Chapter 289 Arrogant person
Huajiujiu felt pretty weak.

Why did I meet this man Yuchi Mocheng again!

Looking at his probing eyes, she sat there calmly drinking tea.

Hua Jiujiu knew why he was staring at her, because her face was different from last time.

Last time, she suspected that she was wearing a human skin mask, but this time, she definitely wouldn't doubt it, and felt that she was finally willing to show her true face.

However, it's just here, they won't meet, and she doesn't want to.

Hua Jiujiu drank tea and listened to gossip.

She wants to hear if there is any terminal illness or difficult disease, and then she can solve it by herself, which will make her famous.

It didn't take long to hear some news, but for her, it was all small troubles, and there was absolutely no need for her to take action.

She is too lazy to take so much trouble.

What I have to wait for is the kind of illness that even Mr. Miao Ai can't solve!

Suddenly, the topic of Mr. Miao Ai reached her ears, and Hua Jiujiu immediately pricked up her ears to listen.

"I didn't expect Mr. Miao Ai to appear in our town."

"Yeah, but it's a pity that I can't find him."

"That's your inability."

"Speak as if you are capable."

"I'm not capable, but I heard that someone found him and got the qualification to see a doctor."


"Young City Lord of Ling City."

Hua Jiujiu touched his chin.


I heard that it is a very good place, at least not bad compared to the capital.

The only downside is that it's a bit messy.

This is normal, after all, most of the business with other countries must pass through this place.

The more chaotic the place, the more difficult it is, so this young city lord must also belong to a character.

"What, he came in person?"

"Yeah, I was surprised when I found out."

"What made him decide to seek medical treatment?"

"Who knows."

Hua Jiujiu listened to what they said, this young city lord is still a low-key person.

How can such a place keep a low profile?

"I have the latest news here."

"what news?"

"I heard that Mr. Miao Ai later refused the request to see a doctor."

"What? Rejected? Didn't you say you accepted the doctor's request?"

"Who knows, maybe you don't want to smash the signboard?"

"How is it possible, there are still diseases in this world that Mr. Miao Ai can't cure?"

"You don't even look at what's wrong with the young city lord."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"The young city owner is always in a wheelchair."

In a word, everyone will understand.

"God, how can this be cured, no matter how powerful Mr. Miao Ai is, there is no way to cure it."

You can't change his leg!
Even if you change it, it won't work!
Everyone nodded in agreement. How could a disabled person be cured?

Hua Jiujiu's white fingers tapped on the table, her bright red lips slightly raised with a hint of a smile.

It's him.

As long as this leg is not born and is not completely necrotic, she will have a solution!

However, since the young city lord would want to see a doctor, it must not be the result of these two.

Hua Jiujiu got up and left, apparently to collect news about the young city lord.

When Yuchi Mocheng saw Huajiujiu leaving, he followed it for a while, then put it away again.

It's just a guy with a bit of ability to steal information, and he doesn't deserve his attention.

Compared to this, he would rather pay attention to the two sisters of the Hua family.

A mysterious one makes him can't help exploring everything, and a naive one makes him feel at ease.

No matter which one, it is the condiment of his life, making this boring life much more interesting.

Well, that little girl, it's time to find me again.

After all, her ideals are also very lofty.

After Hua Jiujiu returned, he asked Jinyue to help collect information about the young city lord.

It didn't take much time for Jin Yue to bring information to Hua Jiujiu.

Such a fast speed made Hua Jiujiu somewhat surprised.

But soon, she understood why.

It seems that Lou Sijin has also investigated this person.

After reading the information, Hua Jiujiu sat there silently, no one knew what she was thinking.

"It may not be him." Lou Sijin came over and said in relief.

If he wanted to make a name for himself, he could help Hua Jiujiu find someone else.

After all, the condition of this young city lord is a bit tricky, and the situation is also a bit complicated.

He didn't want Huajiujiu to be in such danger.

"No, it must be him." Hua Jiujiu said affirmatively.

"Ajin, help me release the news that Mr. Qianzui can cure his leg!" Hua Jiujiu smiled confidently.

Lou Sijin's pupils moved slightly.

Can it be cured? !

He knew that Huajiujiu was good at medicine, but he didn't expect it to be so good.

That's someone that even Yu Miao'ai can't decide to cure.

My little girl is amazing. It's unexpected.

"it is good."

He will release this news before the young city lord leaves here.

Hua Jiujiu smiled sweetly at Lou Sijin.

Lou Sijin gently rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair.

"Ajin, it looks like my next place to go will be Lingcheng." Hua Jiujiu rubbed Lou Sijin's warm palm.

"I'll accompany you."

"I thought you would persuade me." Hua Jiujiu looked up at Lou Sijin.

"I believe in you." Even if there's fish and fakes there, he still believes that flower wine and wine can be mixed very well.

Because she is very smart.

Hua Jiujiu was full of smiles.

It's great to have someone who believes in you so much.

Before today, maybe she would hesitate, but if the young city lord is cured, then she will have capital in her hands.

Then, I will definitely think, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

Two days later, the news spread that Mr. Qianzui was sure to heal the young city lord's legs.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is Young Master Thousand Drunk?

Where did he have the confidence to speak so loudly?
That is a patient that even Mr. Miao Ai dare not take over.

What an arrogant person.

He is also a person who seeks his own death!
Is Lingcheng's young city lord something he can use to compare with Mr. Miao Ai?

After many inquiries, I found out who this young master Qianzui was.

A doctor and a businessman.

People who were all the rage in women's circles some time ago, no, not just some time ago, have always been popular.

His products seem to be really powerful and can really make people more beautiful.

I have to admit that there are some skills.

However, he is just a guy who can only twitch on women's faces, how can he have such self-confidence to talk nonsense.

That's not enough for whitening and moisturizing.

It's exactly like switching legs.

Just wait, they are waiting to see how he died without a place to bury him!
(End of this chapter)

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