Chapter 347 Trapped in the Colosseum

The beast seemed to have been hungry for a long time, and as soon as it was released, it pounced on the strong man.

The strong man seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and dodged the attack of the beast all at once.

One beast and one man are chasing after each other in this huge Colosseum.

The people around got tired of this kind of chasing, and shouted that if they didn't run away, they would add a few hundred taels, a few thousand taels of silver.

The strong man's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he actually stood there without running, confronting the beast head-on.

Then, Hua Jiujiu closed his eyes.

Sure enough, within a short time, the sound of the strong man's screams and the sound of the flesh being torn apart were heard.

The people around were even more excited, and even jumped up and cheered.

Hua Jiujiu opened his eyes, looking at this group of people who were gloating, his face was full of disgust.

Yuchi Mocheng looked at this kind of flower wine, thinking that she might still not be used to it.

So, still did not unlock her acupuncture points, let her continue to watch.

It wasn't until after a few rounds that Hua Jiujiu became insensitive that she unlocked her acupuncture points.

The moment he untied it, Huajiujiu attacked Yuchi Mocheng.

Yuchi Mocheng's face changed, "Jiu'er, don't make trouble, don't you like it?"

"I like your sister!" Hua Jiujiu shouted violently.

She really couldn't take it anymore, what kind of perverted psychology is this, who would like it.

"Jiu'er, can't this place make you happy?" Yuchi Mocheng was a little puzzled.

Every time he is in a bad mood, he will become very happy when he comes here.

But why is this woman unhappy?

What is wrong?

"Happy your sister!" Hua Jiujiu felt even worse.

Although this man had a good intention and came all the way here to make her happy, but she didn't like being forced or this kind of place, so she just found this man annoying.

If she doesn't beat this man out, she won't be called Huajiujiu.

Yuchi Mocheng was forced to fight with Hua Jiujiu, if he didn't do it again, he would be seriously injured.

There was a lot of movement in the box, which attracted the guards outside to come in.

It is stipulated here that fighting in private is not allowed, so when they saw them fighting, they all came up to stop them.

Hua Jiujiu didn't care about these people, and continued to attack Yuchi Mocheng.

Seeing Hua Jiujiu being so arrogant, those people all shot at Hua Jiujiu.

"Get out!" Yuchi Mocheng shouted coldly.

But these people still didn't stop, and continued to attack Huajiujiu.

Yuchi Mocheng suppressed his anger, and shot one of them fiercely, regardless of the identity of the other party.

"Bang!" sounded.

That person was shot flying, and Huajiujiu was also shot flying, and that direction was still the direction of the window.

Yuchi Mocheng's pupils shrank, and he flew over to catch Huajiujiu, but it was still a step too late.

Huajiujiu fell straight down.


It really beeped the dog!
Hua Jiujiu never thought that he would be so miserable when he met Yuchi Mocheng.

I'm afraid I'm going to be crippled!

Yuchi Mocheng was about to jump down, but was stopped by someone, who coldly warned: "If you go down, you won't be able to get up."

Unless you kill the beast.

Yuchi Mocheng turned his head and slapped the person who blocked him.

The man was directly photographed against the wall and turned into a meatloaf. He stared wide-eyed and looked ahead, obviously not believing that he died just like that.

"Is this deity also something you can stop?!"

In a word, let the rest of the people tremble with fear.

It turned out... It turned out to be the master!

However, when the master came, he didn't reveal his identity at all. They were all newcomers, so they didn't know it at all.

Damn it, if you can enter this box, how can there be other people!

As soon as they thought of taking the woman brought by their master into the Colosseum, they wished they could die on the spot and save themselves from being severely tortured later.

Hua Jiujiu adjusted her posture so that she would not fall so badly.

However, the pain in the impression did not come.

She fell on a meat pad.

It was the person who had just been slapped to death by the beast's paw.

This person had just died, and the blood flowing out of the wound on his body was still warm. After being pressed down by Huajiu, it spurted out again from the wound.

Blood splashed all over Huajiujiu, directly turning her into a bloody person.

The thick blood tangled in his nostrils, making Hua Jiujiu almost nauseous.

That damned man in Yuchi Mocheng, she must stab him to death next time!
"Roar!" Suddenly, the sound of a beast sounded.

Hua Jiujiu had goosebumps all over her body, she raised her head abruptly, and saw a ferocious beast with red eyes, rushing towards her quickly.

No, the blood on my body made this very hungry beast go crazy!

Before there was any reaction, the people above cheered, their voices were deafening, and they could even cover the roar of ferocious beasts.

A woman turned out to be a woman!
I didn't expect there to be such a special program, it must be very exciting!

A woman suddenly fell down just now, and they didn't realize it. Fortunately, they recovered in time, otherwise wouldn't they miss the next exciting scene?
Huajiujiu was about to roll over to avoid the beast's attack, but was suddenly caught by a big hand. He threw Huajiujiu forcefully, and flung Huajiujiu aside, while he was forced to face the charging beast.

Yuchi Mocheng actually didn't want to face the beast, but he didn't slow down after coming down from such a high place. It was impossible for him to fly away from the original place with Huajiu, so he had to send Huajiu to the place first. On the side, and I personally confronted the beast.

Hua Jiujiu's butt hurt a little from the fall, but she didn't care about it, but looked nervously at Yuchi Mocheng.

Although this man was annoying, she didn't need to watch him die tragically in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, Yuchi Mocheng was not a vegetarian, he punched the beast in the eye, then turned over and jumped onto the beast's back.

That posture was not generally handsome, and the people above couldn't help cheering.

Although they don't understand what's going on, it's good to let them see it happily.

Hua Jiujiu saw that Yuchi Mocheng could handle it, so he put away all his emotions and went to the side to watch.

However, looking at it, his face became a little dignified.

The wound on Yuchi Mocheng's body opened!
I don't know if he can handle it.

Facts have proved that this man is a pervert, the more severely injured, the stronger his strength.

Not long after, the beast was beaten to death by him.

Well, my worries are a little unnecessary, she'd better watch the show.

Not to mention, watching others beat beasts, she just felt disgusted and bored, watching this man beat beasts was quite stress-relieving.

Yuchi Mocheng wondered if he would scare Hua Jiujiu by doing this.

He raised his head and took a quick look at her, only to see Huajiujiu who was in a happy mood, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

It seems that this little woman likes his performance even more.

(End of this chapter)

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