Chapter 295 Trap?

Huajiujiu didn't choose her because of friendship, she chose the most suitable person.

She didn't tell Fang Xiaoxiao about this, but Fang Xiaoxiao didn't rely on her friendship to make Hua Jiujiu choose her, otherwise Hua Jiujiu would be very disappointed.

Fang Xiaoxiao applied for this position very seriously and hard, and the villagers were very puzzled. She obviously only needed to talk to Hua Jiujiu, but why did she have to work so hard?
Fang Xiaoxiao just said that the shop of Huajiu is looking for a buddy, not a friend.

Hua Jiujiu had some expectations for Fang Xiaoxiao's performance.

However, she still needs to investigate for a while.

On the road.

Fang Xiaoxiao and Hua Jiujiu were talking and laughing.

"Jiujiu, last time you said that the people from the Zhu family have left Fangyuan Town, so they probably won't come again?"

Fang Xiaoxiao had some shadows towards the Zhu family, and was quite afraid of meeting them again.

She didn't know that the Zhu family was almost wiped out, she only knew that they left Fangyuan Town and went to other people.

"will not."

Speaking of the Zhu family, they first defected to the county magistrate, but later they might feel that the county magistrate could not keep them, so they went to the capital to join Mrs. Zhu's natal Duan's family.

That Duan family is an affiliated family of the Ximen family, the four major families in the capital, and their status is very good.

It is estimated that they can be kept and revived.

Hua Jiujiu said, why the Zhu family is so arrogant in Fangyuan Town, it turns out that they have a strong backer.

In this case, if I want to take revenge, I have to wait.

However, the person Zhu's defected to for the first time was the county magistrate.

This made her can't help but think that the people selected by Zhu's family at the beginning must be the county magistrate.

Moreover, after Hua Meili came back last time, she also went to investigate a little bit. The place she went to was the county seat.

Because I think the beauty of flowers has nothing to do with me, so Hua Jiujiu didn't investigate deeply.

Now it seems that that pervert is the county magistrate.

In this way, it can be clearly explained why the Zhu family has done so many unreasonable things, but there is nothing wrong with them.

Hua Jiujiu was thinking whether he should meddle in this business.

If you think about it carefully, those who were sent there were degraded to this point because of greed in the first place.

Therefore, they should also pay the price for their greed.

If so, then leave it alone.

Let's talk about it later when I free up my hands, or when the county magistrate takes the initiative to provoke her.

After the group arrived in the town, Hua Jiujiu handed over the six people to the shop assistants and asked them to take them with them.

After getting acquainted, you can replace their work.

It is impossible for her to open only one shop, and the people she cultivated must not be enough.

Therefore, Huajiujiu only plans to put two or three trained people in a store, and it is enough to deal with the surprise incident, and the rest will be recruited outside.

After arranging these things, Hua Jiujiu changed into the attire of Young Master Qianzui.

He didn't hang around in front of everyone, otherwise he would appear to be very unassuming and mysterious.

It's just for people to spread the news that Mr. Qianzui is in Yuyan Pavilion.

Inside the box of Zhenxiu Restaurant.

A handsome man in blue clothes sat on a chair with a melancholy expression.

His eyes were scattered on the passing pedestrians downstairs, and the sunlight was scattered on his eyelashes like this.

Slowly raising his eyes, he could see a heart-wrenching past quietly hidden in his light brown pupils.

It's that heartbreaking.

"Young City Master, he has appeared." A servant came in from outside the door and whispered to the person sitting on the chair.

Qiu Jinyu looked up, and the two lips, which were not bloody, were lightly pursed.

Chang An was very distressed, but he didn't show the slightest sign.

He walked up to Qiu Jinyu, knelt there, and begged: "Young City Master, let's try again, shall we?"

Qiu Jinyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, but he still didn't say anything.

"Young City Lord, madam and miss, are still waiting for you." Changan said in a low voice.

Qiu Jinyu's melancholy eyes finally had a strong fluctuation.

You can even see the color of grief in it.

"Young City Master." Chang An shouted again.

Akitsu Yu's bony fingers gripped the handle of the chair tightly.


In the end, a word was finally uttered, but it was so hopeless and powerless.

Chang'an was overjoyed.

"Young City Master, he will definitely find a way." Since he dared to speak such nonsense, he must have some skills.

Anyway, it's best not to play tricks, otherwise he must kill that person!

The young city lord must not be stimulated anymore!
Qiu Jinyu's eyelashes drooped down again, covering those hopeless eyes.

Last time, what Chang An said was the same, he will definitely find a way.

However, it was still disappointing.

He didn't know how many times he was disappointed, but at least he saved enough.

Originally, he planned to be like this, but the reality forced him to continue to struggle back and forth between despair and hope.

Because, he must have a healthy body!

Chang An hurriedly helped Qiu Jinyu onto the wheelchair, and then pushed Qiu Jinyu out hopelessly.

This wheelchair was thought up by the Young City Lord himself.

Thanks to this wheelchair, the Young City Lord was able to do something.

Their Young City Master is so smart, how could he be stuck on this for the rest of his life.

Therefore, we must heal the young city lord's legs!

How could Qiu Jinyu not feel Chang'an's expectation.

But, there is really no need.

Because the more you expect, the more you will be disappointed.

I have never heard of this young man who is drunk, so how much ability can he have?
Akitsu Iku had no hope for anyone, so how could he have hope for someone who no one cared about?
Huajiujiu was in the box on the third floor, and she was bored looking at the streets.

Why hasn't that person shown up yet?
It's been so long.

Could it be, is it already too desperate?

Therefore, there is no sense of expectation for a person who says he can heal his legs.

Alas, it looks like I won't be here today.

She'd better change back to her women's clothes and go talk to An Qingyan about her future development.

Although her mother's matching clothes haven't been made yet, it doesn't prevent her from talking about these things with An Qingyan.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure on the street.

She stopped, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It seems that the despair is not too complete.

Hua Jiujiu closed the window and waited for that person to come up.

The moment she closed the window, Qiu Jinyu looked up.

His light-colored eyes flickered involuntarily.

That person seemed to be waiting for him.

From the very beginning, did you dig a trap and wait for him to jump down?

Could it be that person who sent it?
(End of this chapter)

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