Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 277 Here Comes the Flower Poetry

Chapter 277 Hua Shishi Returns
Yuchi Mocheng was extremely displeased with her prejudiced attitude towards him, so he said coldly: "Whether there is, you will know when the time comes."

Hua Jiujiu's face suddenly sank, "I will make you regret it!"

Yuchi Mocheng chuckled disdainfully.

Make him regret it?

It's just a peasant girl with some medical skills.

Hua Jiujiu stared at him coldly.

When Yuchi Mocheng saw this look, he felt extremely irritable, but it was her sister's look that was more comfortable.

The little woman's eyes were full of too much defense.

"Since you are injured, take good care of it, otherwise how can you have the energy to get your sister back."

After saying that, he left.

Hua Jiujiu wanted to say something more, but he was gone.

Not long after Yuchi Mocheng left, Lou Sijin came here in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu looked at him tired.

"I went to Yunjian County, but Leng Youming had planned it long ago, so he moved your sister to other places before she came out."

Originally thought that he would have a chance to take Hua Shishi away, but he didn't expect this cunning man to know that he had already found out their location, so he asked people to move their positions.

And not only did he fail to save Hua Shishi, but he also gave this man an opportunity.

"Did he hurt you?" Lou Sijin was worried about what this man would do to Huajiu.

Hua Jiujiu shook his head.

Nothing was done.

Could it be that he really came to visit the doctor?
However, it can be seen that he will not hurt Hua Shishi.

Just don't know what exactly he's going to do.

Lou Sijin didn't say anything, it's best if she doesn't get hurt, even though this appearance is still puzzling.

Hua Jiujiu spent a month recuperating on the bed, almost laying her down and crippling her.

The moment she learned that she could get out of bed, she was so happy that she almost flew up.

It should be better too, the new year is coming soon, but you can't celebrate the new year with a sickness.

This month, Lou Sijin has been searching for Hua Shishi's whereabouts, every time she found it, but every time she was transferred, it was like a cat catching a mouse.

Lou Sijin was made to have a temper, and planned to break Yuchi's legs next time he saw Mocheng, to see if he would still run away.

As they ran and chased, they felt like they were going to die at first, but after that it was like playing.

Because Hua Shishi sent back a letter, let them not worry, she is just studying abroad.

Hua Shishi didn't come back until two days before the Chinese New Year.

She came back alone.

Meng Meng just sent her to the gate of the village and left. To be honest, she still had some reluctance. This child is really smart and irritating.

Not to mention she was reluctant, the master himself was also reluctant, otherwise he wouldn't have come here with him.

However, the master didn't show anything, so naturally she couldn't say anything.

Moreover, if she really said it, the master would definitely say it, but she was reluctant to part with her good cooking skills.

Then he wanted to vent his anger on those people in the kitchen. All along, the people in this kitchen were pitiful enough. Several of them were frightened by the master and became insane.

Hua Shishi hopped home, met many villagers along the way, and greeted them with smiles.

The villagers were taken aback by her smile.

Where did this little lady come from, she is so beautiful.

It has to be said that Yuchi Mocheng is quite good at Hua Shishi, at least the cost of food and clothing is not low.

This outfit was brought back from Fucheng, and it was gorgeous enough to blind everyone's eyes.

When the villagers saw her heading towards the bamboo house, they suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the second girl of the Hua family!

Oh my god, the temperament of this Hua family is really better than the other, they thought they saw a lady from a rich family just now.

This Hua family is really well-developed, and it is no longer the family that broke up their relatives and went out, afraid that they would not be able to support themselves!

I don't know if the people from Laohua's family have any regrets?

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Laohua's house not far away.

I saw another good scene of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fighting in the yard of their house.

They were even tired of watching this play, so they just sneered and went home for dinner.

The sudden appearance of Hua Shishi surprised Hua Jiujiu and others.

Bai Zhi even hugged her and cried.

After all, this is the first time the child has been away from her for so long.

"Mom, I'm fine, I just went out to study." Hua Shishi quickly comforted her.

"Girls are in every family, what do they want to learn?" Bai Zhi felt that it was unnecessary.

"Mother, I've hired a very good luthier as my teacher." Hua Shishi had a happy face.

Seeing her looking so happy, Bai Zhi couldn't say anything more.

Nothing is as important as having a child happy.

"Shishi, come in with me for a while." Hua Jiujiu said with a fixed face.

Angelica dahurica releases flower poems.

Hua Shishi looked at Hua Jiujiu with some trepidation.

"Go, your sister these days is no less worried about you than your mother." Bai Zhi patted Hua Shishi on the shoulder.

Hua Shishi immediately felt guilty when she thought that she had made her family so worried. She lowered her head and followed Hua Jiujiu into the study.

Hua Jiujiu sat there without saying a word, with a sullen face all the time, while Hua Shishi stood there with her head lowered, looking at her toes nervously.

"Do you know your mistake?" Hua Jiujiu's voice could not detect any emotion.

"Sister, I was wrong." Hua Shishi quickly replied.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jiujiu's voice was a bit cold.

Hua Shishi trembled slightly, "I shouldn't make you worry so much."

"anything else?"

"No more." Hua Shishi shook her head blankly.

Hua Jiujiu was a little angry, "How many times did Sister tell you, don't trust others easily, and don't go with others, but you have ignored them?"

Hua Shishi trembled again from fright, and suddenly felt a little wronged, "I... I didn't believe him at first, and I didn't want to go with him."

How could Hua Jiujiu believe that if she followed along unwillingly, she could still leave a note?

"I thought that sister had saved him twice, and he is a patient of sister, so he should not be a bad person." She didn't explain, she didn't want to shock and hurt her family, so she took the initiative to leave with him.

"Sister is a doctor, and there is no bad person or good person in the eyes of a doctor. If the person saved is a good person, my sister is naturally happy. If the person saved is a bad person, it is likely to be a story about a farmer and a snake. My luck It’s not good, the one who saved was really a bad person, that’s what happened after this.”

Hua Jiujiu didn't expect that Hua Shishi misunderstood him.

If she had known earlier, she would definitely not have saved that man.

"Sister is wrong, he is a good person." Hua Shishi retorted.

"Don't think that he is a good man if he didn't hurt you or kill you. Do you know how much innocent blood was stained on his hands?" Hua Jiujiu said in a deep voice.

It was only later that she learned that Shasha Pavilion would accept any business, regardless of whether the other party was old, weak, sick or disabled.

How could such a cruel person be a good person?
(End of this chapter)

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