Chapter 305 So Angry
Hua Jiujiu looked at Hua Shishi with lifeless eyes, full of reluctance in his heart.

No matter what Yuchi Mocheng had in mind, it was his fault to make his sister unhappy!

However, now is not the time to scold him, I am afraid that the more you scold Hua Shishi, the more you will fall into a dead end.

"Maybe he thinks you are too weak, not only can't help him, but also drag him down." Hua Jiujiu said.

Hua Shishi looked up at Hua Jiujiu with an expression that I knew.

"Woooooo, sister, am I really that bad?"


She was wrong and shouldn't have said that.

"No, you are not bad at all, you are very good, it's just that he didn't see your goodness."

Hua Shishi looked at her blankly.

Is this really the case?
"So, you have to make yourself better." Hua Jiujiu rubbed Hua Shishi's hair.

"But... but how can I become better?"

"Didn't you recognize Qin Xian as your teacher, then you should try your best to surpass Qin Xian and become an existence that attracts everyone's attention, and this sound can also practice it carefully, so that you can protect yourself in the future. "Hua Jiujiu didn't know what Yuchi Mocheng was planning.

Since there is a sound skill, it naturally cannot be wasted.

Anyway, it is also a life-saving thing.

Hua Shishi's eyes became brighter the more she listened, yes, why didn't she think of it?
Moreover, she has been following Yuchi Mocheng's side recently, so much so that she has forgotten her original goal.

Fortunately, she asked Jinyue to keep an eye on the store for her.

I obviously wanted to become better from the very beginning, so I could help my sister!

How can you forget your original intention because of a man?
Looking at Hua Shishi who seemed to want to bloom, Hua Jiujiu nodded in satisfaction.

The sons and daughters of the Hua family should be excellent, and only they can abandon others, and others can never abandon them!

"Sister, I was wrong." Hua Shishi sincerely admitted her mistake.

Hua Jiujiu didn't expect that Hua Shishi would figure it out so quickly, "Knowing a mistake can correct it, and there is nothing good about it. Sister believes that Shishi will become even better because of this mistake."

"Yeah." Hua Shishi nodded, looking forward to it.

I don't know what to expect, but it's definitely not that simple.

Seeing that Hua Shishi was no longer confused and crying, she advised her to go into the house to rest.

It's getting late, and it's time to rest.

As for punishment or something, how could Huajiujiu be willing to give up?

After Hua Shishi returned to the house, Hua Jiujiu went to the study, and Hua Youyou, who was still immersed in the book, also went to sleep.

Hua Youyou said that Sister A is really overbearing, and she obviously doesn't go to bed yet.

Hua Jiujiu had no choice but to promise that he would go to bed right away, so Hua Youyou obediently went back to her room to sleep.

Now, Hua Youyou also sleeps in a room alone.

Years ago, she still slept in a room with Bai Zhi and the others, but in the next year she said that she had grown up and wanted to sleep in a room alone.

After discussing with Bai Zhi for a while, Hua Jiujiu agreed.

Fortunately, the bamboo house in the back has been expanded, otherwise there might be no room for her to live in.

Sitting in the study, Hua Jiujiu sighed faintly.

She actually wanted to sleep, but she just couldn't.

That guy Lou Sijin hasn't come back yet, really makes her worry!
Later, Hua Jiujiu was so sleepy that he fell asleep on the table.

Jin Yue seemed to realize that her young lady was asleep, and cautiously entered the study.

Just as she was about to pick up Huajiujiu, a big hand stopped her.

Jin Yue looked over in surprise, and it really was Lou Sijin.

"My lord, Miss, she..."

When Lou Sijin raised her hand, Jin Yue shut her mouth and quietly backed out.

Lou Sijin took off the cold cloak on her body, channeled her internal energy, and warmed her body that was blown by the cold wind because of the rush, and then approached the sleeping Huajiujiu.

His slightly tired eyes, when he saw the person in front of him, there was only tenderness and joy left.

No amount of exhaustion can equal the feeling of seeing her at this moment.

Lou Sijin gently picked her up and walked towards the room he often sneaked into.

Put the person in your arms gently on the bed.

Just as he was about to get up, slender hands suddenly climbed onto his neck.

Hua Jiujiu's long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, obviously about to wake up.


Her pink lips pouted slightly, complaining about her dissatisfaction with being woken up.

Lou Sijin's eyes became more and more gentle, and the gentleness seemed to be able to swallow people up.

"Go to sleep."

The voice was so soft, as light as it came from a dream.

Hua Jiujiu struggled and didn't even open his eyes, but those hands still hugged his neck tightly.

Lou Sijin felt a little helpless.

He knew that when he took her hand away, she must wake up.

The little girl was also quite tired, and she couldn't bear to wake her up.

He kept looking at the person in front of him in this posture.

It's just that the more you look at her, the closer you get to her.

Finally, close enough to feel each other's breath and temperature.

Lou Sijin's Adam's apple moved slightly, and the breath he exhaled became hotter and hotter.

Let the Huajiu wine under him feel like spring breeze and warm.

Her expression became extremely happy, and her small mouth was slightly pouted, and she didn't know what kind of dream she had.

Lou Sijin's mind became more and more dazed as he watched, and he couldn't hold back anymore, and he stuck his body to cover those pink lips.

Gently and softly, just taste it.

However, it seemed that he was a little dissatisfied with this, so he couldn't help poking out, wanting to enter another space.

"Hmm..." Hua Jiujiu's dream was disturbed, showing some signs of waking up.

Lou Sijin didn't intend to just let her go like this, she provoked her.

So, he took the opportunity to sneak in.

The strangeness in his mouth made Hua Jiujiu completely sober.

When he opened his eyes, he saw an extremely familiar face in the darkness, and felt that familiar breath.

Hua Jiujiu gave up struggling and circled him even tighter.

Her Ah Jin is back.

Her Ah Jin misses her very much.

She also misses her Ajin more.

Huajiujiu was also immersed in it, unable to extricate itself.

I don't know how long it has been, but the long moon hides in embarrassment.

Only then did Lou Sijin let go of the hot and limp Huajiu wine.

Looking at the shy person in front of him, Lou Sijin almost couldn't help continuing, but knowing that he couldn't, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Ajiu." Lou Sijin spoke, the voice was hoarse, but it sounded so nice that it made people fall into a hallucination.

"A Jin." Hua Jiujiu also called out, but Lou Sijin almost couldn't restrain himself.

This little woman!

Hua Jiujiu was also startled by his own voice, and his complexion became more and more red.

"You... When did you come back." She quickly changed the subject.

"You fell asleep for a while." Lou Sijin tried hard to restrain herself.

"You made me wait so long." Hua Jiujiu snorted lightly, but she only felt coquettish.

Lou Sijin's pupils deepened a little bit, at this moment there is a real abyss, as long as people are sucked into it, they will no longer be able to escape from it.

(End of this chapter)

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