Chapter 264 My life belongs to her!

Lou Sijin narrowed his eyes slightly.

That seems like a good deal.

After all, there will always be a day when I will show my face. If people know that it was Hua Jiujiu who saved her, Hua Jiujiu will be in real danger.

If Yu Miao'ai was used as a shield, it might make things a lot easier.

Yu Miao'ai had an inexplicable feeling of being calculated.

"If you don't give her the needle, you will never know about it." Lou Sijin replied lightly.

Yu Miao'ai didn't realize it for a while, and even thought that Lou Sijin would say conditions?
He never threatened him directly, he didn't care whether he gave the needle or not.

"If you don't tell me, I won't give the needle." Since people threatened him with this, he continued to threaten back.


He felt that this man lacked a brain.

Yu Miao'an was very upset by his eyes.

However, when he saw the first aid kit that Lou Sijin took out from Hua Jiujiu's arms before collecting the bag.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

"Yes... yes... it's her!"

I was so shocked that I couldn't even straighten my tongue.

Lou Sijin didn't bother to talk to her at all, but gently helped Hua Jiujiu up, and wanted to feed her medicine.

As a result, no matter how I feed myself, I can't feed it.

A scene like a dream sounded in his mind.

When he was unconscious, the little girl seemed to have fed him in that way.

His eyes flickered, and when Yu Miao'an approached in shock, he slapped him.

He directly threw Yu Miao Ai out of the door, and then used his internal force to close the door.

Yu Miao'an almost exploded her butt again.

Damn guy!

But, it was really what he thought.

The poison on Lou Sijin's body was detoxified by that little girl? !

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
You must ask yourself carefully!
However, as soon as he lay down at the door, he was scared back by Lou Sijin's murderous voice.


This man is too hostile!
Damn man, he is also his junior brother after all!
It turned out that she didn't love him at all, and she knew how to threaten him every day!
Lou Sijin didn't care about Yu Miao's various slanders outside, and carefully fed the flower wine with medicine.

He took a sip of the medicine and leaned closer to Huajiujiu.

This method really worked, and the medicine didn't flow out anymore.

Lou Sijin hurriedly continued feeding the medicine.

Until the last bite, he was still a little bit reluctant.

How do you feed it so fast?

Looking at the person in front of him, a gentle smile appeared on Lou Sijin's face.

He has had close contact with the little girl three times.

Therefore, the little girl can only be her own forever.

Yu Miao'ai didn't see Lou Sijin showing such an expression, otherwise she must have made a fuss again.

Lou Sijin put Huajiu on the bed, looking at her pale face, her eyes were full of distress.

He couldn't control his murderous aura.

Afraid of affecting Huajiujiu's rest, Lou Sijin got up and left here.

"Shadow Wind." His voice, as if it came from hell, made one's hair stand on end.

A dark shadow landed in front of Lou Sijin.


The tone of Lou Sijin's voice was unrecognizable, but it made people tremble with fear.


Yingfeng wanted to remind him that the timing was not right. If he were to deal with Shasha Pavilion at this time, it would be easy to expose himself, but he knew the master's temper well, so he didn't raise any objections.

Seeing that he hadn't left yet, Lou Sijin asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, Aunt Jing has doubts." Yingfeng replied.

Ever since Lou Sijin transferred Yingxue and Yingyue away, Aunt Jing had been suspicious.

Lou Sijin stood with his back turned so that no one could see his expression.

"It seems that she is too busy." Lou Sijin said with some meaning.

"The subordinate understands." Shadow Wind responded immediately.

Until Yingfeng left, Lou Sijin still stood there in the same posture as before.

"Lou Sijin, what do you want to do?" Yu Miao came out from the darkness and looked at Lou Sijin puzzled.

Lou Sijin ignored him and turned back to Huajiujiu's room.

"You..." Yu Miao'ai frowned.

Before Lou Sijin completely disappeared in front of him, she said very lightly, "This life belongs to her."

Even that woman is not qualified to have it!
Yu Miao'ai looked at the direction Lou Sijin was leaving with a complicated expression.

In the past, this man never took his own life seriously, that's why he did so many crazy things.

Now, this man has someone he wants to protect and has become more humane, but this is not a good thing for his identity.

Not to mention, Hua Jiujiu is still a peasant girl who can't help him, but can drag him down.

Yu Miaoai sighed, turned and went back to the room.

Hope everything can develop in a good direction.

The next day, shocking news came out from the world, that is, the two dark forces have joined forces.

The Shasha Pavilion suffered repeated setbacks, and even failed to hold the headquarters.

This surprised all the forces in Jianghu.

Even if the Shasha Pavilion is weaker than the Dark Prison Tower, it is definitely only a little bit weaker, there is no reason to be frustrated like this.

Could it be because the Shasha Pavilion encountered various troubles some time ago and they haven't eased up yet?

To everyone's bewilderment, the Zhu family and Jinhui Pavilion in Fangyuan Town almost had a tragedy yesterday.

As for who almost wiped them out, it was said that it was the Shasha Pavilion who did it.

It was because the Shasha Pavilion dispatched many killers that the Dark Prison Tower took over his headquarters so smoothly.

It was also because they knew that the headquarters was frustrated, so they didn't wipe it out.

When the Shasha Pavilion left Zhu's house, the people from the dark prison building also arrived, and the momentum was obviously for the purpose of destroying the family. It's a pity that the Zhu family has already died.

Therefore, no one can guess what is the relationship between them.

No, someone does.

That was Yuchi Mocheng who received the news on the way to find Huajiujiu.

When he heard that the headquarter of his power had been kidnapped, he didn't even get angry, but showed a weird smile.

"Lou Cangying, Lou Cangying, how can I let you down when you expose your weaknesses so generously?"

Although for so long, their Shasha Pavilion and the Dark Prison Tower have been well watered, but they know it well and want to annex each other!

It's just that I've been waiting for the right time.

Unexpectedly, Lou Cangying would choose such a bad time for a little girl.

Should I say that his love is too touching, or should I say that he is really too stupid?
The foot that Yuchi Mocheng stepped out of Dashan Village stepped back again.

Although there are many people from the dark prison building near the bamboo house, it is not impossible for him to take one person away from it.

Yuchi Mocheng strolled over, without the slightest concealment.

The person who was protecting in the dark looked puzzled.

What is this man going to do? !

(End of this chapter)

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