Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 275 Could it be that you are still going to grab it?

Chapter 275 Could it be that you are still going to grab it?
Yu Miao'ai spent the night in the cold.

When he woke up the next day, he found that he had a terrible cold.

However, Lou Sijin, a mad man, still wants to let him, a patient, go to see a doctor.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Yu Miaoai who was blowing her nose while giving herself a needle.

Take out a bottle of medicine from the space.

"This is for you, eat for two days and you'll be fine."

Anyway, she is her own doctor, so she should give something in return.

Yu Miao'ai originally wanted to say, what good would the medicine you take be better than him giving himself two needles.

When he saw the packaging of the medicine bottle, he picked it up in surprise.

"This is the medicine sold by Renyitang? How did you get it?"

Yu Miao'ai knew about this medicine at the beginning, but she just smiled dismissively.

Later, many sick people took this medicine and recovered quickly, and the effect of the medicine should not be too exaggerated.

So, he was very curious and wanted to buy a bottle and come back to study it.

As a result, he couldn't buy it no matter what.

Of course, if you show your identity, you can definitely buy it, or even deliver it.

But, would he do such a downgrade?
So, in the end, he bought a bottle of medicine with a lot of money from someone else.

After studying for a long time, I finally researched the medicinal materials used.

Every kind of medicinal material is used just right.

Moreover, the quality of medicinal materials is also excellent.

Yu Miao'an prepared pills according to this ratio, which had the same effect, but the effect was not so good, and the sequelae were more obvious.

So, what is going on here?
After Yu Miao's repeated research, he finally came to a conclusion.

That is the problem of medicinal materials!

The medicinal materials are so good, if they are sold in this way, they will lose money.

It can only be said that the person who sells this medicine is very conscientious and considers the poor people in the world.

Of course, having a conscience doesn't mean that you don't have the heart to make money, otherwise the medicinal materials will be given away directly.

However, these are not the point, the point is that this medicine is difficult to buy, how did Huajiu get it.

"Yes." Hua Jiujiu answered his question.

"How did you buy it?" Yu Miao asked suspiciously.

"I don't need to buy it." Hua Jiujiu replied quite naturally.

"You don't need to buy it, so why are you going to grab it?" Yu Miao'an snorted softly.

"I do it myself."

"You? Just you?" Apparently, Yu Miao'ai still didn't believe that Huajiujiu had such a great ability.

She was able to cure Lou Sijin, she must have been guided by her master.

After all, she is just a teenage girl.

"Do you want it or not?" Hua Jiujiu was too lazy to argue.

"Yes, why not." Anyway, it is a good thing, and he asked shamelessly: "Do you have anything else?"

"You don't believe me, don't you?" Hua Jiujiu rolled his eyes.

Yu Miao choked.

In the end, Hua Jiujiu still gave him several bottles of pills, some of which were not sold by Renyitang.

Yu Miao'ai looked over one by one, and the surprise in her eyes became more and more obvious.

I didn't expect this medicine to be so miraculous.

Whether a medicine is good or not, you can smell it as soon as you smell it, that's why he was so surprised.

Huajiujiu took out so much at once, was it really just obtained through some channel?
Suddenly, some believed what she had just said.

Yu Miao'ai felt itchy right now, so she decided to study these pills first, so she left after treating her wounds with Huajiujiu.

Looking at the person who is so serious about medical skills, Hua Jiujiu slightly forgives his contempt just now.

Just as she was about to lie down and rest, Bai Zhi came in with a distressed expression on her face.

"Jiujiu..." She originally wanted to say not to go to the town anymore, so that their family could be together safely, but when the words came to her mouth, she suddenly changed her mouth, "Why are you so careless?" , fell so badly."

Hua Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, "I think riding a horse is fun." Only this can explain why she was injured so badly.

"Girls from every family, why do you learn how to ride a horse?" Bai Zhi gave medicine to Huajiu.

"Mom, what's wrong with girls, I just want to let everyone know that girls can hold up the sky!"

Bai Zhi felt a little sour in her heart.

There is no man in the family, so they women have to go up, how hard it must be.

"We are very good at drinking." Now no one in the village dares to despise them.

"Jiujiu, you said Shishi, girl, why did she run away from home when she was fine?" Bai Zhi thought about Hua Shishi again.

"Mother, Shishi just wants to go out and see her, and she'll be back in two days." Hua Jiujiu heard Lou Sijin talk about Hua Shishi in the morning, and was also puzzled by what Yuchi Mocheng did.

However, they could not act rashly, they could only look for an opportunity to take Hua Shishi away from Yuchi Mocheng.

"How old is this girl." Bai Zhi looked worried.

The outside world is even scarier than she imagined!

At the beginning, I didn't almost...

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi felt a little headache, and bad scenes flashed in her mind, making her face a little pale.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Hua Jiujiu asked worriedly seeing Bai Zhi suddenly covering her head.

"It's okay, it's an old problem." Bai Zhi shook her head.

"Mother, stretch out your hand." Hua Jiujiu said worriedly.

"Mother is fine, you should rest quickly, the New Year is coming soon, if you get well soon, our family can watch the New Year together." Bai Zhi said softly.

This is the first New Year since their family separated, and she believes that it will be more warm and content than before.

Whether it is food and clothing, or spiritually.

However, the only regret is that she lost her man.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi felt a little lost.

"Mother, I am in good health and will recover soon, but you have a headache, so you can't be careless." Saying that, she used her uninjured hand to feel Bai Zhi's pulse.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, the blood in her brain was getting less and less, and it wouldn't take long for it to disappear completely, and her memory would be restored by then, so she didn't have much time left.

"That's right, Mother said it's all right." Bai Zhi looked at the flower wine and said to feel her own pulse.

"Well, there is no big problem, but, mother, your complexion is a bit bad, don't think too much, go to bed early at night." Hua Jiujiu also knew that she had recently made Bai Zhi very worried.

"As long as you are all well, I won't think too much." Bai Zhi patted the back of Hua Jiujiu's hand.

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to us."

Don't worry about this, it's really worrying.

Hua Jiujiu felt a little guilty.

Finally, Bai Zhi was finally persuaded, and Hua Jiujiu continued to pour things in the space alone.

When the new shop opens, you have to prepare enough things to make the shop's reputation a hit.

In this way, the road ahead will be easier and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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