Chapter 268
After Hua Shishi woke up, she still couldn't react, and only came back to her senses when she saw the nightmare.

After washing up, she asked, "What about your lord?"

Yuchi Mocheng didn't like her calling him by his name, so he could only address him as an adult.

"I don't know." Nightmare replied blankly.

When Hua Shishi saw her, it was like seeing Jinyue, so cold that people only felt cold.

I don't know if Jinyue and the others will be anxious or think too much when they know that they are leaving home.

Hua Shishi doesn't worry about this any more, but just do what should be done.

As a result, the corners of Meng Night's mouth kept twitching. Does this little girl have the consciousness of being a hostage at all, and why is it as if she is at home?

After a while, he said that he would borrow the kitchen and cook a hearty breakfast for himself and Yuchi Mocheng, although Yuchi Mocheng ate quite happily.

After asking, I found out that I learned it from Huajiujiu, which made Yuchi Mocheng look forward to Huajiujiu's cooking skills. According to the little girl, it is the most delicious food in the world.

However, before eating Huajiujiu's meal, it's pretty good to be able to eat the meal made by this little girl.

Therefore, he wanted to keep her by his side for a while.

After breakfast, Hua Shishi said that she wanted to practice piano.

Yuchi Mocheng glanced at Mengyan, and Mengyan obediently took out his precious Mengmoqin to practice for Hua Shishi.

During the practice, Yuchi Mocheng was extremely disgusted by what he heard, and asked Mengyan to teach him.

Nightmare's expression became weird again.

Does my master know that her piano skills are so unique that many people would not be able to learn them, let alone her music skills, which make countless people fight over their heads.

So, just teach it to a hostage so easily?

Then, between Hua Shishi and them, they got along very harmoniously. Those who didn't know thought that Hua Shishi was Yuchi Mocheng's younger sister, but she was so conniving.

There is nothing wrong with Hua Shishi, but the Hua family is in chaos.

"This child, why did he run away from home?" Bai Zhi looked at the piece of paper, anxious.

Obviously she didn't feel that Hua Shishi was in danger.

Only Jin Yue glanced at the room solemnly.

I'm afraid that Hua Shishi was taken away by Yuchi Mocheng!
She said, how could this man give up so easily!
It's all her fault, she was negligent for a while, and Yuchi Mocheng actually took him away.

However, what Jinyue was puzzled about was why there were letters?

In other words, when Yuchi Mocheng took Hua Shishi away, Hua Shishi was awake.

So, Hua Shishi is willing to go with him?

Otherwise, once there is any struggle, I must be able to know it.

Jin Yue thought of Yuchi Mocheng's various tricks to Hua Shishi to make her go with him willingly, so she looked solemn.

She should have said in more detail yesterday, so that Hua Shishi would be more wary of him.

Now, everything is too late.

I don't know what Yuchi Mocheng is trying to do by taking Hua Shishi away, is he threatening the Lord?

Jinyue went out with a serious face, and passed the news to Lou Sijin that Hua Shishi might be taken away by Yuchi Mocheng.

As for himself, he guarded the bamboo house to prevent any accidents from happening again.

As for the future, she will personally go to receive the punishment.

Hua Jiujiu was in a coma for three days, and when she woke up, she saw an extremely haggard face.

Lou Sijin was lying on the side of the bed at the moment, holding her hand with her big hand, her brows were tightly furrowed, obviously she didn't sleep well this time.

This silly man.

"A Jin." Hua Jiujiu said distressedly, her voice was as hoarse as a crow's.

When Lou Sijin heard the sound, he immediately opened his eyes, obviously he didn't sleep much.

I haven't slept much, and I must have had no sleep before that, otherwise, how could such a energetic man become so haggard.

"How do you feel?" Lou Sijin asked nervously.

"Thirsty." Hua Jiujiu felt his throat was about to smoke.

Lou Sijin hurriedly went to pour water, but was a little excited, and spilled a lot of water.

Gently helped Hua Jiujiu up, and fed her water spoon by spoon.

After drinking water, Huajiujiu is much better.

"How many days have I been in a coma?" Hua Jiujiu felt that he had been in a coma for a long time, otherwise why would his head be so dazed and hurt.

"Three days." Lou Sijin's voice was hoarse and deep, and the fear in his words could be heard.

He was really afraid that Huajiujiu would have an accident, so he didn't dare to close his eyes for the past three days. Today, he really couldn't hold on, so he closed his eyes slightly to rest.

Hua Jiujiu didn't expect it to be so long, then this man has guarded him for three days and three nights, he can't hold it alone!
"I'm sorry for making you worry." Hua Jiujiu wanted to raise his hand to touch his face, but it hurt so much that he almost cried out.

She looked at her arm, looked at the bandaged wound, and looked at Lou Sijin in confusion.

"I sewed up the wound for you, Yu Miao said that the recovery is not bad, there will be no sequelae." Lou Sijin explained.

Hua Jiujiu felt that she was hallucinating.

Lou Sijin stitched up his own wound?
Yu Miao Ai, Mr. Miao Ai?

Lou Sijin nodded, affirming Hua Jiujiu's doubts.

Hua Jiujiu showed a look of amazement, this man is really amazing, he can do everything!
He seemed to have seen the suture operation he had done once, and he was able to do it so well.

Feeling my arm, there seems to be no big problem.

"Ajin, thank you." Hua Jiujiu also knew what happened to him at that time, if no one sewed up the wound for him, he might have sequelae, but fortunately Lou Sijin was capable.

Lou Sijin shook his head, "As long as you're fine." He was really terrified.

At this time, a distraught voice sounded from outside: "Lou Sijin, if you continue to die, when you faint or die, I will ignore that little girl and let her fend for herself!"

Then, the door of the room was kicked open, and Yu Miao'an came in cursingly, carrying the food.

Hua Jiujiu looked up and met Yu Miao'ai.

Yu Miao's face was full of surprise, "Are you awake?" He actually woke up. It stands to reason that with such a serious injury, it is impossible to wake up within ten days and a half months.

After all, the fall she fell not only caused a fracture, but also some concussions.

So, this physical fitness is actually so good.

Obviously such a thin and weak little girl.

"Master Miao Ai?" Hua Jiujiu asked tentatively.

In fact, she was already sure when she saw his red dress.

Because Mr. Miao Ai likes a red dress very much.

A big man likes to wear red clothes, but there is no one else.

(End of this chapter)

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