Chapter 344 Bai Zhi's Identity?
Hua Jiujiu didn't blush, but said calmly, "Of course I take good care of myself."

Jinxue on the side pursed her lips slightly, her young lady is really very justified in lying.

Bai Zhi glanced suspiciously at Huajiujiu, "You have taken good care of yourself, why have you lost so much weight?"

Hua Jiujiu coughed lightly: "I'm growing my body, the nutrition I eat grows vertically."

Hua Jiujiu even stood up to show off her height.

Recently, her height has indeed been rising steadily.

Jinxue pursed her lips again, she took her explanation so naturally!
Bai Zhi looked up and down the flower wine.

Well, it has grown taller.

"It's not that you can't grow horizontally, you must be eating less." Bai Zhi said again.

Hua Jiujiu shifted his gaze to Hua Youyou, "Youyou has also grown a lot taller recently."

Seeing this, Bai Zhi immediately guessed that Hua Jiujiu had suffered a crime recently, so she avoided talking about it, which was full of distress.

"How is Yoyo studying recently?" Hua Jiujiu thought of Hua Youyou's rhetoric one night.

"I've memorized all the medical books my sister gave me." Hua Youyou replied happily when her favorite sister asked her about her studies.

Huajiujiu was a little speechless.

Is this speed a bit too fast?

That is a very thick medical book, and you just finished memorizing it?
Who said that memorizing medical books is the most tortured thing?

Who said that it is impossible to memorize medical books within a year or so?
Damn, someone obviously did it!
Hua Jiujiu couldn't help re-examining Hua Youyou.

This can only show that my sister is a genius in this area, and she is really interested in knowledge in this area.

It seems that the bold words that night were not just words.

This may really be the miracle doctor of the future!
Uh...poison doctor.

Then, Hua Jiujiu and Hua Youyou went into the room to discuss medical skills.

Bai Zhi looked at their backs and showed a gratified smile, but soon the smile disappeared.

"Jinyue, what happened to Jiu'er during this time?" Bai Zhi's momentum suddenly changed.

Jin Yue was shocked for a moment.

madam she...

"Don't hide anything." Bai Zhi's tone carried a little coercion, which is reserved for noble people.

"Returning to Madam, the young lady gave people acupuncture some time ago, and fell ill due to exhaustion. She was ill for more than half a month." Jinyue didn't dare to hide it.

It is true that Bai Zhi's current appearance is very similar to a superior person, which is not to be underestimated.

The identity of the lady does not seem to be simple.

Bai Zhi felt distressed again, and sure enough, her feeling was correct.

"Jinyue, check the identity of that person just now." If my memory is correct, I'm afraid it's...

"Yes, ma'am." It seems that Madam remembered something.

It's just that the identity of that person...

There was a trace of speculation in Jin Yue's heart, and her face became a little dignified.

It seems that she needs to talk to the Lord.

Bai Zhi didn't say anything, but went to the kitchen to make supplements for Huajiu.

Even seeing a doctor and seeing that she passed out, her body must be very weak, and she needs to make up for it.

So, when he came out for lunch at noon, Hua Jiujiu was almost stunned by the sumptuous lunch in front of him.

"Mom, why do you cook so many dishes?"

And, these dishes... so delicate!
"You have to gain weight." Bai Zhi nodded seriously.

Hua Jiujiu coughed lightly, afraid that Bai Zhi would ask another question, so she sat down and ate.

However, this taste is quite different from the taste of Bai Zhi's cooking before.

The taste has improved a lot, and some dishes even have a lot of medicinal materials added to them, and these medicinal materials were not prepared by her.

"Mother, do you know how to eat medicinal food?" Hua Jiujiu asked curiously.

"I saw someone else do it before, so I secretly learned it." Bai Zhi's eyes flickered slightly.

Suspicion flashed across Hua Jiujiu's heart.

This medicated diet is not so easy for people to learn.

Moreover, the dosage of this medicinal diet is also well controlled, it must be the result of countless experiments.

However, Hua Jiujiu didn't think about these things very quickly, after all, it was his mother's hard work.

My mother loves them so much, how can it be against them?
So, the family ate happily.

After eating, Bai Zhi didn't plan to go back, and said that she would stay for a long time.

Huajiujiu is naturally welcome, and quickly arranged for Baizhi.

However, what she didn't expect was that this was the beginning of her extreme growth.

Of course, this is another story.

In the dead of night.

Lou Sijin finally came back.

Hua Jiujiu was already asleep, Lou Sijin just pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then went to the study.

"What's the matter?" Although Lou Sijin was exhausted, he was still full of energy when it came to the matter of flowers and wine.

Jin Yue explained what happened today in detail.

Lou Sijin fell into deep thought.

"That woman looks like someone from the palace." Jin Yue expressed her conjecture.

Lou Sijin's eyes darkened a little.

It turned out to be someone from the palace!
If it's really someone from the palace, then come to find Mr. Qianzui... Lou Sijin already had a little guess in her heart.

This only needs a little verification to know, so Lou Sijin didn't take it to heart.

However, the man in the palace was stunned when he saw Bai Zhi, which made him have to think.

Is this Bai Zhi also from the palace?

However, he didn't seem to have seen Bai Zhi in the palace, although he felt that the surname and appearance were somewhat familiar.

During this period of time, he investigated Bai Zhi, but he did not go to the palace to investigate, no wonder there was no news for so long.

It seems that I should go to the palace to investigate.

Lou Sijin actually didn't want to think about it, it was definitely not a good place.

It would be extremely dangerous to get involved.

Of course, that's not the most important thing either.

the most important is……

Thinking of this, Lou Sijin's expression turned ugly, wishing he could enter the palace and kill someone directly.

Jin Yue saw that Lou Sijin had the bottom line, so she withdrew.

Lou Sijin got up, walked to the window, and looked at the moon covered by dark clouds.

Those dark eyes shone with a strange light.

has already started.

Then you can only dominate everything!
He is definitely not one to be manipulated and dominated!


This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Bai Zhi was lying on the bed, feeling very flustered.

The woman in black lay on the bed tossing and turning, and finally got up and wrote a letter, which was passed on by Fei Ge.

It's just that the pigeon was shot down not long after it flew out, and then sent to Lou Sijin.

Looking at the above content, Lou Sijin's whole body became dark, like a demon about to fall into hell, everything will be swallowed up by him!

The night became even darker.

Just like Lou Sijin's heart, he can't wait to destroy everything right now!
(End of this chapter)

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