Chapter 365 The Stupid Woman

Those who panicked would become a little too excited, so that Su Mo, who was walking in front of them, became their target of attack.

"It's all you, unscrupulous businessmen, I want you to pay for it."

"Give us the antidote, we don't want to die."

"Ah, I don't want to die, it's terrible."

All the women, without their previous dignified looks, rushed towards Su Mo with ferocious faces, and the sharp nails were about to scratch Su Mo's face.

Su Mo took a step back calmly, and said coldly, "Those who don't want to die, calm down."

These women won't listen to what they say now, and will only make troubles more unreasonably, so they can only use threats.

Sure enough, the group of people quieted down, but soon someone shouted angrily: "Sure enough, you have shown your true colors, and you are threatening us, why, are you going to kill us all?"

Everyone backed away in horror, for fear that they would really kill themselves.

Apparently, they have been rhythmically driven to the point where they have no ability to think.

How could it be possible to massacre such people all at once, and they were all people with a little money.

Su Mo's cold eyes fell on the man, and the man took a step back in fear.

He was sure that this person was a procrastinator. He glanced at the person in the dark, and the person immediately understood and started to investigate.

"Hehe, do you think I killed you first, or you spoke first?" Su Mo's cold voice made people tremble.

The man's face turned pale immediately, and he closed his mouth tightly, not daring to speak at all.

Although the reward given by the person behind was generous enough, it was not as important as his own life.

For a moment, everyone shut up, and they leaned against each other tremblingly, for fear that they would attack themselves first.

"First, we are businessmen, and businessmen are after profits, so how can we do things that are self-defeating?"

"Secondly, Mr. Qianzui is a doctor, and his medical skills are comparable to Mr. Miao Ai's. How could such a situation happen to his guests?"

"Third, even if we want to kill people, we should kill them secretly, not under the eyes of the county magistrate. Could it be that we, Mr. Qianzui, like the dungeons in the yamen?"

"The most important thing is, when encountering such a situation, isn't the first reaction to ask for a doctor? Some people seem to be too indifferent and ruthless, making people think that this woman has an enmity with you, and she has missed such an important thing. Treatment time."

Every sentence made the hearts of the people present clear, and they were even a little ashamed.

Yes, he was absolutely right!

Especially the last point, not only did they not invite a doctor, but they even booed after him, wouldn't they become indirect murderers?

One by one, they didn't even dare to fart, and even lowered their heads, for fear that people would know that the woman's death had something to do with them.

As a result, they didn't know when Hua Jiujiu came over, and Su Mo only found out after yelling.

"Young master." Su Mo said respectfully.

Everyone looked at Hua Jiujiu, but quickly lowered their heads in shame, because they said that about Mr. Qianzui just now.

Hua Jiujiu nodded to Su Mo, expressing that he already knew what had happened, then walked to the person lying motionless on the ground, squatted down and checked.

This person is still angry, but he is almost gone.

Hua Jiujiu immediately rescued her.

Everyone looked at Hua Jiujiu who was struggling to save him in confusion. What was Master Qianzui doing to a dead man?

When seeing the person who was out of breath suddenly exhaled, everyone suddenly realized.

Then there was a look of shock again, "He's alive! Mr. Qianzui saved him!" Amazing, it's really amazing!
Everyone looked at Young Master Qianzui with eagerness and reverence.

For this change of everyone, Hua Jiujiu is completely disdainful, because who knows when these people will suddenly turn against each other.

She can't afford and doesn't want a brainless person.

After Hua Jiujiu brought her back to life, she checked the situation again, and then had a rough guess in her mind.

However, this guess, and what made her wonder, how did she get poisoned?

"She's been poisoned." Hua Jiujiu looked at the people present and said.

Everyone gasped, they were really poisoned, could it be that Yuyantang really poisoned them?
Hua Jiujiu took a cool look at the people around him.

She just said that these people have no brains.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes embarrassed everyone present.

Well, they were impulsive again just now, this poison must not have been poisoned by her!

"No matter who poisoned it, I'm afraid this face will be ruined."

"Yeah, if I'm sure, I'd rather die than live with this face on my face."

"Yes, me too."

"Oh, it's a pity for this person."

"I recognize her. Her family doesn't have much money, but she loves beauty very much. She used to go to the Beauty Hall, especially yesterday. After going there, her skin suddenly became much whiter and tenderer. This is probably because of Yuyantang's strength. There is a discount for the opening, so I came here."

When Hua Jiujiu heard this, he suddenly realized something, some things that he didn't want to understand, he immediately figured it out.

"You said she went to the beauty salon, and her skin became much whiter all of a sudden?" She walked up to the person who spoke just now.

That person didn't expect Hua Jiujiu to talk to her suddenly, some of them didn't react, and after a while he blushed and nodded: "Ah, yes."

Hua Jiujiu remembered that he had seen something from Meiyantang two days ago, and that thing was not considered qualified.

However, because the damage wasn't too great, she didn't take it to heart. After all, there are many illegal skin care products in modern times.

However, now I have to care about it, because there are some things in this skin care product that have seriously exceeded the standard.

"My lord, this is a new product launched by Beauty Hall yesterday, and it is very popular with everyone."

Su Mo took out a bottle of skin care products from his bosom, originally thinking that Huajiujiu had seen their products, so maybe there was no need to read them, and Huajiujiu was always busy, but now it seems that If there is a problem, fortunately, he is always ready.

Knowing that Yuyantang will open today, Meiyantang launched a new product yesterday, hoping that the opening of Yuyantang will not go well tomorrow, but Meiyantang still underestimated Yuyantang. After they launched the scar cream, this It has no effect on them at all.

Seeing the bottle in Su Mo's hand, many people in the crowd spoke.

"Ah, this is it. It's very useful. I also bought it yesterday. I finally got it."

"Me too, me too."

"It really turns white, it's amazing."

"Look, my skin is much better than last time."

"Yeah, I'm glad I went early yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to grab it."

Someone in the crowd expressed emotion one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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