Chapter 272
After hearing what Lou Sijin said, she was surprised to find that the man in front of her turned out to be the owner of the dark prison building!
He is also a noble relative of the emperor and a well-known leader of the rivers and lakes. This status is simply not too high.

She has to work so hard...

"Leng Youming took Shishi away?" Hua Jiujiu had this guess after knowing these things.

"I also guessed so, but, I don't know why, he hasn't shown up until now." Since Hua Shishi was taken away, there must be some purpose, but he didn't receive any news.

Hua Jiujiu was also puzzled, it stands to reason that he should have made some moves.

"Ajin, do you think he will hurt Shishi?" Hua Jiujiu asked worriedly.

After all, as his savior, I could be killed by his subordinates, my sister...

Huajiujiu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"No." Lou Sijin said with certainty.

Hua Jiujiu didn't know where he was so confident.

"He didn't know that someone hired one of his men to kill you."

When he heard that someone was going to kill her, he not only killed that person with his own hands, but also ordered people to attack Zhu Mansion and Jin Hui Pavilion, which made it so easy for him to destroy his base.

Such behavior made Lou Sijin feel a little vigilant.

Is it really just to repay the life-saving grace?
Huajiujiu believed it.

As a leader, how could he be so clear about everything under his subordinates?
Accepting the task of killing people is a very common thing in Shasha Pavilion.

"He is such a moody person, I'm afraid Shishi will be wronged." Hua Jiujiu's face was full of worry.

"I've already asked someone to find out about him." Lou Sijin comforted.

Hua Jiujiu also knew that it was useless to worry, but she couldn't help it.

"Then what about my mother?"

"It's calmed down." Lou Sijin replied.

Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, where is Jin Xue?" She remembered that Jin Xue was seriously injured.

"Under treatment." Lou Sijin lowered his eyes slightly.

Jinxue's current situation is very bad, and she probably doesn't have much breath left.

Given that she desperately protected Hua Jiujiu, and Hua Jiujiu was still alive, although she was still seriously injured, Lou Sijin was still sent for treatment.

"Is she seriously injured?" It's been a few days, and she is still under treatment.


Hua Jiujiu thought of how desperate she was that day, and quickly said, "A Jin, we must save her."

That's a wonderful girl, and it can't just be folded here.

"it is good."

That is probably to let Yu Miao'ai take a trip.

It's just that this man won't take this trip easily.

Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief when he received Lou Sijin's answer.

But soon, her face darkened again, "It seems that I am too kind to the Zhu family and the Jin family!"

Moreover, in their current situation, they still have so much money and hired so many powerful killers.

It seems that she really underestimated them.

"The people in the Jinhui Pavilion have all been wiped out, and the few remaining members of the Zhu family have fled Fangyuan Town."

"It's too cheap for them to die like this." Hua Jiujiu said through gritted teeth.

Lou Sijin agreed.

After that, Hua Jiujiu was tired, Lou Sijin told her to have a good rest, and went out.

After Lou Sijin went out, Huajiujiu entered the space.

She felt something changed in her space.

Looking at it, it turns out that my guess was not wrong.

The space that was originally lacking in spiritual energy has regained its vitality at this moment, and the spiritual spring has flowed out again, and it even feels more flowing than before, and the spiritual energy is even more abundant.

Hua Jiujiu didn't understand how such a change happened.

Is it because he sensed that his master was in danger?

It doesn't seem to be.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the medicine field full of herbs, the land full of grain, the pond full of fish and shrimp, and the cages full of poultry.

Use mental power to put everything away.

Because the mental strength is not enough, Huajiujiu can only rest for a while.

This is really helpless, who made her hands and feet so uncomfortable?
After finishing all these things, Hua Jiujiu felt that his mental strength had become stronger.

Just when I was about to marvel, suddenly there was a feeling of exploding in my head.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her mental power had become much stronger.

She was pleasantly surprised and immediately continued to use her mental power to cultivate the land.

Sure enough, a change has taken place. Before, I could only use my mental strength to persist for 10 minutes, but now it has doubled.

So, this is a promotion?
Next, Hua Jiujiu saw a surprised scene.

In his own space, the spiritual energy suddenly became sufficient, and the spiritual spring that had not flowed much before also returned to normal.

After taking a sip of Huajiu, he found that the aura was stronger than before, and he even felt that the pain on his body had eased a lot.

Good stuff!

This Lingquan has also changed, and it's getting better and better.

Therefore, when one's mental strength has been upgraded, this space has also been upgraded.

And if one's mental strength wants to be promoted, one has to practice repeated planting and harvesting in the space.

No wonder nothing has changed before, because she rarely did anything except planting herbs.

This space is to be reused.

After waiting for a while, Huajiu came out.

Lie on the bed in a daze for a while before successfully falling asleep.

She wants to get better as soon as possible, and the family still needs herself.

Huajiujiu is recuperating, while Huashishi is having a good time.

Cooking and playing the piano every day.

Cooking is getting better and better.

Playing the piano is also getting better and better.

How good is it?

Even Nightmare was amazed. What kind of talent is this? It's so powerful. After only a few days of teaching, it has changed so much. If you study and practice more, won't you be able to surpass everyone?
Yuchi Mocheng also discovered this problem, and also showed a little surprised expression.

Even he is envious of this talent.

Yuchi Mocheng stroked his chin, looking thoughtful.

Until later, when Meng Meng was told to teach Hua Shi Shi Yin Gong, her entire jaw almost dropped.

Sound work!
This is a unique skill in the world, able to kill invisible, and in the later stage, it can even be fought by countless people with one enemy against a thousand.

Although it is not exclusive to her, it belongs to Yuchi Mocheng.

However, how difficult it was to obtain this exercise in the first place, and what a price to pay!
And the reason why only she learns it is because she is the only one who is suitable for practicing, and she is the only one who can learn this complicated exercise.

All in all, talent.

Now, Yuchi Mocheng actually wants to hand over to a girl who is likely to become his enemy.

What the heck is this thinking.

In the past two days, Nightmare also knew Hua Shishi's identity.

Although she is the younger sister of Yuchi Mocheng's savior, they shouldn't become enemies.

However, they couldn't bear to accept the job of Killing Hua Jiujiu unintentionally, especially because there was a man beside Hua Jiujiu who was probably their deadly enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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