Chapter 297 A Promise

Huajiujiu didn't want people to think that he would make a move easily.

When the time comes, a bunch of people who are sick or not will come to look for him, won't he be exhausted?
Also, it seems too unrecognizable.

Therefore, she must set some thresholds.

Either she took the initiative to treat people, or what conditions needed to be met.

Probably, it is somewhat similar to Mr. Miao Ai, but not exactly the same.

After all, that person is really capable of dying.

Qiu Jinyu looked at Huajiu quietly.

In fact, he probably guessed why this person would do this.

However, there is no problem, after all, there is no such thing as a good thing in this world.

To get something, you have to give something.

"What do you want?" Qiu Jinyu asked blankly.

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows and whispered, "A promise."

"What you think is really beautiful." Chang An couldn't help but said.

That was the promise of a young city lord!
Qiu Jinyu glanced at him, Chang'an had to shut up, but he still couldn't help muttering, "I don't know if it can be cured yet, so let's talk about conditions. How can such a person have any skills."

Qiu Jinyu glanced at him again, this time with a bit sharp feeling.

Chang An had to shut up.

Hua Jiujiu also heard his muttering, but she wasn't angry, she just casually played with the teacup.

This teacup was specially customized by her, and it was very pleasing to the eye.

Good tea should be served with good utensils.

Qiu Jinyu's voice was low and pleasant, "Yes."

Hua Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I will let you do murder and set fires, which are unreasonable things?"

Didn't even say a condition.

"Will you?" Qiu Jinyu asked without answering.

Huajiujiu judges people, and so does he.

Sitting in a wheelchair since he was a child, let him learn to read people's hearts, otherwise, how could he live until now?

Huajiu laughed lightly.

Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, this person is quite in line with her wishes!

Would be a great companion.

"Of course... no." Hua Jiujiu pursed her vermilion lips, with an unusual evil charm, completely inconsistent with her noble appearance.

It seems that this is the real her.

"Young City Master, please come here." Hua Jiujiu led him into the room.

Qiu Jinyu took a deep look at her.

Sure enough, he knew his identity.

"Expose your legs, at least to this position." Hua Jiujiu gestured.

Chang An's complexion became ugly.

He might as well just say, take off all your pants!

Hua Jiujiu gave him a cool look.

She's not that interested!
Moreover, she is a man with a man, how can she look at it casually!

However, as a doctor, she has no gender distinction in her eyes, so if there is really a need to deal with secret places...

It's also fortunate that Lou Sijin isn't here, otherwise there wouldn't be an explosion?

Even if it is not fully exposed, it is definitely not acceptable to the ancients.

Qiu Jinyu glanced at Chang'an indifferently.

Chang An curled his lips and helped him take off his outer pants, leaving only a pair of wrapped pants.

Fortunately, there are clothes inside, otherwise Hua Jiujiu would be afraid that he would have needle eyes.

Hua Jiujiu asked Qiu Jinyu to lie on the bed, and then checked him without changing his face.

The Huajiujiu that has entered the working state is so sacred and inviolable.

People can't help but breathe lightly, for fear that the sound of her breathing will disturb her.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the two shriveled legs that were not seriously shrunken, and asked, "Do you often massage these two legs?"

"Yes, the doctor said before that if the legs shrink, there is no possibility of healing." Chang An quickly replied.

"It's a good thing you didn't give up." Otherwise, I'm afraid she can't do anything.

After all, these two legs are really serious. If they shrink seriously, even if they have spiritual springs, there is nothing they can do.

Hearing this, Chang An's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Huajiu eagerly.

Meaning, can it be cured?

"It's just that there is a chance to continue." Hua Jiujiu poured cold water on it again.

Chang An's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Mr. Miao Ai said the same thing last time, but Mr. Miao Ai did not continue.

Just let them go.

He actually knew that there was still no hope, so he didn't continue.

So, is this the same for this person?

Chang'an's mood fluctuated a lot, but Qiu Jinyu didn't fluctuate at all.

Obviously, there have been too many fluctuations in the past, and I have no sense.

After checking with both hands for a while, Hua Jiujiu asked a few questions.

Like how to be paralyzed.

The answer was that he woke up one day and suddenly became paralyzed without any symptoms.

This made Hua Jiujiu couldn't help but wonder if he was poisoned, otherwise why would there be no symptoms?

After checking, there was no poison in his body.

But yes, even if it is poisoned, it is impossible to have no symptoms.

Later, I asked if it would hurt occasionally or something.

As a result, I was told it never happened.

Hua Jiujiu frowned slightly, it seemed more serious than she imagined.

Seeing her frowning, Chang An's heart sank.

Sure enough, there is still no way?

In this way, how did the young city lord accept it!

He looked at Qiu Jinyu, but he was still calm.

Chang An was so distressed that he almost shed tears.


Hua Jiujiu looked at Chang'an, whose eyes were red, his lips were red, his teeth were white, his features were delicate, and his figure was delicate, and he fell silent.

Why, suddenly something rotten?
Hua Jiujiu coughed lightly, and took out the silver needle from her bosom.

This silver needle is a set placed in the space, and the quality is extremely good.

Huajiu intends to use it as the standard equipment for Young Master Qianzui.

"I'll give the injection later, as long as there is even a little pain, you have to tell me." Hua Jiujiu looked at Qiu Jinyu.

Akizuki nodded lightly.

In fact, he had no expectations.

Because, no matter how much he tossed his legs before, it was useless.

Even if it is burned with fire, there is no feeling.

Hua Jiujiu pricked several acupuncture points, but Qiu Jinyu didn't respond.

The frown got tighter.

It doesn't make sense.

There shouldn't be any response.

The legs don't look completely necrotic either.

Huajiujiu doesn't believe in evil, and continues to fight.

When the last needle was inserted, she said that if it still didn't hurt, then there was nothing she could do.

However, this acupuncture point is the least likely to cause pain.


However, Qiu Jinyu said, "I feel a little bit." His tone was neither sad nor happy.

Chang An was very excited.

Hua Jiujiu frowned, "Are you sure?"

Qiu Jinyu nodded.

Although it felt very light, so light that people thought it was an illusion, but he still didn't feel wrong.

Huajiu took another injection, Qiu Jinyu felt more obvious this time, and nodded again.

Hua Jiujiu didn't smile, but stood up with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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