Chapter 338 Prepare in advance
Hua Jiujiu retreated from the room, and has no intention of throwing him out for the time being.

However, what she didn't know was that the moment she closed the door, the person on the bed opened his eyes.

Those evil and charming phoenix eyes flashed with an inexplicable emotion.

In fact, he had just woken up not long ago.

Woke up when Hua Jiujiu said Cheng'er was really good.

For a moment, he thought his mother and concubine had returned.

However, he knew that he would not, his concubine mother would never come back.

Yuchi Mocheng stared at the door for a while, and finally showed a wicked smile.

"Huajiujiu, you bumped into it again."

The voice was extremely deep, just like the sound of a cello, but the difference was that it was full of joy.

Hua Jiujiu returned to her room, took a bath, and washed off the blood on her body.

She lay in the bathtub with her eyes closed, and the bloody scene just now appeared in her mind.

She opened her eyes sharply again.

Sure enough, I still didn't get used to it that much.

However, she has to adapt, because what she will face in the future will be bloodier than this.

Hua Jiujiu wanted to ask Lou Sijin about the affairs of the court, so he asked Jinyue who was guarding the door: "Jinyue, is Ah Jin back?"

"Miss, you haven't come back yet." Jin Yue replied.

It seems that something has indeed happened recently, otherwise Lou Sijin wouldn't have come back now.

Hua Jiujiu leaned against the tub, lost in thought.

I don't know if it was too comfortable to take a bath, or she was a little tired, but she fell asleep leaning against the tub.

Jin Yue stood outside, not noticing the movement inside, and frowned slightly.


got no response.

Jinyue was wondering if she would fall asleep while soaking in it?
If you sleep like this, you will catch a cold.

Jinyue pushed open the door and went in, and sure enough, she saw Hua Jiujiu falling asleep leaning on the tub.

She hastily grabbed the towel at the side, and was about to scoop up Huajiu from the tub when a big hand stopped her.

"My lord." Jin Yue lowered her head and handed the bath towel to Lou Sijin.

Lou Sijin took the towel, and Jin Yue walked out of the room.

Even if Jinyue is a woman, Lou Sijin doesn't want her to see Hua Jiujiu's body, this little girl belongs to him from the inside to the outside!

Looking at the pink and tender person in front of him, Lou Sijin only felt that his body was a little hot, and he tried his best to restrain himself.

Close your eyes, and carefully scoop up the flower wine from the tub.

It's just that the smooth touch made Lou Sijin more and more unable to control herself.

"Hmm..." Hua Jiujiu showed some signs of sobriety.

Lou Sijin quickly relaxed his movements.

Hua Jiujiu changed direction and fell asleep again.

Lou Sijin gently put the dressed Huajiu on the bed, and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Get a good night's sleep."

Afterwards, Lou Sijin left the room.

He called Jinyue to the next room and listened to her talking about the details of what happened just now.

Those slender fingers touched the table once and for all, and those deep eyes shone with a cold light.

This place seems to be getting more and more dangerous.

If she stayed any longer, someone would definitely discover the existence of Huajiujiu, which would bring her a lot of trouble.

But, let him leave Hua Jiujiu's side, he can't even do it!

So, it can only be...

"It's time to let some people know what they should know." Lou Sijin's mouth curved into a mysterious smile.

Jinyue hesitated to speak.

Would it be too hasty to take this step now?
However, the master had already taken a dangerous move last time, and it was not too late to make another move.

It's just that someone should be cool off.

There will definitely be plenty of troubles, and the attraction of this wave is definitely full.

After all, the leader of the Jianghu forces turned out to be a majestic king, so it should have caused some shock.

In this way, I won't be afraid that someone will pay more attention to Lou Sijin.

Yuchi Mocheng, who was about to take a rest, felt a chill down his back inexplicably, and always had a feeling that he was being calculated by others.

After Jinyue retreated, a ghostly figure appeared in the room again.

"Master, they came out early."

Lou Sijin raised her eyes and curled her lips, "Oh? It actually came out."

The figure flickered slightly, if it wasn't for Lou Sijin's astonishing concentration, he might not have noticed the flicker.

"Yingfeng, do you think if you give them more time, can they catch up with the four of you?" Lou Sijin's tone was unrecognizable, but Yingfeng's heart felt cold.


Even if you can, you must not!
Therefore, they must continue to become stronger and not let anyone catch up!

Only in this way can we always stay by the Lord's side, so as not to become a waste!
It is also to blame that they thought they were strong enough, so they slacked off a lot, so the Lord took the opportunity to beat them.

However, it cannot be entirely blamed on them.

After all, it is impossible for them to train all the time, and it is inevitable that they will decline.

However, the Lord absolutely cannot accept any reason. If you become weaker, you become weaker, and you are not qualified to refute.

But after thinking about it, I have to admit that the few people raised by the mistress are so strong that they can complete the trip to purgatory faster than the four of them back then. I'm afraid that some of the people who trained with them People, they won't be able to take the lead!

Lou Sijin was quite satisfied with Yingfeng's answer, he leaned casually on the back of the chair, but he had the aura of looking down on the world.

"Take them to Xianyinfang, and let Yingzi train them well."


The mistress is indeed the person whom the Lord puts on top of her heart.

Not only did he spend time and energy training the hidden guards for the mistress, but also let the people of Xianyinfang wash away the murderous aura from these hidden guards.

You know, Xianyinfang does not easily do this kind of thing for others, even Lou Sijin, who can be called their master, cannot easily use it.

Most of the top masters in the world have passed through Xianyinfang once.

Because there can make a master become like an ordinary person.

There is the best place to hide your breath.

It is a place for all those who want to hide from the world or become stronger.

However, not everyone can go there, because you need to pass various tests in Xianyinfang before you can learn the various techniques for hiding the breath inside, and this test is not something everyone can pass.

After the shadow wind receded, another enchanting figure appeared in the room.

Lou Sijin glanced at her lightly.

"My lord, Aunt Jing has already started to suspect, and sent a lot of people here." Yinghua said respectfully.

Lou Sijin's gaze didn't move away, it still fell on Yinghua.

Yinghua's back was dripping with cold sweat. Suddenly, her body bent sharply and her head almost hit the ground.

This was obviously suppressed by force.

(End of this chapter)

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