand how ordinary water could be disinfected.

However, Hua Jiujiu said that this water is not ordinary water. Of course, he also explained to him that it can be sterilized by fire.

Yu Miao'ai was a little unbelievable, "What kind of thread is this, so magical?" And, why is there a kind of existence where he is the assistant?

Who is the doctor!

(End of this chapter)

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