Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 319 Origin of Lou Sijin's Surname

Chapter 319 Origin of Lou Sijin's Surname
The man couldn't see the change on Huajiujiu's face, and he felt a little flustered. Could it be that he was not interested, or that there was already news about this herbal medicine?

"My lord, it is said that this Concentrating Grass can increase one's power, and it is something that everyone in the world is vying for." The man explained.

"I don't listen to nonsense." Hua Jiujiu said coldly.

She is a doctor, how could she not know the medicinal properties of herbs, do you still need him to talk nonsense?
The man choked and had to say: "I heard that this herbal medicine is in the hands of County Magistrate Zhang. I heard that many people have already gone to inquire about it."

Magistrate Zhang...

Huajiujiu looked unpredictable.

The man didn't know what Hua Jiujiu was thinking, and he didn't hear what she said after waiting for a long time.

Nervously opening his mouth to test: "Young master?"

Hua Jiujiu picked up a pen and paper, scribbled a few words, and asked people to go to the backyard to get the medicine.

After the medicine was brought, he threw it to the man, "Drink for three months."

Although she can make this person get better faster, she is not that generous.

No matter how much more tormented ah.

The man's heart is blocked, and he will be tortured for another three months.

Forget it, as long as it can be cured, otherwise he could only alleviate it before, and it would not be cured at all.

The man took the medicine, was grateful in every possible way, and then ran away in a hurry, for fear that Huajiujiu would regret it.

In fact, he had the urge to go to the toilet again, and he had just finished using it not long ago.

Hua Jiujiu didn't bother to talk to him, thinking about the medicine there.

There must be many people who know this news, but they have never received it. I think the magistrate Zhang has hidden it very deeply.

It seems that I should meet the county magistrate Zhang sometime.

Speaking of it, it seems that they should have intersected a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to last until now.

As early as she knew that the Zhu family had a relationship with Magistrate Zhang, she wondered if Magistrate Zhang would come to trouble her.

However, it has never been.

Either magistrate zhang didn't bother to look for it, or magistrate zhang was a smart person.

"Ah Jiu, what are you thinking?" Lou Sijin stepped forward and hugged Hua Jiujiu.

"The Concentrating Grass is at County Magistrate Zhang's place." Hua Jiujiu replied.

Lou Sijin didn't find it strange at all, "I know, and I asked someone to look for it."

"Ah? You know." Wouldn't it be a loss for her to treat that man?

"I just found out not long ago."

Hua Jiujiu didn't worry about it any more, but asked curiously: "A Jin, who is this county magistrate?"

Why does a big family like the Zhu family want to curry favor with him, and even seek his protection.

One must know that no one would dare to mess with the Zhu family nearby, not to mention the Duan family behind Mrs. Zhu.

Logically speaking, it should be the magistrate Zhang who flattered the Zhu family.

"Standing behind County Magistrate Zhang is the Third Prince." Lou Sijin explained.

Hua Jiujiu understood instantly.

The third prince is the most likely person to be appointed as the crown prince.

As long as he wanted to make a fortune, how could he not curry favor with him.

It's strange to say that the current Holy Majesty has not appointed a crown prince so far, allowing these princes to fight openly and secretly, and he is not afraid that his throne will not be stable, let alone that the court will become panic.

"That shouldn't be the case. Isn't the Zhu family more able to curry favor with the third prince?" County Magistrate Zhang is just a county magistrate, how could he compare with Zhu's and Duan's families?
"Magistrate Zhang is the natal family of the third princess." Lou Sijin paused and said, "There is a gold mine near Wanju County."

That's it!
Hua Jiujiu looked suddenly enlightened.

Although the gold mine is owned by the imperial court, it is possible to get something from it if it is close to the water.

"This county magistrate still has some skills." Otherwise, how could he be able to do it for so long?
The enemy of the third prince must be staring at him all the time, wanting to find out his faults and pull him down.

Unexpectedly, even a small magistrate Zhang made them find no fault.

Lou Sijin touched Hua Jiujiu's little head.

His Ah Jiu is really smart.

Hua Jiujiu looked up at Lou Sijin, his lips moved, and asked instead: "Ajin, why is your surname Lou?"

She originally wanted to ask him if he was interested in the throne, but it suddenly occurred to her that his surname was not a royal surname, and she had never heard of a prince of the opposite sex who was named.

Lou Sijin's eyes turned cold, she pursed her lips slightly, and remained silent.

"If you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it." How many good things can happen in such a place, but they are all chilling stories. Hua Jiujiu didn't want to poke his heart, so he comforted him.

Lou Sijin hugged her and buried her head between her necks.

"Ajiu, I only have you." If he didn't have her, if he hadn't met her, then he couldn't help but want to destroy this ruthless world.

"Well, I will always be by your side." Hua Jiujiu gently stroked the person in his arms.

She could feel his loneliness and despair, and felt distressed and angry at the same time, why would those people treat her man like this.

"My concubine's surname is Lou." When Lou Sijin mentioned her concubine, her tone did not change.

It seemed like it was just a stranger.

Huajiujiu had already guessed this.

"When I was born, I killed my mother and concubine. The people in the Qin Tianjian said that my destiny is the lone star of the gods, and I will kill everyone close to me." Speaking of this, he hugged Hua Jiujiu tightly.

Before, he never cared about these rumors, and even hoped that it was true, and then killed those disgusting people.

However, after having Huajiu, he suddenly became afraid.

I am afraid that my fate will really bring misfortune to Hua Jiujiu.

Hua Jiujiu felt Lou Sijin's fear, and her heart was full of distress.

This man, never afraid of anything, is like a god.

However, ever since he was with her, he had too many weaknesses.

"Fool, I am a nobleman of Tianyi, how can I be afraid of the mere lone star of Tiansha?" Hua Jiujiu repeated what he had said to coax Lin Ke'er back then.

In fact, she didn't know her fate either.

Of course, even if she knew, she didn't care, she didn't think it could stop them from being together!
Lou Sijin smiled.

This lovely little lady.

"Because my concubine mother is the princess of the subjugated country, that person took advantage of the opportunity to change my surname." Lou Sijin said with a deadpan face, as if that person was not him.

That's right, he never cared about these things, there is no one and nothing that can make him care.

However, it is different after encountering Huajiu.

"Princess Subjugated?" Hua Jiujiu was taken aback.

"Well, the Princess of Subjugation who was killed by him." Lou Sijin laughed.

That person, really thought that given this surname to himself, he could only be a subjugated person?

Hua Jiujiu hugged Lou Sijin distressedly.

She could imagine what kind of life Lou Sijin lived since childhood.

A prince who is not favored, has no mother and concubine to take care of him, and has no influence, even if he dies in this huge harem, no one will feel sorry for him, no one will help him, and he will just be left to struggle in this suffocating harem.

(End of this chapter)

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