Chapter 355 Reaching Wanju County

After Hua Jiujiu explained the recovery situation at each stage to Qiu Jinyu, he was ready to leave for Wanju County.

Of course, if there are any rehabilitation problems in the future, Qiu Jinyu can also go to Wanju County to find her.

Qiu Jinyu looked at Hua Jiujiu who was running so hard, his eyes shone brightly.

He will get everything back as soon as possible, and protect the people he cares about!
This time, it's not just Hua Jiujiu who is going to Wanju County, but also An Qingyan. Her family also has a shop in Wanju County, and the business there is not very good, so they plan to take over. of.

An Qingyan went, and Bai Zhi naturally followed. She also wanted to make her famous as soon as possible.

Go to a bigger place, so that you can become famous faster, and then you will become someone else begging for your own existence.

In addition, there is Nangong Yu, but he has already gone to develop, and now he is probably about to open.

Naturally, Dongfang Lan can't be left behind, but his hot pot restaurant in Fangyuan Town has just opened not long ago, and it's not stable yet, so he postponed it for a while, but he believes that he will catch up with everyone soon.

Because, this hot pot restaurant is even more popular than he imagined, even more exaggerated than Nangong Yu's restaurant!

Dongfang Lan's hands cramp up counting money every night.

Everyone is moving forward in an orderly manner, and their efforts are obvious to all.

Therefore, they deserve to be able to stand at the pinnacle of this world in the future.

Sitting in the carriage, Hua Jiujiu looked at the receding scenery, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I'm afraid we will go farther and farther in the future."

"I'll be back." Lou Sijin, who was driving outside, reassured.

"That's right." Hua Jiujiu nodded.

Bai Zhi, who closed her eyes to rest, opened her eyes involuntarily, looked at the scenery outside the window, and fell silent.

Will it really come back?

In other words, is it really possible to go back?
Hua Jiujiu sensed Bai Zhi's deep emotions, and said softly, "Mother, there will always be our home." No matter how far we have traveled or how many things we have experienced, it will always be their home.

Bai Zhi withdrew her gaze and rubbed Hua Jiujiu's hair in relief.

"Well, that's our home." She will definitely do her best to come back.

Hua Jiujiu showed a happy smile, she felt that her mother's condition was much better.

After driving for a long time, the carriage finally arrived at Wanju County.

Hua Jiujiu felt puzzled, Yuchi Mocheng brought her here that night, it seemed to be quite close.

Probably because their carriages drive slower.

Hua Jiujiu didn't go directly to the mansion in the carriage, but got out of the carriage with Lou Sijin, intending to go in, just in time to see the situation in Wanju County.

Wanju County is also very big, and it also has a river, and a dock that is smaller than Fangyuan Town.

But, it's nice to have it this way.

At least it will be much more lively than other counties, and it will be more interesting.

When Huajiujiu heard about Wanju County, he thought about whether Wanju County could be developed into a prefectural city.

In this way, it can be regarded as an important base for her.

However, it is very difficult for a county to develop into a prefecture, not as simple as a town becoming a county.

Everything still has to come slowly.

Hua Jiujiu paid the money to enter the county seat, and then followed Lou Sijin around the streets.

The streets in Wanju County are not as clearly divided as in Fangyuan Town. Rich people and ordinary people all shop on that street, but the shops they choose are different. In fact, there is no It's such a big difference.

Although the streets are not accurately divided, the residential area is still clearly divided, the kind that can be seen at a glance.

Because the flow of people here will be greater, so there are more shops. Every type of shop can be seen without a long distance, which leads to considerable competition among them.

If you don't have any strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to gain a foothold here.

It's just that the county seat is so competitive, let alone places like Fucheng and Lingcheng.

Therefore, it was a correct choice not to go to Lingcheng immediately.

Of course, it was a very correct choice that Liangyan Hall did not open immediately.

Otherwise, you have to be run to death.

I don't know if that lady can control the huge family?
Hua Jiujiu feels that the time she has given is enough, if it doesn't work, she doesn't mind giving it a push.

Looking at the various stalls around, Huajiujiu was very leisurely shopping and buying.

"Don't underestimate the craftsmanship of these people, they may become unique existences." Huajiu said seriously.

Jin Yue said that this was obviously an excuse for spending money indiscriminately.

Lou Sijin said dotingly: "Well, it's just like you." Back then, Huajiujiu also got rich by selling flowers.

Of course, the most important thing is to sell medicinal materials.

Speaking of medicinal materials, Hua Jiujiu has already handed over the matter to his subordinates.

The herbal seeds planted by the villagers are all seeds soaked in water from her space, which is completely enough to supply the needs of the Renyitang.

Although they haven't harvested much medicinal materials yet, the villagers have tasted the sweetness and excitedly pulled out all the food they had planted before and planted herbs instead. It has to be said that it is extremely exaggerated.

Hua Jiujiu raised her chin proudly, that's how powerful she is.

The pampering in Lou Sijin's eyes became more obvious.

Huajiujiu continued to stroll around the stalls. She preferred to visit stalls rather than shops.

At least there will be some differences, which are somewhat interesting.

Suddenly, Hua Jiujiu stopped in front of a stall, picked up a box of rouge powder, "You made this?"

The stall owner lowered his head to embroider, and was startled by Hua Jiujiu's sudden voice.

She raised her head timidly, her face was blocked by thick hair, making it impossible to see her appearance clearly.

She looked at the box of rouge powder in Hua Jiujiu's hand, and nodded slightly.

"All of these?" Hua Jiujiu pointed to other things.

She tapped lightly again.

These rouge gouaches are all carved with beautiful paintings. They don't look exquisite like rouge gouaches, but a work of art that people can't bear to destroy, not to mention the wooden box outside, which is even more exquisite.

It stands to reason that someone should buy such a beautiful rouge powder, and even if no one buys it, it should attract people's attention.

Hua Jiujiu checked the rouge gouache and found that the product was too low-quality. Moreover, the stall owner was too depressed and didn't shout like others, so naturally he couldn't attract others' attention.

"I want this." Hua Jiujiu took a box of exquisite rouge powder.

"That... this rouge powder... can only last for half an hour." The stall owner's voice was like a mosquito.

Hua Jiujiu was dumbfounded by what she said.

She knew that the rouge powder was not easy to use, but she didn't expect that he would admit it voluntarily.

No wonder no one wants such exquisiteness!

(End of this chapter)

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