Rough man's magic doctor's little wife is a black lotus

Chapter 369 The Angry County Magistrate

Chapter 369 The Angry County Magistrate
Overnight, Yuyantang became famous, and the corresponding beauty hall plummeted, and many people went to the beauty hall to make trouble.

When this incident reached the ears of Magistrate Zhang, Magistrate Zhang's head was about to explode.

"Trash, why haven't you suppressed the matter yet?" County Magistrate Zhang angrily threw an inkstone at the person kneeling in front of him, and directly threw his head and blood.

The shopkeeper of the Beauty Hall didn't dare to dodge, resisting the heavy blow forcefully, he said with blood dripping, "My lord, I don't know what happened, several people were poisoned overnight."

In fact, his heart was broken, and he was suppressed after only one night.

Even the most powerful people are not so fast!

Sure enough, standing and talking doesn't hurt your back!
"Trash, didn't you say there's nothing wrong with this thing? Why did Mr. Qianzui find something wrong when he checked it?" County Magistrate Zhang became angrier the more he heard it.

At the beginning, these people assured him that there would be no major problems.

During the opening period, there were indeed no problems, but, for some reason, so many problems arose as soon as Mr. Qianzui came.

Could it be that Young Master Qianzui did the trick?
Looking at Magistrate Zhang's gloomy face, the shopkeeper knew that he must be thinking about Mr. Qianzui.

Suddenly, there was an urge to push everything on him.

After all, I really can't bear such consequences.

"My lord, you have also seen the effect of our skin care products. They are really useful, and there have been no problems for so long. Why is it that Mr. Qianzui just came. Everyone has been poisoned." The shopkeeper finally Still decided to throw the pot away, he said while looking at County Magistrate Zhang cautiously.

County magistrate Zhang's face became even more ugly. He said so, and he was more and more sure that it was Mr. Qianzui who did it.

After all, this man's medical skills are so good, it's not impossible to do something if he really wants to.

"What are you still kneeling here for? Why don't you suppress this matter!" No matter what, this matter needs to be suppressed first, otherwise my position will be unstable. After all, there are still many people who know He has something to do with Beauty Hall.

"Yes, yes, I'll deal with this little one." The shopkeeper stepped back quickly, afraid that if he was a step too late, Magistrate Zhang would take his anger out on him again, but he managed to divert Magistrate Zhang's attention.

After the shopkeeper left, there were only two people left in the house, County Magistrate Zhang and Master, and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

"Master, what do you think about this?" County magistrate Zhang asked seriously while stroking his beard.

The master has not spoken since just now, and he has been thinking about what happened last night. He feels that he is still a little bit unresponsive, and a little bit too stimulated.

He felt strange, obviously he had not seen the world, let alone foresaw someone who was more vicious than him, but for some reason, facing Young Master Qianzui, he was flustered, as if he didn't care what he wanted. No matter what countermeasures are taken, it is useless for him.

This is a very pale and powerless feeling.

"My lord, I don't think this matter has anything to do with Mr. Qianzui." The master still expressed his opinion.

"Why, after we met last night, you were bribed by him, and you wanted to speak for him?" County magistrate Zhang's tone was full of warning.

The master quickly denied it, "No, my lord, I had someone investigate all the information about Mr. Qianzui, and I don't think he is a person who can play tricks behind his back."

He will not play tricks behind his back, he will show you in person.

County magistrate Zhang has also received information about Mr. Qianzui long ago, and he also knows that this person is probably not that kind of person.

However, Mr. Qianzui still offended him, so it is not up to him whether he is that kind of person.

Thinking of the threats Mr. Qianzui said to his master last night, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

It was a bright slap on his face.

If he still doesn't do anything, wouldn't it make him more afraid of him?
Just kidding, I don't know where it's just a clown jumping out, but I dare to be so arrogant!

Don't think that if you know some medical skills, you can be confident with the support of the young ladies and sons of the An family, Nangong family and Dongfang family.

In the end, he was just some businessmen, so how could he compare to those who became officials, not to mention, there were even more powerful people behind him!
County magistrate Zhang is inflated now, because the power given to him by the people behind him is getting bigger and bigger, so that some of them are floating.

"Master, no matter what, you must make Mr. Qianzui pay the price!" Offending him is better than losing face. What's more, there is still Mr. Miao Ai, and now I can afford it The cost of seeing a doctor.

The master hesitated to speak.

"I must let him know who owns this place and who has the final say!"

County magistrate Zhang's eyes were full of viciousness.

The master had no choice but to swallow back what he originally wanted to persuade.

My lord is getting more and more bloated now, I can't listen to anyone's words, and I don't pay attention to anyone, so I can't get into trouble at this time.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "My lord, I have a solution here."

After all, I am just a subordinate, and I can only obey the meaning of the above.

So even though he knew that Mr. Qianzui was not easy to mess with, and that they might be backlashed by them, he still had to come up with some solutions, otherwise he would not be able to keep his position now, and he hadn't had enough of this position yet.

Magistrate Zhang looked at him.

The master glanced around, and just in case, he leaned into Magistrate Zhang's ear and whispered his plan.

After hearing this, County Magistrate Zhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately made a decision: "That's it! If this matter is done well, I will reward you well."

"Thank you, my lord, I will definitely do my best." The master replied excitedly.

County magistrate Zhang waved his hand, signaling him to hurry up and get ready.

The master hurriedly saluted and retreated.

Huajiujiu was still sitting in Yuyantang, and fell into deep thought after hearing the report from the person staring at County Magistrate Zhang.

"Miss, do you want to act first?" Jin Yue suggested.

"No need." Hua Jiujiu said lightly.

Jin Xue on the side said a little worriedly: "Miss, we don't know their plan, so it seems very passive."

"Although the master is smarter than County Magistrate Zhang, he is just a little clever."

Hua Jiujiu didn't pay attention to this master at all, and just because of his few words last night, his mentality collapsed a little, so he knew that this person was totally unfounded.

However, she still needs to be on guard. After all, although this master is not very smart, he is a villain!

(End of this chapter)

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