Chapter 331 Definitely Revenge

At this time, an anxious shout came from outside the door: "Master Qianzui, my young master suddenly fainted."

Hua Jiujiu frowned and was about to get up.

In the end, Lou Sijin held her down, and her eyes were full of displeasure.

"A Jin, he did this because of me." Hua Jiujiu remembered that before she fainted, it was Qiu Jinyu who caught her, otherwise she might have a close contact with the earth.

Lou Sijin's face was extremely ugly, who made her look like this!

Hua Jiujiu can't deny this, but whoever made her a doctor must be responsible for her patients.


Hua Jiujiu looked up at Yu Miao'ai, "Can you take care of my patient for me?"

Yu Miao'ai looked at Hua Jiujiu who was so persistent, her eyes flickered slightly.

He seemed to see his former self.

He is very responsible for his patients, even if he is exhausted and falls ill, he will never give up on the patients.

But when did you start to change?
Yu Miao'ai also couldn't remember clearly.

"That's your patient, why should I help you?"

It's cool to say this, but it's very uncomfortable to be stared at by Lou Sijinliang's swishing eyes.

"You really have no obligation to help me." Hua Jiujiu nodded in agreement.

Yu Miao was very angry.

"Forget it, let me do it myself. After all, I didn't even notice that he was poisoned, so I can still hope to save him?" Hua Jiujiu sighed softly.


This is really hurtful and extremely insulting.

"Who said I didn't see it?" Yu Miao could not help but retort.

"Oh? You actually noticed it?" Hua Jiujiu was surprised.

Yu Miao'ai snorted softly, he is very capable after all.

"However, it's not that I don't know how to detoxify." Hua Jiujiu said regretfully, shaking his head.


"Even if he forcibly exercised his kung fu during the detoxification process, he only needed to prick... acupuncture points, I'm afraid you don't know." Hua Jiujiu mentioned several acupuncture points.

Yu Miao's facial expression became very exciting, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "I know how to do it, so I need you to teach me!"

It's just not too fake!
Although he really doesn't know what to do!
"That's right, he's the number one miracle doctor." Hua Jiujiu looked at Yu Miao'ai meaningfully.


Yu Miao'ai just felt that this sentence was extremely ironic, and he felt that he might lose his position!
In the end, he still went to help, no matter what, he had to find the place again.

Moreover, he didn't want to end up being threatened by Lou Sijin, that would be so shameless, now to save people, Huajiujiu still owes him a favor, so it's more cost-effective.

After Yu Miao'ai left, the two of them were left in the room.

Lou Sijin kept a straight face the whole time.

It was even colder than last time.

This is not something that can be resolved by being coquettish and cute.

"A Jin, I'm sorry, I overestimated myself." Hua Jiujiu took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Lou Sijin didn't answer, but pulled the quilt for her, and then planned to make medicine for her.

Seeing Lou Sijin who resolutely turned and left, Hua Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

She reached out and grabbed Lou Sijin's big hand, and said in a panic, "Ajin, don't leave me."

That tone was very helpless.

It's like a stray dog ​​that has been abandoned countless times.

Lou Sijin's heart ached, she turned around and hugged the pitiful Hua Jiujiu, "Fool, I won't leave, I will never leave."

Feeling the body temperature of Lou Sijin, Hua Jiujiu rubbed his head again and again, and said aggrievedly: "I thought you were disappointed in me."

Lou Sijin hugged Hua Jiujiu tightly, "I'm not disappointed, just distressed and blamed myself."

Hua Jiujiu knew what Lou Sijin was distressed and blamed, "I don't feel hard, and I'm happy to be with you. Don't feel guilty, you've done well enough."

Lou Sijin looked down at the woman in her arms tenderly.

She has always been so understanding.

"Ajin, I will love myself more in the future, and I will also care about you more."

"Okay." Lou Sijin smiled happily.

As long as she can love himself more, he will be satisfied.

"Hey, take a rest first. I'll make some medicine and take care of my body first." Lou Sijin put down the flower wine and comforted her to lie down.

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu lay down obediently.

After calming down with the flowers and wine, Lou Sijin went out.

After confirming that he was gone, Hua Jiujiu entered the space.

She filled a bucket of spiritual spring water and soaked in it.

After a while, she felt a lot lighter in her body, but she knew that the loss of her body still existed, and it would not disappear because of this spiritual spring, so she still had to pay more attention, otherwise the root cause of the disease would really fall. If there is no serious illness, it is fine, but if there is any serious illness, it may be very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Hua Jiujiu thought of his two younger sisters, who were also at a serious loss.

However, fortunately, they are relatively small, so they can still make up for it.

It seems that I have eaten some of my own medicinal food.

Hua Jiujiu came out of the space after soaking in the bath, her face was not so pale, and she was a little rosy.

If Yu Miao'ai saw it, she would definitely be shocked.

This recovery must have been too fast.

Not long after Huajiujiu came out, Lou Sijin came back with medicine.

Looking at the dark medicine, she frowned.

She hates taking medicine the most. Before when she was sick, she just needed two injections. However, this time, she was suffering from physical loss and a severe cold. to eat.

Hua Jiujiu couldn't bear to drink it sip by sip, so after taking the medicine, he just took it in one gulp.

The look of seeing death like home made Lou Sijin smile helplessly.

He took a candy in his mouth and kissed Hua Jiujiu's lips.

Hua Jiujiu still has a bitter mouth, so how could he have the heart to do this with him.

When I was about to break free, I felt a sweet taste in my mouth.

Well, good, let's move on.

When Lou Sijin let her go, she no longer felt uncomfortable, and immediately felt that this method was very good.

Seems to be the case in the future.

Bah, she doesn't want to take such a bitter medicine all the time.

"I suspect that Yu Miao'ai is taking revenge on me." The medicine is so bitter.

"I'll tie him up to vent your anger." Lou Sijin said as she was about to get up.

Hua Jiujiu stopped him, "No, I'll find a chance to get back together."

Lou Sijin didn't say anything, "You rest for a while, and I'll call you when we have dinner."

"Okay." Hua Jiujiu felt that Lou Sijin now treated her like a porcelain doll, and was afraid that she would bump into her, so she had to lie on the bed and rest.

However, she really wanted to sleep and try to get her body back to normal soon.

Taking medicine is really terrible, and in my own situation, I can't keep busy.

(End of this chapter)

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