Chapter 309 So Beautiful!
Hua Jiujiu stayed at Lou Sijin's place all afternoon, and when he saw that it was getting dark, he quickly stood up, "Today's dinner isn't ready yet, let's go back quickly."

"No rush." ​​Lou Sijin took Hua Jiujiu's hand.

"Why don't you rush, I originally wanted to cook some good dishes." Hua Jiujiu just wanted to eat delicious food together as a family, and drink delicious food to be happy.

"Well, let's go." Lou Sijin glanced outside, then took Hua Jiujiu's hand and went back.

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin suspiciously.

What makes it so mysterious.

When walking back, it was already dark, looking at the pitch-black bamboo house not far away, Hua Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, "Where are my mother and the others?"

Could it be that he went to bed so early?
If you haven't slept, why don't you light a lamp?

Hua Jiujiu looked at Lou Sijin who was holding her little hand tightly. Could it be that her mother ran out in order to give them a two-person world?

No, she obviously prefers living with a family.

Lou Sijin didn't say anything, but led her over.

When entering the yard, suddenly the yard becomes bright.

The yard is covered with clusters of flowers, and the flowers exude a charming fragrance.

There are countless lights around, and these lights are covered by beautiful lampshades, which look very special.

The road is also paved with fine shiny things.

Hua Jiujiu preliminarily determined that this was a crushed night pearl.

This handwriting is really not ordinary.

Hua Jiujiu looked surprised and ran out of the house, looking at her family and friends with a smile on her face.

"Happy Birthday!"

Several people shouted in unison.

Hua Jiujiu only felt that his eyes were a little red.

These lovely people.

Does she seem like the kind of person who likes a sense of ceremony?

However, I really like it.

"Thank you." Hua Jiujiu replied with a smile, that smile was simply too happy.

"You bastard, you didn't notify me of your birthday, so you almost missed it." An Qingyan stepped forward and slapped me.

If she hadn't happened to go to Yuyan Pavilion today, she might have missed it just like that.

After finding out, they hurried over and joined their plan together.

"It's not a big deal, so the whole world knows what to do?" Hua Jiujiu was a little dumbfounded.

"It's a big deal, for friends and family."

In the capital, a prestigious family, every time a direct descendant celebrates their birthday, they would like to let everyone know about it.

In fact, An Qingyan didn't like this kind of birthday party, because no one came to send blessings sincerely.

Each one comes with a purpose.

"Okay, my fault." Hua Jiujiu said flatteringly.

An Qingyan snorted lightly, that's right.

Then, he took out the gift he had prepared in a hurry, "Because I was too anxious, the gift I prepared was not very good."

"It's fine when the person comes, what gift should I bring?" Hua Jiujiu accepted it with a smile.

This is the first gift she received here.

Of course, among friends.

Fang Xiaoxiao, who was standing behind, also generously presented the gift, "The gift is not expensive, but I made it myself, I hope you will like it." She and Hua Jiujiu are from the same village, so naturally they know Hua Jiujiu's birthday.

Lin Keer also shyly handed over the gift she had prepared.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Hua Jiujiu replied with a smile.

She doesn't think that expensive gifts are better, and those with heart are the best.

After the three girls finished giving gifts, Hua Jiujiu's younger sisters also gave gifts.

It's all handmade by them.

Huajiu said he likes it very much.

When it came to Baizhi, she brought Huajiu directly into the house.

She took out a set of clothes that she had made for a long time, and used the gems that Hua Jiujiu had given her before.

Hua Jiujiu looked at the clothes and opened her mouth wide in amazement.

It's so beautiful!

"Put it on and try it on." On your birthday, you should dress up nicely.

The moment Huajiujiu saw it, she wanted to try it out, so she immediately took it into her room to wear it.

Because it was a little complicated, Bai Zhi also followed in to help.

The more Bai Zhi looked at it, the more satisfied she became, and she even thought about helping her prepare the wedding dress when her daughter got married.

Generally speaking, the wedding dress is sewn by the woman herself, but Hua Jiujiu is completely ignorant of needlework, she has no hope at all, so she can only worry about this matter herself.

Of course, she didn't think much of it either, and even wanted to design the most beautiful wedding dress to make her daughter the most beautiful and happiest bride in the world.

It didn't take long for Huajiujiu to wear out, and Bai Zhi praised it straight away.

Hua Jiujiu looked at himself in the bronze mirror, and was somewhat surprised.

It turns out that I can also be so beautiful.

Wouldn't it be more beautiful when I grow a little longer?
Hua Jiujiu is in a very good mood at the moment.

Who doesn't want to be more beautiful?

Bai Zhi took Hua Jiujiu to wear jewelry for her, and then put on makeup.

Suddenly, she became even more beautiful, just like a fairy who came down from the sky.

"Our wine is really nice." Bai Zhi looked satisfied.

She is confident that when her daughter gets married, she will be the most beautiful bride in the world.

"Mother's craftsmanship is excellent." Hua Jiujiu said modestly.

"Go, let them see." Bai Zhi took Hua Jiujiu's hand and went out.

People who want to come outside have to wait in a hurry.

Lou Sijin and the others were waiting in the yard, and when they heard the movement, they all turned their heads.

Suddenly, the surroundings were silent.

Everyone was shocked by Huajiujiu.

It's so beautiful!

Her skin is finer than snow, her facial features are exquisite and small, her eyes are like stars in the sky, dazzling and bright, pure as water, people are fascinated by it, feel ashamed, and dare not blaspheme, but there is a soul-stirring state in her smart eyes, and her lips are like blood It is red, and it makes people have to dream about it.

Coupled with her outfit, it is even more stunning.

"Ah, why am I not a man." An Qingyan couldn't help but said.

"Why does Sister An want to be a man?" Hua Youyou asked puzzled.

"If I were a man, I would definitely marry your sister!" He could cook, earn money, and look so good-looking!

Who doesn't like such a woman.

As soon as An Qingyan finished speaking, Lou Sijin gave her a cold look.

She rubbed her nose embarrassingly, and said, "I was just joking, hehe~"

Hua Youyou looked at An Qingyan with disdain, "If you were a man, I would be the first to object to my sister marrying you."

If someone threatened her, would she have to betray her sister?
What's the use of such a person, it's not as good as someone like Lou Sijin.

An Qingyan was a little dumbfounded, Hua Youyou's answer was really serious.

However, with the look in this man's eyes, who can stand it!

However, why is it that a hunter is so lethal?

Is this man really just an ordinary Orion?
(End of this chapter)

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